Trouble with a capital T

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Jeff's POV

I sat on the floor of the porch until the sun started to go down. Just thinking. "Why am I so jealous?...." Was the question that seemed to haunt me most. I bite my bottom lip out of thought and anger, tasting the familiar iron taste of blood. I finally willed myself to stand up using the railing to pull myself up, I looked out into the forest once more. I took a very much needed deep breath and turned around, picking up my knife off the floor and walked into the mansion. "Hey Jeff, Y/n walked up stairs." Ben stated thinking I automatically walked into the living to ask him that question. "So?" I asked harshly, indicating that I didn't care. Ben looked at me for a half second before just shrugging. The living room fell quiet. While minus the video game noise coming from the tv and the occasional mumble from Ben. "Can't we watch a movie or something?" I crossed my arms half glaring at the tv due to lack of entertainment. I could feel Ben's annoyance radiating off his body but I quite frankly didn't care. I just wanted to get my mind off of things and fast. "Did you hear me?" I snapped. A groan escaped Ben's mouth as he lazily got off the couch and tossed his controller by the TV and looked through the movies. I sighed loudly making Ben turn to look at me. "What now your highness?" He glared at me. "Ben there's more to life than video games." I scoffed. He rolled his eyes and mumble something under his breath again as he looked through the movies some more. I decided to let his mumble slid. "Hey Benny boy, there was supposed to be a party in town..." I trailed off brushing up on the topic I remembered earlier from my kill this afternoon. Ben looked over his shoulder at me in an interested manner. "Keep talking..." He said. "It's suppose to be at some kids house, 1400 Renaissance Avenue I think was the's not too far from here and I could really get my mind off some shit." I shrugged making it look like no big deal. I don't know if a part of me believes Y/n and I just didn't know how to apologize or if I really still thought something was going on between them. "Okay well then let's go." He said leaving the mission to finding a movie behind. I stood and brushed off my blood stained hoodie. "Meh the lighting will be dark enough no one will notice." I thought to myself thinking about the dark red spots. "And if they do...I guess I'm just going to have to take care of it." I scoffed to myself mentally.

Ben made his way to the front door as we slipped out as quietly as possible. The last thing I needed were the others to follow....besides I wanted to get away from things, not drag them along with me. Smile excitedly trailed behind us as I just ignored him and seemed to walk a little ahead of Ben. "In a hurry are we?" Ben rolled his eyes and jogged to catch up with me. I stayed silent, wishing Ben would do the same. "Look Jeff...if I come with you I don't want to be on a time limit here or some schedule-...Hey! Can you slow down please? I'm practically running to keep up with you!" He said gripping my shoulder once he caught up with me and yanked me back a bit to get me to ease up. I brushed his hand off my shoulder and looked at him as he gave me an annoyed look. "I don't want to hurry to get there and hurry to come back. Either we go and have fun or we don't go at all." He crossed his arms. I opened my mouth to say something but sighed instead. "Okay?" He questioned. "Yeah....whatever." I mumbled and turned to walk, this time at a relaxed paced. "This is more like it." Ben announced and lightly punched my arm in a friendly manner. I half glared not in the mood to be touched. "Loosen up, you're like a crotchety old man. Why are you so upset anyways?" He said walking backwards now to face me as we made our way through the forest. "Forget it." I mumbled. "Kinda hard to forget it when your moping around that mopes I don't know just tell me what's wrong with you." He insisted and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You do think EJ would ever purpose do something to get me mad?" I finally gave in and choose my words wisely. "What do you mean? We all kind of do things to get each other mad it's what we do." Ben shrugged and I sighed once more. "But like...something really messed up?" I added. Ben thought about it before piecing it together. "Is this about Y/n?" He looked at me with a knowing tone. I said silent and shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets. "Look man....she loves ya...and EJ loves ya and even though she doesn't remember you she knows she loves you and even though EJ can be an asshole he wouldn't  purposely snatch her up knowing shes you gal." Ben said and it surprisingly made sense and what's complete and utter bullshit. "I guess..." I said lightening up a bit. "Clearly you jumped to conclusions man and she's pissed at you from what I can tell, give her time to cool off, talk to her when we come back." Ben suggested and adjusted his hat. That idea what's actually bad at all. "I guess you're right." I said feeling a weight come off my shoulders a bit. I should let her calm down and in the mean time I'll figure out what the hell Im gonna say to her.

"Hey is this our street?" Ben interrupted my thought process and I hadn't realized I was thinking for this long. We were already out of the forest and headed down the street. "Yeah I think so." I said looking a t the street signs. It wasn't long before we approached the correct house, cars were parked out front. Groups of teenagers were on the porch and in the house. "Alright man!" Ben said excitedly. "Let's go in." He tugged me along by the sleeve of my hoodie. We walked up the dimly lit steps to the porch and into the dimly lit house. We made our way directly to a table and grabbed some red cups full of alcohol. "Cheers." Ben smiles wide and hit his cup against mine causing some to sip on me. "Yeah..." I half heartedly spoke before taking a sip of this crappy tasting beer. It was the cheap kind. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked over my shoulder not turning my whole body. " friend *hiccup* and I want to know if you want to take *hiccup* some shots with us?" A girl asked. She was short but a bit taller than Y/n, she had dyed dark red hair and brown eyes. Honestly she wasn't that attractive as she tried to make her self seem as she looked up at me batting her eyelashes and leaning on her friend. It was apparent she was tipsy. "Nah I'm good." I turned away from her and sipped again from my cup. Ben slapped my arm. "Duuuude." He half whispered as a scolding. "Oh come on please? It will be fun, come and out with me and my friends." She said touching my arm before sipping her arm under mine to link us together. She leaned against me and batted her eyes once more but it was clear I had a scowl on my face due to Ben glaring at me. "Don't mind him, he's just a little grumpy." Ben smiled at the girls and they smiled happily knowing they got his attention. "We'll we can fix that." She winked at me and I sipped from my cup again. "No you can't." I mumbled under my breath. Ben pinched my arm and I punched him back. "We're in." Ben smirked to the girls and they led us away. I pulled my arm from the girl and reluctantly followed Ben as he started talking to two other girls and going off about some story.

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