twenty :: maya meets halloween

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A/N: PG-13ish parts in the chapter! If you aren't comfortable reading those type of things feel free to skip!


Today was Halloween, which is already unsettling. But what I'm really scared of is Josh. What if he comes back for Maya? I wish I could protect her all the time but what if she slips through my fingertips?

"Hey babe." Maya walked in with her hands behind her back. Maya was so perfect. Her small body, with the most hypnotizing curves, and the way she sways her hips back and forth.

"Hey baby girl." I gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Guess what I got?" Maya said happily but I know she was sad inside.

"Let me guess." I teased, "It's Halloween- so I'm guessing costumes?"

"How'd you know?" She joked back revealing two costumes.

I looked at my costume.

"You're kidding, right?" I said.

"Just try it on!" Maya handed it to me.

It was a Cowboy cotume. How original.

"What are you going to be?" I asked Maya.

She held up her costume, "A vampire."

I looked at the costume and imagined how stunning it would look on Maya. It was a long deep red dress that I know would look perfect on her light skin, and it had a slit up to the thigh. It was classy but extremely sexy.

"Maya," I said unsure.

Her face fell, "You don't like it?"

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed, "But I think other guys will like it too."

Maya smirked, "Are you jealous?"

"No." I scoffed- although I was insanely jealous.

"Oh come on Lucas! I don't like any of those frat guys." Maya spoke.

"Wait...? Don't tell me we are going to another party." I sighed.

Maya smiled sweetly at me, "Come on, we can't stay hidden up here forever."

I couldn't help but fall into her smile.




I finished my smokey eye completing my vampire makeup. Yes, this outfit is on the sexy side, but I really like it- and I'm a tough girl, I won't let any drunk hit on me.

I curled my hair to one side and I was actually proud of my work. I looked older, and more mature. My eyes didn't have dark circles from crying, and my cheeks weren't swollen from tears. I looked beautiful, and this is the first time I really noticed it.

The door creaked open and I heard Lucas' voice, "Hey Maya, are you done? It's time to go to the-" Lucas' voice stopped, "Wow, you look, gorgeous."

I turned to him and he looked like a love sick puppy. His Cowboy outfit was tight and made his muscles pop, and his green eyes shine.

"Thanks." I said looking down embarrassedly.

"I really mean it." Lucas said stepping towards me. He was so tall- sometimes I don't notice our height difference.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, "I don't say it much- but I'm really attracted to you." He said.

"Oh yeah." I smirked raising one eyebrow. My cheeks heated up from Lucas' warm hands against my waist.

"You make my body feel ways they've never felt before." He whispers into my neck and a spark shot through my body.

"I feel the same." I said.

"I want you, Maya." He said, "All of you."

His words made me happy, but also concerned.

"Lucas, I've never told you this but-" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.

"I know you're a virgin Maya, so am I." Lucas said.

Only if he knew I wasn't.

"Lucas losing your virginity is a big deal." I told him.

"I know." He said, "But I can't think of anyone better to share my first time with."

My heart warmed at his words. He was so gentle, and pure. He was damaged, but inside he stayed so innocent. I wish I could say the same for me.

I kissed him passionatley, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I grew butterflies in my stomache. I missed this feeling. I missed the connection.

He kissed me back and we kept the kiss going to for a while before we broke off. It wasn't awkward- it was perfect. His fore head rested on mine.

"God I love you, Maya Hart." He said.

"I love you too. Lucas Friar."

"Alright- it's time for the party." Lucas said grabbing my hand and guiding me to the car.


The fimiliar smell of alcohol and sweat filled my nose. I was transported back in time to when I was a bad person. But this time was different, I had Lucas' hand intertwined with mine. He had my back- and I had his.

The costumes at this party were ridiculous, girls were dressed so inappropriately. It makes me wonder why they degrade themselves like that- but I used to too.

I lead Lucas to the kitchen to get some sodas. We stood in the kitchen with loud music pumping into our ears.

"What do you want?" I asked him. I poured myself some Sprite.

"I'll actually have some beer." He grabbed a glass beer bottle.

"You drink beer?" I asked him.

"Ya, at first I didn't really like it- but now it's growing on me." He said.

"Hey look!" I said pointing to a sign that read "Haunted House."

"We should go!" I told Lucas.

"I don't know..." He said unsure.

"Come on Lucas- don't be such a scaredy cat!" I told him.

"Fine!" He wined and we went into the haunted house.

It was pitch black and hands were reaching out at us from every angle. I slapped the hands that trying to grab my boobs and my butt. I'm glad it's dark because if Lucas saw that be would have gone crazy.

Out of nowhere a zombie girl dragged me and Lucas in oppisite directions making us split apart. She dragged me into the back of the haunted house. We passed the demonic girls and the mummy into a room with an open door.

She pushed me through the door and closed it behind me, leaving me alone in an empty room. The room was dark and only had one flashlight on the ground that shined bright.

I reached down and grabbed the flashlight. My heart was pounding in fear and I moved the flashlight around the room.

I stopped when my flashlight landed on some one else.

A boy. He faced the wall so I only saw his back. There was a message written in blood above him.

'You can't escape me, no matter how hard you try, Maya.'

It was directed towards me! This can't be real.

The boy turned around. I gasped in fear and immediately started to cry.

"Hello Maya." Josh said with a crooked smile.

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