two :: maya meets lucas

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"Oh." Riley said obviously disappointed as she placed her hands on her lap.

"Let's waste no time, I'll just start assigning wars." Mr.Mathews said, and I just zoned out, not caring about what he has to say.

"Maya?" I felt a touch on my shoulder sending electricity down my spine. I turned around to see Lucas with his hand reached out on my shoulder.

"Sorry- I zoned out." I apologized, and he laughed. The sound made my ears ring with beautiful echos, and his green eyes lit up playfully.

"We got world war two, by the way." He informed me.

"You know, I'm glad I got you as my partner." I told Lucas.

His lips screwed into a smile, "Really?"

"Yeah! Because I know you'll understand that there is this huge party tonight, and I can't work on the project!" I explained.

"Don't worry Maya, we have a whole week." Lucas said understandingly.

There was a moment of silence before Lucas spoke again, "So, who's going to this so called 'huge party'?"

"Everyone, except you, and Riley." I answered.

"What do you mean by that?"

"These type of parties just aren't your thing, there's no sheep riding, corn shucking, or anything." I teased.

"Maya..." Lucas said irritated.

"Trust me Lucas, there's people there you don't want to be involved with." I said, "And because you're lame." I joked.

"Oh, am I really?" Lucas playfully replied.

"Why yes Huckleberry." I laughed.

When I look away from Lucas, I swore he whispered, "I wish I could see that smile all day."

Lucas cleared his throat and I looked back at him and he said, "I think I'll go to that party tonight."

"No, you can't. Lucas, it's not a place you want to be at." I seriously said to him.

"You called me Lucas," Something flashed through his eyes, I couldn't tell if it was pain or hope but I just brushed it off.

"That's how you know I'm being serious."

"Maya, please."

"Lucas, you're too innocent to go to a party filled with barely dressed girls, alcohol, drugs, and just bad influences." I said making a point.

"You are too." He said.

I looked down, I'm not as innocent as he thinks I am.

"We'll protect each other." He smiled, and I smiled back before snapping back into reality.

"Just don't tell Riley."

"Why?" Lucas asked.

"She likes you Lucas, a lot. You guys have been off and on flirting forever. Riley will be crushed if you went to this party."

"I guess you're right." He said sadly, before a smirk grew on his face, "This will be our little secret."

The thought of me and Lucas going to a party together sent chills down my spine. I've always teased Lucas, and pretended I didn't like him. But there's this connection between us you couldn't explain. Him being so innocent, me being the opposite makes it seem like we would never work out. Even if I wanted to date Lucas, it would never happen because I would never to that to Riley. She's my best friend and she loves Lucas so much. Every thing would be perfect if I didn't have strong feelings for him too.

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