My Understandings

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Jeff's POV

"Not cool."EJ told me. "What the hell do you know." I growled at him and went to retrieve my knife. He sighed and shook his head. "I'll take her to your room." He stated. "You guys seem like friends, take her to yours." I sneered. "Jealous?" EJ chuckled darkly. "Drop dead." I said and turned to walk towards the front door. I slammed it behind me. My dog perked his head up and wagged his tail. He sat up and walked towards me. "Not now smile." I said and walked down the steps of the porch. He whimpered. "Fine...come on." I said and patted my leg to make him come. He darted from the stairs to my side. I don't know what's going on with me.... It's like the moment I saw Y/n I knew I still loved her, but I hate her. "Ugh!" I groaned and stabbed the nicest tree with my knife. "She'll never love me back..." I mumble. "I fucked up big time." I add. I sat in the leaves as smile ran off like a loon. "I know....I'll just have to kill her, no more Y/n, no more feelings." I thought to myself. I laid down on the leaves with a sigh. " more Y/n...." I said softly to myself. I frowned despite my craved in smile. "She just so pretty...and smart and funny....and-" I stopped myself from thinking such like that. "I know nothing about her now...she's mean, sarcastic and rude...and pretty and-" I stopped myself again. "God damn it!" I shouted and my voice echoed around the tree tops. I then thought of what I told EJ. "I have to get back to the mansion." I thought to myself and quickly stood. "Smile, come." I said before I whistled. He barked and came running. "You done pissing on everything?" I asked looking down at him. He just barked and wagged his tail.

I walked down the hallway and into my room. My bed was empty. I felt this feeling of rage and relief. I groaned and lazily walked over to my bed and laid down on it. "I wonder what her as EJ are doing now..." I thought to myself and turned to the side. There I saw Y/n on the floor. "....she hates me this bad?..." I asked myself. I frowned and grabbed a pillow and slowly walked to her. She was asleep already. I carefully lifted her head and put the pillow under her. I stayed crouched beside her and starred at her. I sighed and grabbed my knife from my hoodie pocket. "No Y/n, no feelings." I repeats to myself. I put my knife to her neck and she moved in her sleep. Her hand fell on my hand that was propping me up as I leaned over her. "Ah!" I panicked to myself. I stood up and stumbled away from her. "Damn you..." I whispered to her and pointed my knife at her. "Damn you to hell." I whispered to her again before turning off the light and crawling into my bed. I turned away from her. My mind couldn't help to go back to the time I first kissed her. It was so long ago. 5 years to be exact. "I bet she's kissed other boys...." I trail off in my thoughts. I mean I've kissed a few girls after her but I couldn't stand the thought of her kissing anyone else. "Who cares...I hate her anyways." I thought, trying to clear my mind.

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