twenty-seven :: maya meets jacob

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A/N: This fanfic is so close to 50k! So thank you soooo much! Also, in this chapter we see a new side of Maya that I'm really excited for you guys to see! Not to sound like the writers or anything, but I think this chapter has so much growth with Maya.


I woke up in my bed, the sun shining through my blinds and into my eyes.

"You're awake." Lucas smiled.

"How did I get here?" I asked confused.

Lucas seemed a bit worn out, and he kept rubbing his fingers over his knuckles.

"I know you wouldn't want me to tell the police what happened, so I brought you home and while I was driving over here you fell asleep." He explained.

"Oh," I said, "Thanks for taking care of me Lucas."

He smiled up at me, "Always."

I heard a knock on our door and my head immediate looked in that direction.

"I'll get it." Lucas smiled. He got up and left me in our room.

Our apartment was pretty small, so in the distance I could hear Lucas opening the front door. 


"Jacob, what are you doing here?" I asked him trying to sound as mean as possible without making Maya hear.

"I want to explain Lucas please," Jacob begged. 

"No, Maya doesn't deserve this." I said, more to myself than to Jacob.

"Lucas?" I heard a soft, delicate voice say from behind me. It was Maya.


I looked over my shoulder, she had a blanket wrapped around her body to keep her warm. She was wearing zero makeup, but she looked absolutely flawless. 

"Maya?" Jacob said trying to glance over my shoulder to see her.

"I was just telling Jacob to leave," I told her.

"No." She simply commanded.  

"What?" I said surprised. Why would she not want Jacob to leave? Especially after everything he's done.

"I wanna know why." Maya said more frustrated.

"Maya, are you kidding-" I was about to say before getting cut off.

"Come on in, Jacob." Maya said pushing me out of the way to let him in.

What the hell was Maya thinking? Does she have feelings for Jacob? Is Jacob her new Josh?

Jacob cautiously moved past me. I saw his bruised face and it made me feel better. I'm so happy I smashed his face in, that ass deserved it. 

He looked around our apartment. I hated Jacob so much, anything he did seemed to piss me off.

As he was about to sit on the couch I said, "Sorry Jacob, you can't sit there."

"Why?" He replied.

"No dogs allowed on the couch." I said, trying to be like Maya.

Jacob rolled his eyes and sat there anyway. That little asshole. 

"Can I talk to you for a second Maya?" I asked her.

She nodded and followed me into our bedroom. I closed the door behind her.

"What are you thinking?" I whisper-yelled. 

"Lucas." She groaned. Her blanket was slipping down her shoulder showing her tank top strap and her bare shoulder. 

"Please help me understand." 

"I don't know how to explain what's happening in my head." Maya said her eyes full of emotion.

"If you loved yourself even half as much as I do, you would realize that when someone treats you wrong you realize it."  I told her.

"That's not what's wrong!" She raised her voice, "I know I'm treated badly! Okay?"

"Then what? What Maya?" I said giving up.

"I wasn't able to see what was happening to Josh, before he got overwhelmed with insanity."

 Maya looked to the ground, she licked her lips and looked up to me and said, "I can help Jacob, I may not have been able to help Josh, but maybe we can stop Jacob from turning to insanity."

"They're sick, Maya." I told her, "That's how they are."

"No." She shook her head, "I refuse to believe that. Josh wasn't always like how he is now, I could have helped him."

"It's not your fault what happened to Josh, and you shouldn't feel obligated to help Jacob." I told her.

"Fine, I may not be able to help him, but I want to know why." She breathed, "How could he hit me?"

I couldn't but engulf her in a hug. I love Maya so much, and sometimes the things she says breaks my heart.

"Let's go talk to Jacob." Maya said breaking our embrace. 

"Ya, and I need to know why that jack ass stole your ring." I said, and Maya laughed making butterflies flutter in my stomach. 


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