forty-three :: maya meets ghosts

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"Maya, you're pregnant."

I stared at the nurse unable to think, or breath. I was in complete shock. I couldn't be carrying a baby, could I?

"What?" I all I could manage to say, though my thoughts were running a mile a minute.

"You're tests came back and you're pregnant! It's very early though, but you're in a hospital so we have all the right equipment to check if your baby is okay." The nurse answered me.

"I-I need to check on Lucas," I stuttered nervously and brushed past her to get to Lucas.

He was watching some cartoon- go figure.

"Hey Maya," He turned his head to me, "What did the nurse say?"

"Nothing," I lied, "Just that our tests went well and you'll be able to get out of here tonight."

"Just in time for school." Lucas groaned.

I laughed and sat on the foot of his hospital bed, "We don't have to go."

"Maya, we never go to school, ever," Lucas made a point, "And the last time we did go to school I pushed Josh off the building."

"We left as a normal couple, and now we're coming back married," And pregnant, I added in my head.

"Wow," Lucas laughed, "We're that couple."


The Next Day;

I had dreams of Josh, and my baby. They clouded my thoughts and my head. All I did was think about my baby.

I still haven't told Lucas I was pregnant. I know what you're thinking, but how could I? He killed someone, almost went to jail, and then he tried to save someone in a car crash which lead to him having to spend time in a hospital.

I can't tell him, I really can't.

I haven't even figured out my own feelings about the baby. Should I keep it?

The bell rang, which meant it was time for me to go to Study Skills. My least favorite class.

I walked in to see all my class mates, or at least a shadow of what they used to be.

The shooting effected everyone at John Adams High School, they thought hiding from Josh was traumatic, imagine them being in my place.

The school was getting so many calls from parents and they changed the name to "John Adams Memorial High School." In honor off all the horrors they thought they went through.

Eveyone in the room was quiet, I remembered all their faces, but not their names. There was one I knew, knew too well actually.

"Hey Maya," Jacob said quietly.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him, making everyone draw their attention to me.

"I just wanted to see if you were doing okay," He defended himself.

"I'm fine." I spat at him, "Of course I'm not fine."

"Maya-" He started before I cut him off.

"This has been hell for me, Jacob. Fucking hell! Lucas pushed Josh off of that building to protect me! And then he gets charged for murder because technically I had to defend myself for it to be self defense! And then we had to get married so that I wouldn't have to speak in front of the jury and then they would have no case. Then we actually had a ceremony, and it was beautiful. Riley was there and we were happy for once. Then we got in a car crash and Lucas jumped in the water to save them and now I'm-" I didn't finish.

"You're what?" Jacob asked.

"Nothing," I pushed him away.

"Tell me," He said, "I know you hate me, but I care for you."

"Why would you care for me? At all?"

"I don't know, I can't ever get you out of my head, and it hurts me that I hurt you." Jacob got closer to me, "I don't want to hurt you."

"You already have," I said softly.

I turned on my heels and ran into the bathroom, I heard Jacob yell for me but I didn't turn back for a second.

Once I got into the bathroom I turned on the water and splashed my face.

I looked back up into the mirror and saw Josh Matthews standing right behind me.

I turned around and he was still there.

He was wearing the same clothes he did when he died, and he was giving me a smile like he used to, before the demons took over.

Josh was there, but not in the flesh.

A/N: sorry this chapter is trash.

But does anyone want to talk to me about Legacy? xoxo Katie

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