Define sick

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I starred at Jeff as he starred back at me. I was drenched in rain water. Jeff's bangs clung to his forehead as various longer layers made there way to his neck. "Remind me why we're doing this?" I asked while rubbing my arms with the palm of my hands for warmth. He pulled me along by my arm into the front of the mansion. "You like the rain don't you?" He asked. I pulled back a bit to get his attention. He quickly looked over to see what the problem was. I smiled at him a bit. "...what?" He asked confused. "You remembered?" I asked. He sighed and rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Come on..." He trailed off pulled me to a puddle. "...wanna jump into it?" He asked bashful and with a small smile. I laughed and decide to jump in without warning so I could splash him. I jumped forward making both my feet stomp down in the rain water. The water jumped into the air and splashed Jeff. He pants were soaking and he's converses were dripping wet. The bottom of his hoodie at splash marks and water droplets. He looked down at his appearance before looking back at me with a mischievous look, an evil grin made its way upon his features. "Oh Y/n." He spoke smoothly. He's voice slithered on the floor and coiled around my lungs causing shivers to go down my spine. "Y-yeah?" I answered dumbfounded. He clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth making a clicking sounding telling me I've done something wrong. He then chuckled darkly and stepped forward closer to me and circled behind me. "Y/n...that was bad." He stated. His tone seemed playful. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Is this the upside of being friends? He isn't always in a bad mood?" I thought to myself. "Well I guess I'm a bad person." I shrugged and played his game. I turned around to look at him but he was gone. "Jeff?" I called out into the rain. There was no answer. "God damn it..." I mumble and stepped towards the forest. "Maybe he really did get mad and go inside." I think to myself and turn back around to go to the mansion. I pass by the puddle and before I saw the shadow approach the puddle, I was immediately splashed back when I passed by. I bunched my hands into fists and cried out his name. He laughed hard. I turned around to face him but ended up slipping in some mud and falling into the puddle. Jeff laughed harder as I sat in the dirty rain water and pouted. I huffed and stood up. "Oh don't be so grumpy." He teased and poked my cheek. I swatted his hand away. "Who's a grumpy  pants?" He teased again. I glared at him. "Who?" He smirked and continued. "I'm not saying it." I said shaking out my hair. He shielded himself with his arm so I wouldn't splash him. When I was down he wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a friendly way. "I'm kind of glad we're friends again." He smiled wide. I chuckled and brushed some mud off my pants. "I'm not." I teased. "I'll push you into the puddle." He glared at me. He's attitude changed so quickly. "Geez I was just kidding Jeff...I guess I'm kind of glad to be friends again too." I looked up to him.
He smiled down at me. It was quiet for a minute before I shivered and my teeth began to chatter. My clothes were wet and the air was cold. Jeff cocked his head to the side. "C-can we g-go in s-side?" I asked through chattering teeth. He sighed and rolled his eyes before grabbing my wrist and leading me back inside.

I stood at the entrance of the mansion door and sneezed. Jeff whipped his head around just as I coughed. "What's wrong with you?" He asked some what concerned. "What do you mean?" I asked and went to the kitchen. He followed close behind and tried to lean over the back of my shoulder to look at my face. He then moved in front of me and crossed his arms to stop me from walking. "Jeff move I'm trying to get some water." I said stepping to the side of him. He pulled me back my my arm and I ran into his chest. "What are you doing?" I asked confused an tried to push away. "If you're sick I'll kill you." He said looking down at me. I couched into my elbow and wiped my runny nose. "I'm not sick you idiot." I say pulling my arm away from him. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I don't get sick easily." I nervously chuckled. I coughed once more and he glared at me. "Go away." I pushed his chest. "You're sick aren't you?" He gave me a death glare. "I'm not!" I argued and continued going to the kitchen. "I hope I'm not...I don't wanna die." I think to myself remember what he said just a while ago. He followed me. "Yes you are why are you so stubborn?" He said in a tone like he knew he was right. "I'm not, and even if I was it'd be your fault for dragging me out in the rain with no jacket, and pushing me into a puddle." I said getting a glass down. It was quiet and I turned around to face him. He just starred at me with his arms crossed. "You could have out on a jacket." He mumbled. "Right...and where do you see my jacket? Oh wait..that's at my house with the rest of my clothes, news flash Jeffy I only have pajamas." I began. "Which...are now wet." I added before I coughed. "Don't call me Jeffy." He growled. I rolled my eyes with a smile. I poured the water into the glass and took a sip. "You're so stupid." Jeff mumbled. I put the glass on the counter an turned to look at home. "Me?!" I shouted. He rolled his eyes and sighed frustrated as he walked over to me. I put my hands on my hips an glared at him. "You're stupid!" I argued. Jeff put his index finger right in the middle of my forehead and liked it. "You're sick." He glared at me. "I am not." I mumble back. I grabbed my cup of water and walked around Jeff to exit the kitchen. "And if I was you'd kill me...sorry you can't get rid of me that easy." I smirked at him and left the kitchen. Before I left to saw a small smile on his face. It was a mischievous smile or an evil smile. It was a cute and genuine little smile.

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