Bloody Duo

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I followed Jeff closely, the forest seemed like a different place at night. It was much more eerie and cold. "I'm sorry about what happened with them...they don't know when to stop." Jeff said. "Why are you sorry? You weren't the one asking all the questions." I nervously laugh. "Yeah...But that still doesn't make it right...I hate when they do that shit." Jeff replied. "Jeff, it's fine, really it was just harmless joking." I say getting red with a blush. I was thinking about what Liu said. "Was he really that happy after he kissed me?" I thought to myself. I mean, I was too but Jeff didn't seem like the one to get overly happy about something, especially something like that. "So do you have any ideas on where you wanna go?" Jeff asked pulling me from my thoughts. " not can choose." I said sheepishly. I looked at the back of Jeff's head and watched as he looked over his shoulder at me. I think I'm developing a crush on him. "This is stupid." I think to myself. "What?" Jeff spin around to face me. I stopped so I didn't run into him. "Nothing." I spoke quick. He gave me a confused look. "Okay?" He said and turned to keep walking.

We reached the edge of town and didn't stop, Jeff just walked straight into the town. "Get over here slacker." Jeff whisper yelled to me. I jogged to catch up with him. "I'm not a slacker." I frowned. "This way." He pulled me down an alley. It led to another street. Jeff led us to a two story house and the lights were already shut off. "This family goes to sleep early." Jeff explained. I nodded my head in comprehension. "Think you can keep up?" Jeff turned and winked at me. I blushed. "Stop that you fool!" I scolded myself. Jeff seemed to realize he made me blush. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Come on." He said leaving me to follow behind. We sneaked to the back door quietly. Jeff turned the door knob. "What the hell...its locked?" Jeff said and looked genuinely puzzled. I rolled my eyes. "Give me your knife genius." I sighed. "My knife?" He crossed his arms. I sighed frustrated again and walked around side the house. "What do you need my knife for?" He asked. "I was gonna pick the lock." I admitted. "I tried that at this house, the knife is to flat." Jeff said putting his hand in his hoodie pocket feeling proud of himself. "Well...good think we walked by an open window earlier." I said leading him to the window. He smiled innocently. "You're not that dumb." He teased. I punched his arm. "Just get in the house." I demanded. He rolled his eyes and pushed the window up more so he could fit through. Once he was threw he helped pull me in. "Stay quiet." He whispered so low it was almost incoherent. "This isn't my first time." I whispered back irritated. He was treating me like a rookie. He ignored me and walked towards the stairs. I walked to the kitchen for a knife considering I didn't have a weapon. Once I got the knife I casually walked up the stairs. Jeff was leaned against the hallway walls. "The hell where you?" Jeff snapped. I flashed the knife at him to give him a hint. He scoffed. "Try'na be cool like me huh? I'll show you a trick or two." He smirked. I snickered and walked him back against the wall with my hand on his chest. I could feel his heart began to beat fast and I decided to tease him a bit. I leaned in close almost touching foreheads until I leaned to the side and whispered in his ear. "Tricks are for kids, big boys have skills." I leaned up away from him to see his eyes a bit wide. "I have skills." He said after swallowing hard. I smiled at him and walked away letting my hand trail up from his his chest to his neck and along his jaw, outlining it. Jeff stumbled forward to follow my hand. I walked ahead of him and towards the first door, Before I could reach for the handle Jeff spun me around and leaned me against the wall. "I have lots of skills, depends which ones you want me to show you." Jeff said leaning his forearms on the wall behind me. He lowered his head and posture a bit to look me dead in the eye. One of his hands fell to my cheek. He was particularly draped over me. I smiled. "I want you to use the skills you have to kill someone." I said twisting his hoodie in my fist and ducking under his arm. I led him down the hallway. "I have lots of other skills too." He whined. "I'm sure you do, and I'm sure lots of other girls know that too." I teased. "No they don't-....wait, would you be jealous if I said yes?" He asked. "Why would he try to make me jealous?" I thought to myself. I entered the room and there slept a teenaged boy about 15 or 16. "You didn't answer-" I cut Jeff off by pressing a finger to my lips telling him to 'sshh'. He frowned and went to step forward but ending up dripping over one of the boys shoes. "Some killer." I think to myself. Jeff almost falls on the boy but I pull him back by his hood. "Stop fucking around..." I scolded him. The boy suddenly started moving before he sat straight up and rubbed his eyes. He stopped for a minute and slowly pulled his hands away from his eyes and stared straight at us. "M-m-mo-" before the boy could scream Jeff slit his throat and with the same motion, he stabbed him in the chest. "That would have been bad." Jeff mumbled. I smacked the top of Jeff's head. "Then focus." I growled. Jeff glared at me and rubbed the wounded area on his head. I turned around and saw a shadow castes on the hallway wall. "Shit." I mumbled and panicked. Jeff grabbed my wrist and shoved me into the closet before pushing me over so he could fit. Jeff closed the door. The closet was so messy which made it so small. Jeff and I were back to back. "Think the coast is clear." Jeff mumbled. "I hope so because you're crushing me..." I replied. Jeff opened the door and stepped out scanning the room. He moved aside to let me through. Suddenly there was a loud scream. I threw the knife and it nailed a women in the forehead quickly silencing her. Jeff looked at me surprised. "Not bad." He said approving. I heard rustling from the room next door, there was a cock of a gun and a long shadow coming done the hallway. " knife." I stated. We were trapped in the room and my knife was in the women's head in the hallway. Our lives depended on Jeff's knife. "I take back what I said to're an idiot, why would you do that?" He glared at me. I ducked behind the door and Jeff slide under the bed just in time. A man walked into the room with a large shot gun. The man stepped farther into the room and gaged a bit. I head just enough room to sneak behind me an get my knife. I stepped forward and carefully around the door. "Hey!" The man called and the gun was fired. I immediately dropped to the floor and reached my knife for my knife. I turned on my back and threw the knife at the man nailing him right in the throat. The man feel forward to show another knife in the back of his head. Jeff stood in the doorway. "We make a pretty good team." Jeff smiled wide at me. I smiled back until I started thinking about all this blood and that same smile. I frowned. Jeff stepped forward. "No, hey what's wrong, you're not feeling guilty right?" Jeff said coming straight to me, not caring if he stepped in blood or not. "Y-yeah I'm just brought back some childhood memories that's all, I'm fine." I said sort of moving away from him. I looked up to see a hurt expression on Jeff's face. "Y/n..." He called in a hurt tone. He extended his hand to touch my face and I stepped back a bit. He let his arm fall back to his side. "Really...I'm fine." I gave a weak smile. I turned to walk away but Jeff chased after me and hugged me from behind. "I don't want you to be scared of have my word that I will never hurt you." Jeff said into my hair. I froze. "You have my word." He repeated

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