thirty-five :: maya meets revenge of the j's

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"Joshua Matthews, has been released today. Since he's a minor they locked up his files to why he was in the insane asylum. But it must have been bad because he is the youngest patient to be admitted. And this asylum isn't just for the regular people who need help, the one Joshua went to is for serious mentally ill patents. He grew up here in our home town, and we all wish him the best," The news reporter said, with a plastered smile on her face.

I turned off the television, and sighed.

All the local news stations were talking about Josh. It was crazy. Something that used to be just my problem turned into a huge mess. People were asking me about him, and I hated it.

Of course they didn't know why he was there, but the truth always comes out. And when it does it'll explode, and I'll be left to pick up the pieces.

Today was my first day at school, after the break. We got our new schedules and Lucas and I only have lunch, and history together.


As I walked into school with Lucas by my side, I felt instantly insecure. People were whispering and staring at me like I was some sort of freak.

People will only focus on your mistakes than how much you've changed.

The bell rang, and I gave Lucas a goodbye kiss before making my way to my first class, Study Skills.

Study Skills is a class for failing upperclassman, like me, who need help before graduating. So we pretty much just sit there and do our homework with the rest of the under achievers.

I was happy I was going to Study Skills, I was with my people.

I walked into my classroom with my books in hand, I was surprised to see no one studying. They were all laughing and eating.

They turned their heads to me, some smiled, some completely ignored me.

"Hi, I'm Maya," I said blatantly, as I took a seat next to a brunette girl.

"We know," They said, just like Cassidy did.

"Okay," I said awkwardly before putting my books on the floor, and resting my feet on the table.

They all watched my every move and I ignored it as I stared at the clock.

"So," The brunette said from beside me, "Is Josh really insane?"

The other kids scolded her, and she raised her hands up in defense, "Sorry."

"No," I brushed it off, "It's okay."

"So you're okay with telling us," A guy asked from across the room.

"To an extent," I shrugged, even though I hated to talk about Josh.

The girl beside me smirked, "So, did you really love Josh?"

"Ya, I did," I answered simply.

"But you also love, Josh?" She asked.

"I did love Josh, but I love Lucas now." I tried to explain.

"How could you love two people who couldn't possibly be more different?" She asked me.

I thought a bit before answering her, "Josh was dangerous, and he made me feel more alive I guess. But I think learning from my mistakes with Josh, made me ready for Lucas," I explained.

"Awwww," All the girls sighed.

"So, what do you guys do in this class anyway?" I asked them.

"Nothing we only-" Before she could finish, the door swung open.

"Sorry I'm late," I heard a familiar voice.

I turned to see who it was, and our eyes connected instantly.


I tore my eyes away from him and looked to the ground.

The nosy brunette noticed and made a comment, "What's up with you two?"

"It's nothing," Jacob brushed it off.

Could he brush something like that off? After he hit me? Especially after Lucas and I welcomed him into our home, and he stole my ring. That bastard.

"Really Jacob?" I snapped, "Everything that happened last semester was nothing?"

"Maya calm down." Jacob said and I was about to burst.

"You know what," I stood up and walked so I was standing right in front of him, "After everything you've done, you don't have to right to tell me what to do."

"Maya," He rolled his eyes.

"Do you want me to tell everyone? You'd probably get in a lot of trouble, and you can kiss your future goodbye."

"You wouldn't," He shook his head.

"Try me." I fake smiled at him.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"My ring." I demanded.

He lifted up the necklace around my neck, "Seems like you got a new one," He grimaced.

"What? You're not jealous are you?" I laughed.

"Maybe I am," Jacob tried to flirt with me.

"Well maybe you should have thought of that before you, you know." I angrily said.

He tightened his jaw in anger, "Don't underestimate me."

"I want my ring." I raised my voice, "That's all I want."

"You can have it back after you realize what a monster Lucas is." He murmured.

"He's not a monster," I replied.

"I used to be like Lucas, I would black out when I was furious, and it's only going to get worse." Jacob tried to persuade me.

"You know what, I'm done." I threw up my arms in defeat.

I grabbed my things and left Study Skills early.

I somehow handled Josh, so maybe one day Jacob will just disappear. Ugh, I girl can dream.

I headed down the hallway, but before I could the worst thing that could ever happen did.

"I heard you have a thing for guy's whose names start with the letter J."

A/N: OMG? who do you think it is??

There are very intense and serious chapters coming soon, so be prepared ;)
xoxo katie

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