thirty-three :: maya meets missy

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A/N: Hey guys! I've been seeing a lot of rude comments and I just want to let you know that if you're going to correct me, please do it politely, so I can change it. But if you do it rudely, and fight with other users it makes me angry- so please keep that in mind. ily xoxo Katie


I continued to talk with Cassidy, she told me about how she's planning to go to Columbia for college, and I had to admit Columbia was a dream school of mine. But with my grades I don't know if I would be accepted.

All night I kept my eyes on Lucas, he was drinking, a lot. He seemed to be getting more addicted to alcohol every day. I'm sure it's nothing too serious, but I was just worried about him. 

He was talking to Missy for hours, I could hear her obnoxious laugh from across the club, but I trust Lucas. I do right? Yes, yes I do. I trust him. 

I tore my eyes away from him and back to Cassidy. She must have realized I was looking at them.

"Hey, don't worry," She said trying to comfort me, "the bad boy, and the popular girl always end up together."

Lucas Friar, a bad boy? No way in hell. 

"Huckleberry's not a bad boy at all, I actually think it's the opposite." I laughed.

"Oh I though he was, because of when he punched Josh, multiple times and beat the shit out of Jacob." Cassidy made a point.

"Well when you put it that way," I laughed, but then I realized something, "How do you know about all of this?"

"Word travels fast around here, and I'm not sure why Lucas beat his ass, but I'm sure he had it coming." Cassidy laughed.

"He sure did," I said. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and to my surprise it was Missy. She smiled falsely at me, "Your Maya right?"

"Ya," I said confused of what was happening. Cassidy said nothing she just sat and watched it all happen.

"You know you and Lucas are pretty famous back in Brooklyn," Missy rose her eyebrow, "Only if everyone knew how much of a bitch you are."

I gasped out of her pure rudeness, "What are you talking about?"

"You do remember me, don't you?" She laughed. Then she rolled up her sleeves showing her numerous tattoos, "From the party."

Then I remembered. She was the one who dared me and Lucas to kiss each other. 

"Oh, ya." I said sarcastically. 

"You know, you boyfriend is pretty drunk over there, and he told me about you lying about your virginity. And he told me about Jacob, and Josh. Poor Maya Hart." She gave me a fake sad face.

"Fiancé," I corrected her. 

"What?" She said dumbfounded.

"He's my fiancé," I smiled at her, I still got my bitchy side. 

"I don't know why Lucas would marry you," She rolled her eyes at me, "You left him alone, and you lied to him."

"That happened a long time ago, okay?" I stood up for myself, "I would never hurt Lucas." 

"It's a little too late for that, when you were gone he was an emotional wreck," Missy said smirking.

I looked away from her trying to contain my feelings. I wasn't mad at Lucas, I was mad at Missy. How could she say things like that to people?

"I know what Josh and Jacob did to you," Missy's voice got quiet, "I bet you still have the scars."

Tears started to roll down my eyes as I looked back to her. I clenched my jaw trying to to cry any further but I couldn't help it. She crossed the line.

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