Sweetly cold

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I walked towards the living room until I'm spun around again by Jeff. "Where are you going?" He asked curiously. "To the living room." I stated. He smirked. "Wrong answer." He said grabbing my hand and heading towards the stairs. I pulled back. "I can carry you you know...I really don't want to though because your wet." He said looking over my clothes that clung to my body. "You sure did grow up Y/n." Jeff mumbled. I smacked the top of his head and he looked back at me. "What?" He asked innocently. I just shook my head.

He led me up to his room and sat me on his bed before walking to his closest.  I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. He scavenged threw his clothes before pulling out a pair of black boxers and a black t-shirt. Before I could ask anything he threw them at me. "Ew!" I panicked and threw the boxers off my face. "Relax, they're clean...they're also the only ones I think that'll fit you." He said and walked towards me. I looked at him. "Well...get out." I stated. He put his hand on his chest acting offended. "Me? My room?" He asked surprised. He then laughed like it was crazy and laid down on the bed, putting his arms behind his head. "I think I'll stay." He said looking me over. "Jeff, stop flirting with me, you're my friend not my boyfriend." I frowned at him. He sat up and looked straight at me. "Well how do you ever expect me to be your boyfriend if I can't flirt, gotta start somewhere." He smirked cheeky. My mouth gaped out and I blushed. "I...you...what?" I stuttered for lack of words. He chuckled. "Kidding." He smiled and got up to walk out the door. "You should have seen your face." He continued to chuckle as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I glared a hole through the door even after he left. "You can't just mess around like that." I thought to himself. "God...I hate myself for blushing...why did I even blush?" I continued to think as I got dressed in the other clothes. Shortly after I walked to the door and found that Jeff was leaning against the wall opposite of the door. "I'm done." I stated. "So I see." He replied and leaned off the wall. Jeff approached me and towered above me. "Will the clothes be okay?" He asked. "He seems a little to close to ask me about the clothes..." I think to myself and take one step back. "They're fine, thanks." I smile up at him in a friendly way. He takes one step forward to regain space we had between us merely seconds ago. "You stopped coughing...." He pointed out. "Oh yeah...maybe the change of clothes helped." I nervous chuckle. I go to take another step back until Jeff grabs the side of my shirt and pulls me towards him. "You don't have to be afraid of me Y/n." He says in a low voice now considering how close we are. My fore arm is leaning against his chest, both our hips touching. I blushed again without knowing why. "Jeff, that's for me to decided." I say almost bluntly but I try hard to be kind about it. "Right..." Jeff spoke a little sad and tore his look away from me. "My, my, what have we here?" I heard that same voice that made chills run down my spine. "Offender...why do you have to creep?" Jeff growled. I looked away from offender. "Jeff I wasn't creeping, just saying...a simple goodbye to lovely human...whom's scent will forever remain with me." He spoke as he took a deep breath. Jeff pushed me into he room and closed the door leaving me alone in the room. I could hear talking between the two in the hallway. "Not that I want you to stay but...wasn't it arranged that way?" Jeff asked. "Oh no child, you got it all twisted." Offender chuckled. I could hear him approaching. I swallowed hard as leaned my back against the door. "It's not I who will be staying sadly...but a different pasta as come to town, and as slender being oh so gesture, he invited him to stay here in the guest bedroom." Offender explained. He seemed to be mocking when he talked about slender. I couldn't help but wonder if he was envious of slender or not. "Guest bedroom? I thought I was supposed to get the guest bedroom? Great now I have to stay with Jeff." I thought to myself. Don't get me wrong Jeff and I are...friends somewhat...I still just want my space from him. He needs to 'gain' my trust back again. He did kill my family, I can't just run into his arms because he's being a little nice to me. I'm not that desperate. "So who's gonna be taking up space here?" Jeff sad almost irritated. "Well I believe two pastas are coming but one is staying here for a while." Offender relied. "Who they are?" Jeff spoke irritated again. "Helen Otis." Offender announced. He then started snickering and chuckling darkly like he was amused. "And your dear brother Liu whom I know you love so much." Offender said in a teasing way. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth in shock. "Liu is alive?..." I think to myself. Suddenly Jeff opens the door and I back away from the door just as he slams it shut. "...you okay?" I almost whisper to him. "I don't know." He replies almost monotone.

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