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Your POV

My eyes fluttered open and I felt smile against my back. I yawned once and pushed myself to sit up at the edge of the bed. I ran my hands through my hair. I've been thinking a lot about my's strange how I haven't heard any missing alerts about me. "Did she really not care about me?...." I frowned to myself. I quickly tore my mind from that dark place and stood up. Smile jumped to his feet and wagged his tail. I looked around the room for a minute. "Where's Jeff?" I thought to myself. I figured he'd be down stairs workingon the party decorations. I quickly opened the door so I could hurry and apologize about slacking. I could already hear his voice now calling me slacker. I rushed down the stairs and into the living room. Ben was laying on the couch. "Where's Jeff?" I asked. Ben shrugged. I groaned and walked out of the room before I heard Ben call. "He left about half an hour ago." I walked towards the door. "Wait Jeff told me to tell you to stay here and wait for him." Ben said running after me to stop me from leaving. I gave a strange look to the small elf boy and closed the door again. "Okay?" I said and walked away from the door. "Jeff sure can act strange." I thought to myself and walked back to the living room. "Hey...sorry about earlier..." Ben awkwardly said. "It's fine...I should have approached the topic calmly." I replied. "No, it's okay I deserved it, I was just so caught up in helping Jeff and-" he stopped and snapped his head to me. "What?" I asked. "Help Jeff do wait?" I added. "Nothing." He smiled innocently. I glared at him. "Ben...tell me." I demanded. "No I can't." Ben said fearfully. "Ben, tell me right now!" I shouted. "Jeff will kill me." He begged. "I'll kill you." I threatened. Ben covered his mouth and shook his head. "Alright..fine." I shrugged and went to walk away. Ben sighed and leaned back against the couch. I spun around and darted to Ben, pouncing on him. "Tell me!" I shouted. "Never!" He shouted back as we both fall to the floor. I grabbed a pillow and beat him with it as he tried to get up. "Why not?!" I said hitting him in the face making him lose balance and fall back to the floor. "Because it's bro code!" Ben yelled and stood up. "That's stupid!" I growled and pushed him over the couch. He fell over the entire couch and I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ways. "Get back here." I laughed evilly and cut walked around the couch. He grabbed my legs and quickly flipped me back over the couch making me almost knock down the lamp on the table. I turned my head to see he was trying to crawl towards the doorway of the living room to escape but I quickly stood and chased after him gripping his ankles, ready to pull him back into the living room. "What in the hell are you guys doing?" I heard Jeff's voice. Both Ben and I looked up slowly to see him leaning causally on the doorway of the living room. He's arms were crossed and he looked amused. I proceed to pull Ben back into the living room as he clawed at the floor boards. "Jeff, help me!" Ben cried. Jeff gave him a look that read, "Do I have to?". "I accidentally almost gave away what you told me about her and know she wants to know what you told me!" Ben blurted out at a 100 mile per hour speed. Jeff jolted forward and grabbed my wrists. "Stop, I need to know." I protested and continued pulling Ben to the middle of the living room so I could give him a ultimate smack down. "You can't know right now." Jeff pried my hands off Ben's ankles. Ben quickly stood and ran out of the living room like a bat out of hell. Jeff held my wrists against a his chest. "Why not now?" I pouted. " can't be now." Jeff argued. I groaned and pushed him on the couch. I turned to walk away angrily, but just then, Jeff reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to him. He was standing again as he through his arms around me. My arms were trapped under his as he hugged me. I stood still with a blush on my and a mad expression. I heard him chuckle. "You're so cute when your mad." He said sitting down on the couch but didn't let me go. Jeff sat down taking me with him, cause me to sort of sit on his lap. "I'm not c-cute!" I shouted, a blushing mess now and I was determined to get free. I tried desperately to free my arms and push him away. Jeff just chuckled again and nuzzled in my hair against my back. "Stop being stubborn." He said. "I'm not!" I shouted back and began kicking my legs. Jeff leaned back against the couch still bringing me along with him. My side was against his chest and I could feel his warmth. He rested his chin on my head. This position restricted pretty much all movement for me, so I just laid there. I found actually, kind of nice....I also found that my feelings for Jeff were growing into something bigger than just a crush. I knew because no one else could make my face turn red in a matter of 2.5 seconds with just a single word or action. I knew this because even though I desperately wanted to free myself from his arms...I desperately wanted to stay. I liked Jeff more than a friend, more than a 1 week crush. I knew I liked him a lot an that wasn't ever going to change. I've always like Jeff. Even when I hated him to the point of wrath...I still found him attractive, I still found myself wanting to like him again. I've always loved Jeff and I think I always will, he's not someone you just up and forget, he's burnt himself into my skin, my mind will be filled with his memories, good and bad. I find it strange that before, Jeff was never part of my vocabulary...and now...he's the only word I know. Jeff released one arm around me and stroked my hair. "Don't fight me so much." He said softly.

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