thirty-two :: maya meets proposal

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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100K IM SCREAMING! I never thought my fanfic would have such an effect on people! I hope you have enjoyed the story so far, because its not even close to being over. and this is probably my favorite chapter yet. I took some inspiration from my favorite tv couple, Chuck and Blair from Gossip Girl lol.

Also, for the people asking for Lucas and Maya to have sex, I want you to remember that they just had a serious fight about Maya not telling Lucas she was a virgin. Plus I have plans for them, and they may not be so good.

xoxo Katie.


It was Christmas day and it was snowing outside the apartment windows. It was cold, despite Lucas and I having the heater on all night. We also didn't put up much decorations, just our stockings and the christmas tree. Underneath we only had two presents, my present to Lucas, and his present to me.

We woke up at 10 and I started the coffee as Lucas started up the fire place.

"Here you go," I said handing him his coffee, "and Merry Christmas." 

"Merry Christmas," he said back grabbing the cup of coffee. Lucas was the more excited on out of us. Or maybe he was more nervous.

"Do you want to open presents?" I asked Lucas sipping my coffee.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Open yours first!" I smiled and he grabbed his present from under the tree.

He unwrapped the present and saw the gold watch I gave to him. His eyes lit up at my present, I could tell he liked it.

"Maya this is too much," He looked at me with his striking green eyes.

"It cost me nothing, it was my grandfather's my mom gave it to me a few months before she passed. She told me to give it to someone special." I told him, and my cheeks heated up from being so honest.

"Maya," He said my name before he engulfed me in a huge hug.

His large arms wrapped around me and I could feel his heart beating in his chest.

"I know you dont open up to a lot of people, so this means a lot to me." He said over my shoulder.

We broke the hug as Lucas grabbed my present for me. I couldn't help but notice how Lucas was nervous, and a bit scared about this present. It's not a bomb is it?

I unwrapped it and it revealed a small black box, with the word's Tiffany's written on the top.

Before I could process what was happening Lucas took the box from me and got down on one knee. I covered my mouth in shock. My whole body was surprised and I couldn't help but smile.

"I know this is a little fast, but just let me explain," Lucas said his eyes connected in mine, "I want to marry you Maya, more than anything. But we have a long future ahead. We need to graduate, and find colleges that work for the both of us. That's going to be a hard time, and I don't want to lose you." Lucas stood up, "That makes this proposal special. This ring isn't going around you finger, it's going around your neck," He wrapped the necklace around me," And once we decided we're ready for this kind of commitment, you'll put that ring on your finger and we will get married."

I was in a state of shock. It was silent and all I could feel were the tears rolling down my cheeks. Lucas seemed a little confused by my actions. But could he blame me for being so surprised?

Maybe I was just scared to love someone again. That someone might actually treat me good.

But I'm not that girl anymore, Lucas changed me for the better.

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