four :: maya meets movie date

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"I wanted to go home, but now I don't." I whisper to Lucas without realizing how destroyed my voice was.

"Okay, where do you want to go?" He asked sweetly as always.

"You should just drop me off, we have school tomorrow and a Huckleberry like you needs to be fully rested." I said in a soft voice.

"I'm not leaving you alone, Maya." He said with a stern look on his face.

I was tired, and grumpy, and somehow all of my feelings mixed together made me angry.

"Why Lucas? Why do you have to stay with me?" My voice raised.

"Believe it or not, we're friends, and I'm not going to leave you alone at midnight." He slammed his hands on the steering wheel, obviously not seeing the car break in front of him.

I flinched at his sudden action, and he seemed to notice giving me a sorry look.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, besides, it's just that you can't accept that people care about you. It may not seem like a lot, but it's all I can give." Lucas said.

And for a moment, he wasn't just a Huckleberry, or a Ranger Rick, he was Lucas. A caring cowboy who happens to care about me. Of course it's not the way that I care for him, but it's good enough for me.

"I'm sorry Lucas, I just thought you were doing all of this because of pity." I replied rubbing my hands against the smooth seatbelt.

"Why did you think that Maya?"

"I don't know, the whole time I've known you I thought you just saw me as Riley's annoying best friend." I confessed.

"I do," He chuckled, "but you've proven to me that you're much more."

Warmest grew inside my chest at his words, and a smile sneaked onto my face.

"What about seeing a drive in movie?" Lucas asked.

"At 1 in the morning?"

"I worked here one summer, if you want I can maybe play us a special movie?" He suggested.

"Woah, Ranger Rick that isn't very "Moral Compass" of you." I laughed.

He shrugged playfully, with a huge grin on his face, "It's worth it for you."


Lucas and I parked so the back of the truck was facing the movie. We put out blankets and pillows that we could lay on. While I grabbed us some popcorn and candies, Lucas said he would start a movie.

When I came back he was sitting on the blankets and was staring up at the big screen above.

"What movie do you have planned, Mr Friar?" I joked popping a piece of popcorn into my mouth.

"You'll see." He smirked as I joined him on the blankets.

I looked up at the screen as the movie rolled.

"This better not be '50 Shades of Grey'" I joked.

Lucas laughed as he threw his head back and his eyes lit up a bright blue color.

I recognized the movie to be "The Great Gatsby" and I was surprised.

"How did you know I loved this movie?" I gasped and took in all the old fashioned music and taste.

"I noticed how you would secretly read it." He smirked, "You're smarter than you let on, Hart."

"I hope you don't think this movie is too boring, considered you put it the old version and not the new one with Leonardo Dicaprio." I laughed.

"Oh its terrible! Their accents are so strong." Lucas exaggerated jokingly and I laughed in response.

We relaxed and watched the movie in silence. I admired Daisy's look and attitude. I always loved Daisy the most for some reason. She seemed to get me and go through things that I never realized I'd have to go through too.

"Okay, this is boring." Lucas gave up, "Wanna play a game?"

"Sure." I turned facing him, "What kind of game?"

"20 Questions?" He smiled, and I nodded.

Lucas asked the first question, "When did Josh- you know, hurt you."

Lucas seemed extremely uncomfortable, but it was even worse for me.

I stood up angrily and said, "If this is just a way to get me to spill my secrets.."

Lucas gently grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, "I just want to know you."

I sighed, "The first time was Christmas morning. His parents couldn't make it, and we got in a fight. And he started drinking and.." I stopped there because if I went any farther I would have been crying.

I asked him a question this time, "Why do you want to know me?"

"You were the strongest girl I knew Maya, and one day everything changed. You were depressed and sad, and then your mom died. And I want you to be the confident girl you were. Even if it takes a long time. I'll always be here." Lucas answered licking his lips after all his talking.

"Wow," I blushed, "Why can't we ask normal questions like your favorite color?"

"Because you're not an ordinary girl." Lucas said.

"And you're not the everyday cowboy."

"My turn." Lucas said happily, "If you could, would you stay in this moment forever."

I thought for a while and came up with my answer, "Yeah, I feel safe with you, as if nothing can hurt me. But I also know that this isn't forever. Tomorrow we will go back to school, and you'll go back to Riley, and I will be ignored again."

"Why do you think you're ignored?" Lucas asked his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because Riley is gorgeous, she's always smiling and happy. She has a great family, and home and everything seems to go her way. And people have said it before, they need a Riley, they don't need a Maya." I looked down, "I obviously love Riley with all my heart, it's just.. I don't know."

"I get it Maya, I do." Lucas sympathetically said, "But that's far from the truth."

"Why do you say that?"

"You always make a scene, and 90% of the time it's absolutely hilarious." He smiled wide, "Not to mention you're kinda cute."

"Kinda?" I joked, "Lucas Friar you're so sweet."

He playfully punched me before realizing what he was doing and awkwardly put his hand on his lap.

"It's okay." I awkwardly replied.

"I guess it's time to go." Lucas said looking up at the credits rolling.

"Back to the real world." I unenthusiastically said under my breath.

"Can I look forward to seeing you tomorrow?" Lucas asked as we hoping into his car seats.

"Lucas it's 3 in the morning I will not be able to function tomorrow." I stated.

"Please." He begged.

"Why? It's just one day." I shrugged, he didn't seem to care when I was gone for months at a time.

"I don't know," He shrugged, "I guess I just don't want you to be alone. And Josh could come to see you, especially after the party."

I swallowed. Lucas was right. I could be in serious danger if somehow Josh finds a way in the house. Who knows how angry he'll be since a cowboy beat up his scrawny ass.

"I guess you're right." I looked at him, even though his eyes were planted on the road, "I'll just sleep in Mathew's class."

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