nineteen :: maya meets insanity

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I woke up to Maya's small body craddled in mine. Her body hear felt good during the harsh winter coming. Her blonde hair surrounded her face like a crown. Maya's skin so light and pure. Pure.

Her eyes were closed and her face facing me. Her blue eyes slowly fluttered open. She smiled at me and my heart warmed.

"Good morning." I said and Maya yawned.

"Morning." She said back.

"You look beautiful." I complimented Maya. She instantly blushed and hid her face in a pillow.

Why would she want to hide herself from the world?

Maya went back to sleep but I got up to check on Shawn.

I heard him talking on the phone- his voice was angry and frustrated.

"God! I'm trying my best!" He said trying to stay as quiet as possible, "It's not working, Josh. She must really like him."

Josh? Why would Shawn be talking to Josh? Especially after everything he did to Maya?

I snooped even more on his conversation.

"Josh, you need to calm down!" Shawn said frantically, "No I'm not telling you where Maya lives. Why? You won't be happy when I tell you who her roommate is."

Oh no. Did Josh escape?


I woke up and the bed beside me was empty. Lucas must have already got up. I stood up and immediately yawned, dealing with Shawn was tiring.

I brushed my hair, and my teeth before leaving my room.

Lucas was right outside and seemed scared when I opened the door.

"Lucas? Are you okay?" I asked him.

He put his hand over his lips and said "Shhh."

"What?" I whispered really confused.

"Oh! You guys are awake!" Shawn said happily turning off his phone as he walked to us.

Lucas sighed sadly, I'm not sure what that was all about.

Shawn had his bag around his shoulder and a smile on his face. Was he leaving? A pain struck my heart. Why was I sad about Shawn leaving? He was the one who left me and judged my life.

"I guess I'm going to leave now. Thanks." After a couple awkward seconds Shawn said, "And sorry."

As Shawn started walking to the door I could resist this feeling inside me.

I couldn't take it anymore and I ran up to Shawn and gave him a big hug. After everything he's done- I forgived him.

And that thought scares me. If I forgave Shawn will I ever forgive Josh?

"Maya, I thought you hated me." Shawn said over my shoulder.

"As much as I wish I could, I can't stay mad at you Shawn." I said as tears overwhelmed my eyes.

"I'll miss you, kid." Shawn said.

"I'll miss you more." I said back.

I'll miss you more, Shawn mouthed to me before he left our house.

I never knew how much I would miss him until he left.

I turned to Lucas with tears in my eyes.

He smiled at me sympatheticly, "Maya, I need to tell you something."

"What do you need to tell me?" I asked.

"You remember when I said I would get rid of Josh?" He said worried.

"Yeah." I said confused.

"I did." His face dropped, and for the first time in a long time- Lucas kept a secret from me, "We took him to prison. And he went to court. They said he should go to a mental facility."

"He's mentally ill?" I raised my voice.

"You were in a abusive relationship Maya, most come from the abuser being ill." He walked towards me, but I imidiatley moved back from him.

"He's not mentally ill, Lucas." I defended him. I don't know why but something inside me urged me to defend him.

"I know this is hard for you Maya, but you need to understand. I know you can see that Josh has changed. I saw the way you looked at him when he attacked you that night at Riley's house." Lucas' face was emotional and he seemed sad- was I insane too?

My mind flashed to that moment. Josh's eyes connected with mine. But not the way it used to be. I could see the demons that swormed his mind. His eyes told the whole story. He wasn't the Josh I fell for. I guess now knowing that he's mentally ill, I can name all the time it was so blatantly obvious. Like how attached he was to me. Always so obsessive and rude and he always pushed me to have sex. It was intense and scary as hell.

I hugged Lucas.

But not the way I hugged anyone else.

I held on to him so tightly. He's all I have left in the world. And all I need is him. Someone to protect me, and love me. I need Lucas. I can't lose him.

"I love you, Lucas." I whispered into his ears as I cried on his shoulder.

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