forty-six :: maya meets fight club

4K 210 197

A/N: Only 10k away from 200k! thank you sooo much ily all!! xoxo Katie

Maya's POV:

I put my phone on silent and enjoyed the ride in the car with these boys I've never really gotten to know before.

"So Maya, do you even remember us?" Alex asked me.

"Um," I stalled, "Not really."

"She remembers me," Jacob winked.

"Sadly," I remarked making his friends laugh, "Where are we going anyway?"

"There is this amazing club I know-" Matt started but I cut him off.

"I'm pregnant, and I'm sober, so I will not be drinking," I said.

"He means, fight club," Jacob told me and I nodded.

"Aren't we not supposed to talk about fight club?" I asked.

"You said you felt like you need to stand up for yourself more in Study Skills, so here's another way, plus we've been going here for a while," Jacob explained.

The car pulled up to the boxing gym, I got out of the car and everyone else followed. I walked into the gym, it smelled like sweat and cologne, it reminded me of the way Lucas smelled in middle school.

Lucas is probably dying right now looking for me.

"Hello," The man greeted us from the front desk.

"Hey," I smiled and the man smiled back.

"She wants a boxing lesson," Jacob said for me.

I gave him a disgusted look, "I can speak for myself."

"I know Maya Hart," He smirked at me.

"It's Friar," I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways," The man at the front desk awkwardly said, "Follow me, Maya. Boys you can go warm up in the gym."

I followed the man as he lead me to a changing room.

"Here are some clothes you can borrow," He handed me a stack of clothing, "Have you ever boxed before."

"Not really, but I have knocked some people out before," I shrugged.

"I like you," He laughed, "I'm Zack, and I'll be showing you some basic moves."

"Can I punch Jacob in the face?" I said a little too excited.

"How about this, once you get changed you can battle Jacob in the ring. He's too prissy to actually hit you," Zack laughed.

"Deal," I smirked and Zack left me to change.

I changed into workout leggings that stop about mid-calf, with a grey sports bra that had cross designs in the back.

It felt kinda awkward to be in just a sports bra in front of those boys, but as long as I get to punch one in the face I'm fine.

I went out into the gym and saw Jacob waiting in the ring.

I stepped up and Jacob eyed me up and down taking his lip between his teeth.

"I'm pregnant," I reminded him and he smirked.

"That doesn't make you any less hot," He laughed as I put on my boxing gloves.

"I've never really done this before," I said shyly.

"Don't worry it's your first time I'll go easy on you," Jacob reassured me.

I nodded and we put our hands up.

"You're so hot-" Before he could finish I used my left hook and hit him right across his cheek.

I heard all of his friends cheer and Jacob fell to the ground.

"Holy shit!" Zack yelled.

I knocked Jacob out.

"Why did you hit him so hard?" Zack asked me.

"I wanted to give him the bruise he gave me," I said and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone move.

I looked over to see who it was.

It was Josh.

He stood outside the changing room. Once our eyes connected his walked into the changing room. Leaving everything behind I ducked under the ring's ropes and ran to the changing room.

Josh was sitting on the benches his hand hung low.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"You know why," He said his voice sounding like angels from above.

"I don't," I sat next to him, "I'm starting to feel crazy."

"Don't you remember what happened," He lifted his head to look at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I shook my head.

"Don't you remember the last time you were pregnant?"

His words hit me like a gun shot, because I did. And I never forgot.

Lucas' POV:

I kept texting Maya but I got no response, I regretted every rude word I said to her.

If it wasn't for my dumb ass mouth, Maya would be here with me.

She's with Jacob, I know that for sure. It makes me crazy that he's with my pregnant wife. Who know what he would do to her?

If he lays a hand on Maya I swear to God.

My phone rang and I answered it as quickly as possible, "Hello?"

"Lucas?" I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Yes, who is this?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, Maya is in trouble."

"What?" I said my voice becoming even more stressed, "What the hell happened?"

"We're at the Fight Club right down the street from our high school and  she was boxing, and she knocked Jacob out, and then she went into the changing room. And she won't come out, she's crying about someone named Josh."

I hung up after those words.

Maya told me she was seeing Josh, but not like this.

A/N; well this chapter was trash im sorry. BUT PLOT TWIST #30 lmao

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