thirteen :: maya meets the missing

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Sorry if this part is confusing lol I don't know if I'm moving too fast! Tell me if I am! xoxo


"I'm the reason why Farkle left." Riley repeated.

"Riley, don't blame yourself." Lucas told her.

"Ya, Riles, Farkle left to figure out himself. You didn't do anything." I added.

"No, you guys don't know." She tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" I asked becoming more concerned.

"Before Farkle left we were hanging out a lot more, and he said he was going to do something he might regret. You're probably thinking his talking about leaving, but he did something so shocking before he left." Riley confessed.

"What did he do?" Lucas said.

"He- He proposed to me." Riley said glaring into the distance.

"You mean he proposed as a joke?" I said referring to the time me and Farkle were 'married.'

"No," Riley shook her head in deep thought, "he said he loved me, and that he would wait as long as I needed. I told him I was too young, and that we had our whole futures ahead of us." At that point Riley was in tears.

"Riley, it's not your fault you didn't want to marry Farkle." I hugged her, "You know what's good for you Riley."

"Wait, I'm so confused. I thought Farkle had like a cute crush on you, I didn't think he really loved you in that way." Lucas said.

"Me and Farkle hung out a lot, like you guys, and it was nice to be with him alone. I never knew how much we had in common." Riley smiled, "But now he's gone, he probably thinks I don't like him."

"Why would he propose though, I mean that seems a little rushed." Lucas said.

"I feel like Farkle always knew, you know? Farkle knew he wanted to be with me. He had his life planned out, and I admired that. But why would he leave? Was it because of me?" Riley whispered.

"He must of proposed to you becuase he thought he wouldn't have a chance to do it again." I expressed my thoughts

"Woah." Riley and Lucas gasped at the same time.

"Farkle knew he was leaving..." Lucas concluded.

"And he wanted to know if I was his before he left." Riley added.

"You don't think something serious is happening to Farkle, do you?" I asked.

"We won't know unless we find him." Lucas said.

"But we have no idea where he is." Riley told us.

"Maybe we need to think differently." I said, "You know Farkle's dad is pretty famous in the business industry. Maybe some sort of article or a webiste would tell us where he lives."

"That might work." Lucas smirked.


Later that day we met at Riley's and decided to be detectives and find the missing Minki.

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