six :: maya meets passion

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AN: Thank you for reading, & voting! Remember to leave a comment if you love my story, or have any reactions to what I wrote! Also feel free to ask any questions you want! xoxo, Katieee

"Please Riley," He begged his eyes dropping like a sad puppy.

I was curled up in a ball and back up as far away from Lucas as I could be.

"What? Lucas. Obviously she's upset." Riley said, "I get she's your friend too but she needs time to herself."

Riley knew nothing. I would call her naive, but it's not like I told her anything.

"Maya." Lucas' attention turned to me, "Please let me be here for you."

I bit my lip, "Fine." My voice cracked, and I saw pain flash through his ocean eyes.

"Maya, are you sure?" Riley asked.

I nodded, and added, "Can you please leave me and Lucas alone."

Riley, and Lucas both look shocked. Riley agreed and left us alone.

Lucas looked down on the floor and then glanced up at me, "Hi."

"Hi, Lucas." I smiled but failed miserably.

"I'm sorry, Maya."

"About what? Leaving me, or lying about it?" I looked up at him my face red and puffy from crying.


"Why-" I stopped for a second, "did you leave me after everything that happened last night."

He thought for a second, "I guess once I got home everything got real. I punched Josh, broke into a drive-in. I was the person back in Texas. The dude who couldn't control his temper and would go against his morals."

"You're thinking about it the wrong way Lucas," I defended, "Think of it as backing up your friend, or being there for me when everything was tough. Well, I thought you were here for me, but I guess I was wrong."

"I'm sorry Maya. Please give me a second chance. Let me take you to dinner or visit China Town. Please, let me show you I can be there for you."

"I don't know Lucas. My heart can't take another break." I shrugged.

"I won't hurt you Maya. Please." He begged.

Should I forgive him? After everything we've been through, though seems short, those hours meant the world to me. And I sure it did him. Maybe I should give him another chance, after all he did do so much for me.

"How can I trust you after everything that happened?"

"I came back." He simply said referring to how Shawn left and never came back.

"You wouldn't have come back if you had never left in the first place." I said disappointed.

"Maya, I'm trying to make it up to you. Do you trust Riley?"

"Of course I trust Riley."

"Well Riley trusts me."

I hate when he made sense.

"Fine." I agreed, "But I don't wanna go to China Town."

He laughed and his smile grew wide, "How about another party?"

"You have a death wish, Cowboy." I teased.

"We won't recognize anyone." He assured me, "It's a college party."

"You realize that Josh is in college, right?" I asked him.

"Of course I do. But I think you're in good hands." He smiled warmly.

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