thirty-eight :: maya meets life after death

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A/N: I want to say that before I even wrote this book I was planning on Josh dying, so I'm really sorry if your sad but this isn't the end of the story!

Lucas stuttered backwards, finally realizing what he had done.

"What did I just do?" Lucas' voice faltered, and I couldn't even imagine the pain he's going through.

I can't even figure out how I feel now. I felt sad, and somewhat devastated that Josh was actually gone. But I also felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders, that I didn't have to worry that Josh would come back.

He's never coming back.

"I can't believe what I just did," Lucas was pacing back in forth, his hands pulling through his hair. 

The next few hours were a blur. 

The police came moments after, but by then they were too late.  The found Josh's body first, then they evacuated the school. They found Lucas and I last considering we were on the roof.

They found me in tears, and Lucas in a state of shock.

They took us to the hospital, but it wasn't very needed. I wasn't hurt, just a few bruises and moments that will forever be in my nightmares. Lucas was perfectly fine too, but he was dealing with things that were more mental. 

The police came to question us, but I couldn't talk to them. Not yet. But they kept saying all these things about Lucas and how he could get in big trouble, and that they couldn't just let this slide.

But somehow that wasn't enough for them, and it wasn't enough for Josh's loved ones. 

Only a few hours after being emitted to the hospital they came by to visit me.

Josh's parents were crying the worst they said it was terrible to loose someone, but it's even worse to loose a child. Mr. Matthews knew what Josh was like, he the only one who truly understood, but for some reason it wasn't enough.

They all told me stories about Josh, and it made me depressed. I missed the old Josh, but he died a long time ago. 

Somehow coming to peace with Josh's death wasn't enough for them.

Not for the police, not for the Matthews, and it wasn't enough to let Josh go. 

I could tell they wanted someone to blame. I wanted to blame someone for my mom's death, but life goes on and you have to believe it happened for a reason.

Lucas once told me that you die once God knows you've done your job on Earth. 


This is worse than I thought, I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror without seeing a murderer in my reflection. 

The police made me feel worse, they said all these legal terms that keep swirling through my brain. Self defense or not, I murdered Joshua Matthews and nothing was going to change that.

I was responsible for ending someone's life. Whether he was insane or not, he doesn't deserve to die. Okay well maybe I'll rethink that. 

Jacob was right. My anger is only getting to get worse, it could end me up in jail.

I couldn't look any of the Matthews in the eyes, I couldn't see the pain in their eyes and know I was the one to cause it.

I was meeting with my lawyer today, since I'm eighteen I would be treated like an adult, which means jail. Who would have thought that I would be the one to end up in jail.


"Hello, Mr. Friar," My lawyer said as she sat in a hospital chair next to me.

"Call me Lucas," I said.

"Lucas," She corrected herself, "I'm Mira, and I'll be your lawyer. So I heard all about your case, from the police, and I know this is a lot to handle right now, but you might be in trouble."

"I am?" I asked her.

"Yes, the law states it's only self defense if the criminal is hurting the person who killed them. Let's say if Josh had the gun to your head, it would be self defense." She explained.

"So, it isn't self defense? I was protecting Maya." I defended myself.

"It's not legally, but the jury might understand what you were going through, but they may not. The Matthews aren't going to give up on this, they want justice for their son," Mira said, "And Maya is the only one was actually saw what happens, and whether she wants to or not her testimony can get you in jail."

"I still don't understand how it's not self defense," I gave up.

"I know, but I can't explain every single law to you right now." She sighed.

"Wait," I paused, "If Maya's the only one who can prove it wasn't self defense, then there must be a way where she can't testify against me."

"The only way that could happen is if she was your wife," Mira answered me.

I smiled to myself, why not get married? I love Maya and she loves me.

Hopefully she'll say yes. 

I saw Maya in the other room through the door way, she was twisting her necklace around. Maya always made me forget. I forgot about Josh for one second as my mind began to think of the smile Maya would have when I ask her to marry me. 

A/N: Hope you guys like this chapter! It's kinda sort, and a lot of things happen so I'm sorry if you don't like it. xoxo Katie

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