seventeen :: maya meets roommates

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AN : warning! really cute lucaya stuff happening!!!

I know what you're thinking...

"Why would you move in with Lucas when you won't even say the 'l' word"

Well, all I can say is that I don't really have an answer for that.

I don't know what it was but I just wanted to be with him. I wanted him to be there, and that if he was there I would never be alone. I wanted to wake up every morning to Lucas making waffles with a huge grin on his face and his eyes to flare a bright green.

But it's not because I 'l' him, I just like him. A lot. I'm not sure if his parents even approve, I've never met his mom as his love intrest, she's lovely and a lot like my mom, but I'm pretty sure she still thinks Lucas is with Riley. But I would never know unless I truly met her.

On the other hand, the Matthews family has openly expressed how they feel about this. Riley so excited for me, she really is my best friend. Auggie said he'll miss both of his sisters. Topanga is busy with Riley in D.C. Mr Matthews, well he isn't adjusting so well. He said that he'll stop this. But he's just crazy, he would actually do anything.

"Lucas!" I smiled and hugged him as walked through the door. He wrapped his hands around me and squeezed me tight. We fit perfectly into eachother. How could I be so close to someone but not have kissed him more than twice?

I guess me and Lucas had more than just physical attraction. It was if our sould yearned for eachother in a way me and Josh never were.

I looked at his plump lips and went for a kiss. He lips instantly reacted by kissing back. He moved his hands to my waist as the shock shot through my body.

Falling for Lucas was something I wasn't used to. But now that I know how it feels to be close to him, I never want to leave.

We both let go of the kiss and smiled at eachother.

"Well, that was nice." Lucas said awkwardly his cheeks blushing.

I winked and tipped my invisible hat to him.

"Hey that's my thing!" He said jokingly.

"Its our thing now." I responded and my heart warmed.

"Look what I bought you," Lucas pulled out a Target bag from behind him.

I would have scolded him for not going somewhere cheaper like Walmart, we are on a budget here, but since it's for me... I'll let it slide.

My eyes lit up, "What is it?"

He pulled out movies one at a time from his bag, "Titanic, The Breakfast Club, and your favorite, The Goonies."

"Damn straight I love 'The Goonies!'" I said and he laughed.

"But the rest comes with a price..." He said cheeky.

"What do you mean, Huckleberry?" I said.

"If you admit I'm your boyfriend you also get some of your favorite candies, like...." He pulled out of the bag, "Sour patch straws, and sour patch kids!"

I tried to grab it but he pulled it back before I could.

"Maya Hart, you never listen to me," He said sarcastically, "You get the candy if you admit I'm your boyfriend."

"Ugh," I sighed, "you're my boyfriend." I whispered.

"I'm your what?" He said teasing me.


He tossed me the candy, "Wow Maya aren't you going a bit fast?" He joked. And he laughed and I playfully hit arms.

"Shut up." I said embarrassed.

Me and Lucas planned on having a movie night in our new apartment. I set out blankets and pillows like the night we spent in his trunk watching 'The Great Gatsby.'

We started the movie and cuddled up on the couch.

I was complaining about 'Titanic' and how Rose had a ton of room on her mantel piece fo fit Jack.

"Hey, I would do it for you." Lucas flirted.

"Well ya, becuase you're a dumb ass." I teased and he fake cried.

"Maya Hart, why must you insult me all the time?" He jokingly replied.

"Becuase it makes you react cute." I smiled.

He smiled and the whole room lite up.

The doorbell rang and I got up with Lucas to answer it.

Lucas was chasing me to the door and I was giggling.

I finally opened the door and my face dropped.

"Shawn, what are you doing here?"

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