My Mistake

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I waited on the porch for what seemed like forever. I know for a fact I've been here for hours. I put my chin in the palm of my hand as I rested my elbow on the railing of the porch. Little paint chips were scattered all around from me picking at it. I sighed when suddenly I heard a bark in the distance. I perked my head up and looked around waiting to catch a glimpse of something that would be Jeff. I heard the bark again and this time a white bloody hoodie came into view. It was more bloody then I remembered...

"Hey! Hey Jeff!" I shouted and waved my arms in the arm with a smile on my face. He didn't respond. "Uh...maybe he didn't hear me...or see me." I thought to myself and decided to just wait until he got closer. Soon he was by the steps leading up to the porch. "Hey why'd you just leave like that?" I asked trying to tread around the situation lightly. He flicked his eyes at me and there was a look of something that scared me enough to take a step back from him. "Why do you care Y/n? Your "pal" EJ wasn't entertaining enough for you?" He growled and dragged his feet across the wood floors of the porch. "What?" I asked genuinely confused. He scoffed. "Why do you play dumb...or maybe you really are dumb." He took a step towards me. My mouth hung open a bit from shock and I scrambled for words to respond with. "What the hell Jeff?" I asked looking at him hurt. He's expression softened for a second before he furrowed his eyebrows back into an angry expression. "If you didn't want to be with me you could've just said." He added. "Jeff it's not that at all, I want to be-" I was cut off. "Then you should have told EJ you didn't want to be with him." He took another step closer to me. I would've backed up but I was already against the railing. "What are you talking about? You're scaring me stop." My eyes slow watered and I bit my lip to keep it from quivering. "I honestly don't know how I could've loved someone like you..." He mumbled. Those words hit me like bricks to the chest. My heart seemed to stop for a minute and my mind shut down. "W-w...Jeff.." I blinked at him and he looked down at the floor. "You like EJ and he apparently likes whores..." He continued to mumble. Before I could think about anything to say to him or do I realized I just slapped him. He growled and pushed me against the railing and held his knife against my throat. "I killed you once I can do it again." He looked me dead in the eyes. "Clearly you failed both times." I spat back at him and pushed him, throwing him to the floor. "I feel bad for you Jeff...all alone because you're so god damn hateful to everyone you meet, you think you know everything this world has to offer but truth his you don't know shit." I growled and stooped down close to him gripping the collar of his hoodie. "You're just an anger person who doesn't even like themselves so you take it out on everyone else. You're not a horrible person because you kill other're a horrible person because of your personality as how you kill your friends and the ones around you....seriously don't be surprised when you end up all the fuck alone asshole." I pushed him back down to the floor and stood up. I was furious with him. Stepping over him I walked to the front door and turned to look at him over my shoulder. "I was talking to EJ about you and how to tell you I wanted to be with know he gives a lot of great advice about your dumb ass...once again you should really get your story straight before you go parading around thinking you know shit." I sneered and walked into the mansion leaving him out there on the ground.

"Stupid idiot...cut in smile...calling me a whore....who does he think he is?!" I mumbled angrily to myself as I marched up the stairs. "Hey Y/n." Masky greeted with a waved as I stomped right past him. "Hello." I half growled not meaning to let my anger come out on him. I walked straight into Jeff room and that's where I crumbled and bawled my eyes out. "Idiot understand." I sobbed leaning against the door. I held my chest where my aching heart skipped beats. "Why do I still love?" I asked out loud to no one. "I shouldn't have said those things to him." I sobbed hard and pushed myself off the door and made my way to the desk to turn on the lamp so I could turn off the main light that seemed to bright. My head began to pound with a headache. I sat at the foot of the bed and wiped my tears trying to think about what I should do now. There was really only one thing I could do that would make sense.

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