fifteen :: maya meets goodbyes

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A/N: Thank you so much for 5K and 400+ votes! You guys are amazing I love you so much! 💗

"I have cancer." Farkle said and my heart dropped.

"What," Riley said out of shock.

We were all in shock. I felt as if I missed a step on the stairs but five times worse. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"I have lung cancer, it's pretty bad." He tried to smile, but it didn't work, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's okay Farkle, we have no idea what you're going through." Lucas comferted him, "Just know that you can't get rid of us."

Riley was crying already, she was wiping her eyes as Farkle rubbed her back.

"They said I should have died months ago, they said it's a miracle." He explained, "They said that the cancer is going away slowly, and that if I hang on long enough I can fight this through."

"That's good Farkle." I said my eyes stinging from incoming tears.

"I know Maya." He looked at me with his innocent eyes.

How could the universe let something like this happen to Farkle?

"Can I talk to Riley, alone?" Farkle asked me and Lucas and we nodded polietly and left him with Riley.


Lucas and Maya left us alone. I was absolutely hysterical, I couldn't control how much I was crying.

"Hey Riley." He said and I looked up at Farkle, "I proposed to you that day, because I thought I wouldn't have lasted any longer. And I wanted to spend my last days with you."

I cried even harder, "I regret saying no."

"I know." He smiled sweetly at me.

"I'm not leaving you, Farkle." I proclaimed.

"Riley, you have to go to school, and graduate. You're whole life is in New York." Farkle said.

"You're my life. I didn't know it until you were gone, I wish I knew you were the one who really cared for me. I was so distracted by the thought of Lucas that I missed someone who really cared for me." I told him.

"It's okay Riley, but you need to go live your life." He said as he squeezed my hand.

"I love you, and I can't be away from you. I'll do online school and I'll stay here with you. I would bring you McFlurry's and board games and we would laugh and be together." I fantasized, "It's time for me to move out of Rileytown, and into the Farkle Nation."

Farkle smiled and my whole body warmed, "I would love that Riley."

"I know." I smiled, "My mom would understand, she's always been that way. But my dad might need some convincing."

"You don't have to stay with me." Farkle said.

"Farkle, no matter what happens I want to stay with you. I'm going to ask my parents, and if they say no then they're going to have to deal with it." I said.

I left Farkle for a short moment to borrow Maya's phone so I could talk to my parents.

I typed in my mom's number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello? Maya is that you? Where are you?" My mom asked over the phone.

"Hi, mom it's Riley." I said.

"Riley! Oh my God, where have you been? Your father and I have been so worried!" She scolded me.

"Mom, please just let me explain." I told her.

"Fine. But this better be good." She agreed.

I told her about how we planned the whole thing. And our trip to DC, plus how Maya and Lucas teased me. Then I told her how Farkle is sick and I want to spend every moment with him and if I don't I'll regret it the rest of my life. By the end of our conversation my mom was crying, she knew exactly how I felt.

"It's okay, Riley. I'll come down there for a few days and we can figure something out. I'm so sorry. Tell Farkle that I'm praying for him." She said before hanging up.

I knew she would understand. But that's only half the battle. How am I going to tell Maya that I'm not coming back home?



"Yes." She replied.

"I'm not coming home." I blurted, "I'm going to stay and look after Farkle and make sure he knows how much I love him."

"Riles," She sighed, "How do you know you love him? Aren't you rushing into things?"

"I get what you're trying to say Maya. But I know how I feel." I smiled, "My mom agreed to come down here and we could figure something out."

"I'm really going to miss you." She teared up.

"I'm only four hours away." I hugged my best friend.

"What's four hours in the history of best friendship?" Maya said and we laughed.

I'm going to miss her, and Lucas, and Auggie, and my dad. But I know that if I went back home I'd miss Farkle more.




Riley decided to stay with Farkle, and I thinks she made the right choice. She was so torn when he left, I can't imagine how she would feel if she lost him again.

I hugged her so hard before leaving with Lucas.

I'm going to miss her and Farkle so much.

Lucas and I stayed in silence from him saying that he loves me after only days of dating.

"I'm sorry but..." He paused, "I love you."

"Lucas!" I scolded him.

"It's true, and I don't care if you don't love me back. I'll wait for you to open yourself to me. But I'm not going to deny that I love you." He said.


A/N (again):

I really need your help on this ... should I continue my story line with Farkle and Riley?

And if so should I post chapters here and there about what's happening with them, or create a whole new book about them? So it would be a spinoff with Farkle and Riley.

Please tell me how you feel! xoxo, Katie

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