twelve :: maya meets riley's confession

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A/N: Farkle isnt in my story yet.. He used to be in the first chapters but I changed them to fit my future story line lol... so Riley's new partner on the war assigment is Dave. (PS: i luv dave)

Lucas' POV:

I was so excited to see Maya. I wanted to see her long blonde hair that laid perfectly on her soft shoulders. And her light skin that she always was insecure about that I thought suited her well. I want to see those blue eyes that was swarmed with emotions and history, she had stories to tell and all of them important to who she had become. Maya was beautiful.

Not hot, or sexy, she was beautiful. And she deserves to be treated that way.

I thought of the short amount of time we spent alone together. There was the god awful party, but then the drive in picnic. Then another party, a trip to a motel, it's pool and local restaurant. At first she wanted me to commit to a relationship then I wanted her, and now we're in some sort of happy medium.

I anxiously awaited in class. Riley came in with a slightly concerned smile. She looked great as always, but something was not right about her.

"Hey Riley, what's wrong?" I asked her.

Riley turned to me, "Last night was tough for Maya."

"Why?" I asked but I already knew the answer.

"She was having terrible nightmare all night. She woke up yelling for you. I tried my best to calm her down, but all she wanted was you." Riley explained.

"I would've come you know, I only live two minutes away," I suggested.

I couldn't stand the thought of my baby hurting like that. I don't want to see her in pain, wether is be emotional or physical.

"Lucas it was so early and-" Before Riley could finish her sentence Maya walked in.

Her hair was flowing in loose wave, you could tell it was natural, and it was very nice. She looked put together on the outside. But I know Maya, and I can tell her pain soaked deeper than skin.

"Hi," I smiled as she sat in front of me.

She turned to face me, "Hi Huckleberry."

I couldn't help but crack a laugh at the nickname. Maya's changed, but somehow her nicknames haven't.

"War." Mr. Matthews started, "You're presentations are due today."

Me and Maya looked at eachother.

We completely forgot.

Maya raised one eyebrow as if to say, "Let's just wing it."

Mr. Matthews continued to talk, "I will pick someone random to come and present."

I crossed my fingers hoping it wasn't us.

"Maya and Lucas." Mr. Matthews said and I got butterflies in my stomach.

"Let's just have fun." Maya said before getting up with me to stand in front of the class.

I love how Maya is so spontaneous and exciting.

"World War II, our second war, and last war. It was controversial among all countries." Maya winged it,"There was the hippies who were too high to really realize what was happening around them. The activists. And how can we forget the kids, that were our age, being put into war."

It was my turn to speak, "Could you imagine being taken from your home to fight another country's soldiers who are in the same situation as you."

"World War II had an effect on people. Wether they knew it or not, or were there or not. It was an eye opener that your baby could be taken away from you, and put into a war zone." Maya said.

"Let's rewind," I said, "Pearl Harbor. The first time American citizens didn't feel safe in their country. They were no longer the invincible America they knew. They were damaged."

"World War II. A time where no one was safe, and the country was fighting an inner battle." Maya spoke, but she was figuring out something along the way, "And that no matter where you turned the activists and fearful Americans were always there."

"And that's our presentation." I finished.

Mr. Matthews walked up to us, "Though your presentation lacked real facts," Maya laughed, "You connected to what you were learning about. And as long as you're applying what you learned in class to real life, hopefully, I'll let this one slide."

Maya had a satisfied look on her face as we sat down.

"I pulled all of that out of my ass." She whispered and I laughed a little too hard.

"Mr. Friar, is there something you want to share with the class?" Mr. Matthews tested him.

"Nope, she's all mine." I looked over at Maya who was blushing from the sudden attention.

The class was cooing over us and Maya turned back around. Maya was used to being the center of attention, when she wants it. I don't think she's used to not being in control.

I looked over at Riley but she was staring right at her binder.

But it no longer read "Riley and Lucas, just friends." It was bigger and in red ink and read, "Maya and Lucas, best couple."

I decided to let it go so I wouldn't disturb anyone's presentation.

Once class let out Maya, Riley, and I went to our usual lunch table.

There were five seats, and three of us. We were saving them incase the two people came back.

Maya never ate lunch. Riley was snacking on her usual sandwhich. But her eyes were directed towards the empty seats.

"Do you miss Farkle?" Riley asked and I was in shock.

"Of course we do," Maya said.

"I want to visit him, and Zay." Riley said.

"Farkle's coming back, he said he would. And Zay has all his family back in Texas, we need to be accepting of that." I piped in.

"I know, but it's not the same without them."

The days leading up to Farkle leaving school, he was always frantic and sad and all over the place. He said he needed to go for a while and that when he feels better he will come back. We all thought it was a Farkle thing, but after months we realized it was serious. We couldn't reach him at all, though Maya always thought that Riley knew why he left she never mentioned it.

"Hey, I bet you Farkle is still going to rule the world, and we'll be right by his side," Maya side trying to make Riley feel better.

"Yeah, we're always going to be in the Farkle Nation." I smiled.

We sat in silence for a while before Riley's head turned to us.

She had a unreadable look on her face as she said, "I'm the reason why Farkle left."

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