Welcome to hell

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The door slammed open and a person was thrown across the floor. They slid across the doorway and there was Jeff shortly afterwards stomping over to the person I'm guessing he threw. The person sliding looked like that Ben person. "Children, behave yourselves. We have a guest." Slenderman spoke irritated. That was a surprise. He seemed like a person that had plenty of patients. In ran a little girl with brown curly hair and a pink dress. Her eyes were a beautiful emerald looking green. She was a very cute little girl. She ran straight to slender. She spotted me and ducked a little behind his chair and slowly peeked out. "Are you that girl Jeff keeps talking about?" She asked. "Hey sally, can it." Jeff walked in casually and took a seat directly across from me. I ignored his presence and didn't bother turning to look at him. Instead I looked to the doorway to see three boys just starring at me. There was a boy in a yellow jacket with a white mask that had black lips. The eyes were cut out so he could see. The other was a little bit shorter than him but not by much. He wore an orange jacket that had the hood pulled over his head. I could see a pair of red eyes. The next boy wore orange goggles and a mouth guard. He had a brown stripped jacket on. He accidentally dropped his hatchet as he continued starring at me. He nervously laughed and scrambled to pick it up. "Children, do not stare at our guest, it is very rude." Slender spoke and took another sip from his cup. They each tried to push one another into the room. "Has anyone seen the kidney I was just e-" I heard another voice that stopped as I turned to see another boy in the doorway that led from the kitchen to the dinning room. He wore a black jacket and dark blue mask. The ooze dripping out of his black eye sockets of the mask matched his jacket. He too just starred at me. I awkwardly cleared my throat. "Lemme threw guys." I heard that familiar voice as he pushed threw the three boys. It was the link look alike that I learned his name was Ben. His lip was a little fat. It was obviously busted. I chuckled a bit. "I'm mad at you." He said pointing at me. I crossed my arms. "But...I'll let you make it up." He winked. I sneered at him and Jeff just laughed. I still didn't bother to look at him. "Uh...sorry, where are my manners." The boy in the blue mask spoke trying to clear Ben's awkward little moment. I looked the the other boy. "My name is Eyeless Jack. You can call me Jack, or EJ." He said as he made his way over to me. He wiped his hand on his sweater before extending it to me to shake. "Y/n." I stated and shook his hand. "Pleasure." He replied in a tone that made me think he was smiling under his mask. "This is masky." EJ said pulling in the boy with the yellow jacket and mask. "I should have guessed." I thought to myself. "And this is hoodie and ticci Toby, but everyone calls him Toby." He said pointing to the boy in the hood as hoodie and the last boy as Toby. They all stood stiff side by side. I waved. "Hi." I managed to say. They slightly waved. "Hello." Masky replied. "H-hi." Toby spoke and I realized he had Tourette's. Hoodie just waved. I suddenly felt a little tap on my arm. I looked down to spot the little girl named sally. "Do you want to have a tea party?" She asked. I couldn't help but smile. "I would love to." I smiled down at her making her smile too. "Child, now isn't really a good time." Slender spoke to her. "Ah man." She frowned. "Next time." She whispered to me and I nodded. I looked around due to the nervous feeling of being watched and...well, I was. My eyes looked through all of the boys until they accidentally landed on Jeff. It was very unnerving to be in a house full of boys. "Uh...slender where is she going to sleep?" I heard Ben ask. Jeff was the quickest to answer. "I can share." He said almost like it wasn't a choice. We stayed starring each other down. "...you guys okay?" EJ asked. "There's no why in hell I'm staying with you Jeff." I spoke bluntly and pulled my eyes away from him. "You know each other?" Ben asked. I thought they knew. I guess slender was the only one that knew. Maybe he doesn't know that Jeff did it though. "Well, welcome to hell cause you're staying with me." He glared at me. "Perhaps that is not such a good idea." Slender announced. "Yeah, why does Jeff get the babe?" Ben particularly whined. "I'm not staying with him either." I announced. "You can stay with me." Sally smiled. I liked that idea most. "You only have a twin sized bed." Ben replied. "I can sleep on the floor." I said trying to compromise. "That's a bad idea, I wouldn't do that if I were you." EJ spoke. "Why?" I asked. "The floors get really cold, not to mention she has too many dolls, a doll house and a tea table." He explained. I just stayed quiet. "Y-you can st-stay with me." Toby spoke up. I turned to him. "No, she's staying with me." Jeff said turning to Toby too. Toby shrugged. "I tried." He said. "I-I'll just sleep on the couch." I said nervously. "Woah, hey, you beat the shit out of me and then you take the couch? Where am I going to play video games?" Ben asked. EJ punched his shoulder. "What's wrong with you, be nice." He told him. Ben crossed his arms. "Wait...she beat the shit out of you?" EJ added. "That's awesome. You can bunk with me if you want." EJ now offered. He seemed like the only normal one here...but I can't forget they're all killers. "Why don't you Rock Paper Scissors?" I heard Masky say. "No I'm not just some prize." I said. "Rock paper scissors is too complicated with this many people, the possible out come would be at least 4 out of 7 of us would either be out or we'd draw the same sign therefore not advancing forward in any solution."EJ stated like a fact. "Wow." I said smiling at EJ. "Another follow up conclusion would be at least 2 out of 7 of you would cheat, therefore staying in the game and yet again coming to no solution." I said think about Jeff and Ben. "You're pretty smart." EJ said, I could hear a smile in his tone. "Here's a solution, stop flirting. Here's another solution, she's staying with me. The obvious reasons are because she actually knows me, she might feel more comfortable with someone she knows." Jeff said. I could hear him growing frustrated. "That is wise." Slender spoke like he was actually considering it. "Are you insane!" I shouted at Jeff. He laughed. "Yes actually." He smiled. I immediately regretted my choice in words. "I suppose there is no harm in staying with Jeff." Slender spoke. Slender stood up. "Y/n, your sleeping quarters will be held in Jeff's room, If you have any questions, please do not hesitant to ask me." He spoke. "I have a question!" I shouted frantically. "Yes, child, what is it?" Slender turned to me. "Why do I have to stay with him." I did pointing to Jeff. "If you want to keep that finger you better stop pointing at me." Jeff growled. I pulled my finger away and glared at him. "It is only temporary child, just until I set up the guest bedroom." Slenderman explained "I'll think I will retire to my room now." He said and walked out of the dinning room. I walked after him only to see that he was completely gone.

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