What's Mine

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Jeff's POV

"What a women..." I mumbled to myself. Ben stayed on the couch thinking about what just happened. "What are you doing with your life Ben?" I asked. Ben looked to me. "I can't believe you haven't made your move yet. You've told me that you like her...like a lot...so really what's stopping you...I don't get it." Ben said laying down on the couch. "It's not that easy dumb ass, you just witnessed what happens when you play the flirting game with her." I chuckled. "She's the type that likes romantic things...compliments...deep conversations...star gazing." I explained and smiled to myself. She was truly breathtaking. "You seem to know a lot about her, man." Ben stated sitting up. I shrugged and walked over to sit on the couch next to him. "She's different..." I trailed off blushing. I turned away from Ben and pretended to be more interested in the lamp on the table next to the couch. "You love her, don't you?" Ben asked. He sounded like he was teasing but at the same time he sounded proud in some way. I sat quietly. "It's strange seeing you in love....I always thought everyone else would be the one to find someone and you'd just be content with killing everything else." Ben bluntly spoke. I glared at him. "Dude, I can still kick your ass." I threatened. "It's not me you have to worry about, it's Sally's birthday today and that means there'll be a party...you know what happens when there's a party. Slender always has to invite the other creepy pastas...I wouldn't lose track of Y/n if I were you." Ben said picking up the controller. "Holy hell...he has a point, I can't let her stay alone with any of the pastas." I think to myself. "Yeah..." I say weakly and get up to walk out. "Hey...thought of any games?" Ben asked before I left. I poked my head back into the living room. "Uh...yeah, hide and go seek." I answered. Ben turned to look at me with a confused expression. "Really?" He questioned in disbelief. "Trust me, Sally will love the idea and I have a plan anyways so just make it happen. I'm counting on you, let me down and I'll let my knife down on your Xbox." I glared, pointing at Ben and then his xbox. Ben gasped in a high pitch tone. "You're a monster!" He called. I smiled a sinister smile. "Only on my good days." I tease. "Can't imagine your bad days..." I heard Ben mumble, I poked my head back in. "Oh yeah and one more thing...since I already told you I liked her, it'd be great if you'd stop flirting and creeping on her, other wise my fist his gonna have a little talk with your face and I promise it won't be a very understanding conversation." I growled and Ben nodded quickly before getting back to his game. I turned to walk up the stairs slowly. I was thinking how I was gonna win Y/n over. "I need to keep her attention on me..." I trail off to myself. "I just have to start acting like I like her...I held her hand for fucks sake, she must like me even just a little not to push me away." I convinced myself. I creaked open the door and found her asleep again curled up next to smile. I slowly closed the door and leaned against it. I smiled at her sleeping delicate figure before I willed myself forward and walked to her side of the bed, careful not to wake her up. I crouched down beside her and moved some of her hair out of her face. She looked so peaceful, and fragile. Her breathing was slow and consistent. I couldn't believe I didn't notice how beautiful she was last night while she slept. I must have been to content in the stars, or the fact I was holding her hand. It's not like I was sleeping...I was to busy protecting her. We were out in the open after all, I didn't want to fall asleep and then something bad happen...I would never forgive myself.

I always knew she was beautiful, growing up. I just never knew she was going to be this irresistible. She certainly has changed a lot. As a kid she had a rounder face and big curious brown eyes, a smile that could brighten up my day and a laugh that was so adorable. Now...oh god...now she reminded me of something you'd see in a magazine. Her face was more defined, showing a slim face with high skin bones, she still had the curious brown eyes but they were mysterious and elegant. Her smile could still light up my day, but now along with the rest of the town, her laugh was still adorable and even contagious. Even if other people didn't see her this flawlessly, I swear on anything she was the most beautiful creature to me.

I gently laid my hand on her face and traced her bottom lip with my thumb. It was full and plump. A bit bigger since the last time I kissed her. Her lips were a light reddish pink. They were soft like rose petals. I realized that this little touch could wake her up so I removed my had from her perfect aura, and watched instead. I watched, like she was the answer to all of my questions. She was crazy...but I swear she was magic. I couldn't help but feel like she was doing this on purpose, making me want her so bad, look irresistible and gorgeous, making me love her....but then again how would she know that I loved her...that I always have. That I was her knight in a blood stained hoodie. I guess that's what killed me most...she never even knew.

I stood and towered over her. I smiled once more and fought the urge to scoop her up in my arms and hold her forever, that would be the only way I knew she'd be safe. I carefully ran my hand through her hair once more to feel her silk like hair run through my fingers effortlessly. Part of me knew I did it just to make sure she was real, and she was really there. 5 long years and I've finally seen the happiness I've longed for...granted she's the biggest pain in the neck, but she's my pain in the neck. This is what's mine. She is mine.

I sighed and turned to walk away. I remembered something I had to get, I forgot it back at the little meadow we star gazed at. I carefully shuffled to the door and left her to her slumber.

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