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I sat awkwardly in Jeff's lap as he cuddled against my hair. "S-Shouldn't we get started on decorations?" I asked. He sighed and released his grip on me as I stood quickly. He shoved his hands in his pockets as walked towards the exit. "Follow." He demanded. I jogged to catch up with him as he led me up the stairs, all the way down the hallway and up some other stairs I wasn't aware we're there. There was another long hallway that led to double doors. Jeff knocked three times and waited patiently against the wall. "Enter." I heard Slenders deep voice. Jeff pushed open the door and let me go through first. There, slender sat in a long desk. This must've been his office. "We need the decorations." Jeff stated getting straight to the point. "Unfortunately...you must make them from scratch." He said worryingly. Jeff pinched the bridge of his nose. "The. Hell. Do. You. Mean?" Jeff spoke irritated and through clinched teeth. "You see, there's be a minor set back and-" Jeff cut slender off. "You did get the decorations ready did you?" Jeff crossed his arms. Slender hung his head in disappointment. "I did not." He admitted. "I was helping everyone else I forgot to make the decorations so you could hang them for this evening." He added. Jeff groaned and I punched his arm. "It's okay, we can do this." I said reassuring slender with a smile. Jeff grabbed me in a head lock. "Don't punch me." He said ruffling my hair. "Thank you so very much, you two, it means quite a lot to me." Slender standing up. "Yeah...whatever." Jeff mumbled and let me go to walk out of the room. "We'll see you later on." I waved slender off and followed Jeff.

We got down stairs and Jeff pulled out the paper slender was gonna use to make the cut outs. I looked at him carry the big roll of paper effortless. That thing must have been heavy considering how big it was. "How am I gonna get Jeff to like me?" I thought to myself. "Hey, slacker, get over here and help me." He called. "Oh..right!" I panicked and helped him cut small strips of paper. "I could flirt with him." I thought to myself. I looked up to him and was about to say something but changed my mind. "I'm so bad at that though..." I thought and frowned. "Come here." He said gripping my wrist and pulling me towards him. He stood behind me and leaned over me against the table. My back was right against his chest. "This is what it has to look like." He explained and begin drawing a knife shape cut out. "Jeff...I don't think Sally would want knife cut outs." I said calmly. He slammed the pencil on the table. "What do you mean, knives are awesome!" He argued. "I agree but Sally is a little girl...she wants cute things and what not." I explained. Jeff snaked his arm around my was it while his other one was still leaning over me on the table. "I like cute things too." He said leaning his head on the back of my shoulder. I felt my cheeks grow with a blush. I panicked. "Jeff, why do you have to tease me, do your work." I said spinning around and taking his hand away from my waist. "Oh come on Y/n, you know I mean you harm, don't beat me up." He said smirking. Now that I was facing him he leaned in closer to me and I leaned back against the table. "It's pretty handy there's a table here...although I don't know how stable it is, it's not like we can do anything now anyways.." He trailed off like he was talking to himself. My face was so red again. "Jeff!" I shouted and pushed him back by his shoulders. He let out a laugh. "Relax, I was only kidding, you should have seen you're face once again." He said pointing at me and laughing. I glared at him with a blush still on my face. "I'm getting scissors." I announced and stomped out of the living room and into the kitchen. All the creepypastas were already setting up. EJ let us use the two tables he set in in the living room until the food came. I walked into the kitchen and there stood Ben. "Ah!" He shouted and gripped EJ by the arm pulling him in front of him. EJ continued eating his kidney totally not phased by anything. "Calm down, I'm not coming for you, I'm coming for scissors." I explained and grabbed them off the counter. Ben drew a relieved breath out as I left. I walked back into the living room and Jeff held up a design of a little teddy better. "Yes or no?" He asked. "Awe, how cu-" I was cut off by him. "I don't like it." He said looking at it was disgust. "I do." I said grabbing it from him and cutting the pattern out. I opened it up afterwards for it to make a long line of the pattern in a streamer form. "We should hang this up." I stated. Jeff took it from me and pulled up a chair. "Here." He said telling to climb up. I sighed and walked to the chair. "I don't think I'll reach..." I mumbled. "That's okay they don't need to be super high, just hurry so we can finish the rest of the decorations." Jeff assured me. I slowly climbed on the chair as it wobbled. I tried desperately to steady it and finally stood steady. Jeff passed me the streamers an I noticed he was holding the stool now. "You good now?" He chuckled amused. I nodded bashfully. He released his hold on the stool and walks back to the table. I reached up and tip toed to reach higher when suddenly the chair wobbled again causing me to lose my balance. The chair tipped and I braved myself to hit the floor. "Y/n!" Jeff shouted. I opened my eyes and relaxed my body from the tense position it was in. I heard Jeff groan and I realized I landed on Jeff. I froze out of embarrassment. Jeff begun to stroke my hair. "You fell for me." I could hear a smirk in his tone. My face darkened in a blush. "Yeah..." I mumbled and stood up. I dusted himself off as looked over at Jeff who was just laying there. "R-really?" He stuttered. I chuckled darkly because I was teasing him now. "Get up slacker we have to finish these decorations." I said helping him up. He dusted himself how with a pout on history face. We both walked back to the table ready to eat started again. "Okay...but really-"Jeff begun but stopped. "Never mind." He groaned.

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