thirty-nine :: maya meets romance

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A/N: I have another story in the works, would you guys read it? I'm so nervous that you guys won't like it -Katie


All the legal things Lucas was going though was like another language to me. They were saying all these consequences Lucas could get in. He was defending me, but you can't risk such a high profile case like this.

"It's good to be home," Lucas said as we finally return to our apartment. There were candles scattered around in the dark.

We were only in the hospital for a night, but it felt like the last time we were here felt like another life. It crazy how one night can change your life forever.

We turned on the lights and there were candles everywhere. A blanket and pillows were on our living room floor, just like when Lucas and I had a movie night. It smelled like roses, and it felt so relaxing.

"Come here," Lucas grabbed my hand and led me to the blankets on the floor. His touched felt hot on my skin, and I craved more.

We sat down and I couldn't help but smile at all the trouble Lucas went through for me. Lucas picked up our TV remote and turned it on. Soft music played in the background, "The Beatles" by absolute favorite.

"We've been through a lot, I just want you to know that through all of this, you'll have me." He pulled me closer to his body, "Forever."

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you so much," He kissed my head and I wanted to lay in his embrace forever.

I felt like his arms were protecting me from the outside world. Tonight it was just him and I, the way I want it to be for the rest of my life.

If you told me five months ago that I'm going to fall in love with the Riley's cowboy who drives an old blue pickup truck I wouldn't have believed you.

I remember all the little moments leading up to us:

"Who's your partner, Maya?" Riles asked.

"Huckleberry." I said looking back at Lucas, who had a huge smile on his face.

"I'll always be here for you, always."

"If you loved her, then why did you kiss me with that kind of passion."

"You're incredibly beautiful, Maya. Those blue eyes, and blonde hair that I can't stop dreaming about. You're honest, even if it hurt. Not to mention you're the strongest person I've ever met. I love how you tease me, and how you let all of your emotions out when you sing. God I love you!"

"A promise ring." He whispered back, "Because one day I will marry you Maya Hart. I knew it the day of our first party- and one day you'll realize it too."

He wrapped the necklace around me," And once we decided we're ready for this kind of commitment, you'll put that ring on your finger and we will get married."

I looked up at the boy I loved, he has such a spark in his eyes that can't be explained and contained into one word. Maybe that's because I feel so strongly about him.

I kissed him, and it felt so nice to have his lips on mine again. This started to pick up as I climbed onto Lucas' lap, I heard him let out moan and I lifted his shirt off of him.

He lifted my shirt off, and I was left with my bra on. He began to rub circles into my skin. We both wanted it, I could feel it.

Lucas fell back and I was hovering over him, as he started to unbutton my jeans he said, "Are you sure?"

"I love you," I told him and he smiled in the kiss.

The rest is between Lucas and I, a moment I can only describe as us finally being intertwined.


I woke up the next morning my body laied on top of Lucas' I was just wearing panties and his shirt, while he was just wearing his jeans.

I felt so alive, and I was glowing. My skin reacted to his touch, my whole body did.

I made some breakfast while Lucas was still sleeping. I hope he doesn't regret it, I knew how I felt so ashamed after I lost my virginity. But I think this time was different than my first time.

Lucas groaned, and I knew he woke up, "Maya," he called my name.

"In the kicthen," I told him.

I heard his feet walk over to me, "Babe," he said, "You look beautiful."

I blushed at his words, "Thanks."

"I love how you still blush when I compliment you," Lucas said, "I loved last night, and I love the thought of being with you together.

He hugged me from behind while I continued to cook breakfast.

"Hey," He turned me to look at him.

He grabbed onto my necklace, "I think it's time."

I became faint at the thought of what was going to happen next.

His fingers brushed my neck and unhooked my necklace. He removed the chain, and was only left with the ring.

He got on one knee held out the ring and asked me, "Will you marry me Maya Hart?"

A/N: omg!! you guys probably didn't think they were actually going to have sex this chapter but i surprised you!!

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