While the worlds sleeping

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Jeff walked caustically and quietly down the stairs. As for me I walked normally behind him. He reached the bottom of the steps and stuck out an arm to stop me. He poked his head in the living room doorway and then turned back to me putting a finger to his mouth, motioning me to be quiet. "Why?" I mouthed and he gave me a "really?" Sort of look. I just put my hands up in surrender and nodded. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me past the doorway quickly. He then stopped and looked to the right to check both the kitchen an the dinning room. "Okay." He whispered and pulled me towards the front door. "What are-" Jeff cut me mouth by putting his Han over my mouth. He gave a stern look. "What did I say?" He whispered violently. I rolled my eyes and he let go to open the door. He pushed me into the porch and slowly closed the front door without making a single sound. "You're so w-" he cut me off again. "Sssshhhh!" He said putting a finger to his mouth again. I glared at him and he grabbed my wrist again leading me down the stairs. We were a little ways from the mansion now and I decide to talk again. "Where are we going?" I blurted out before he had time to hush me. "For a walk." He stated simply. "We'd we have to sneak out, I'm sure slender wouldn't mind." I said liking at the sky that was speckled with stars. "I didn't want everyone else to come along." He confessed. "Why not?" I asked. "Cause they bug...and now you're starting to bug." He said irritated. I just chuckled. "Don't laugh, I'm being serious." He stated. "Whatever you say Jeffy." I smirked and looked at the back of his head. He turned slightly to face me. "Why do you say that?...and don't call me Jeffy." He replied. "I say that because if I were really bugging you as much as you constantly claim I do...you wouldn't want to do anything with me...let only make the effort of sneaking out just for a walk." I stated proudly. Jeff was quiet. "1-0 Jeffy." I stated like I was a referee. "I said not to call me Jeffy." He growled. "Where are we walking?" I said ignoring his request. "Don't know yet." He said as I saw his dark silhouette shrug. "Can we lay down over there?" I asked. I saw him turn to look at where I was pointing. It was another grassy open land but the grass was much shorter. "What for?" He asked unamused. "So we can look at the stars." I explain. "Why? They don't do much anyway..." He said continuing to walk. "Neither do you..." I mumbled. Jeff stopped. "We're supposed to be going for a walk...not laying down watching a star that does nothing but stay in the same place...it'll just die anyway and no one will remember its importance because there's billions of other stars just like it." Jeff explained. "Thanks for depressing me..." I frowned. Jeff was quiet for a moment before he sighed and rubbed the back off his neck. "Well...I guess we better keep going..." I said sadly and stepped forward to walk, instead Jeff stepped in front of me. "You're going to wrong way...the stars are that way." He said in a sweet tone turning me around to the place I wanted to stop at. "I thought you-" he cut me off. "You think to much...and talk to much." He said and pushed me along to walk that way. "You wanted to go for a walk though..." I trailed off feeling guilty about making him do what I wanna do. "We can walk over there...besides I'm tired already, maybe we should take a break." Jeff said. He sounded no where near tired which made me smile. "He's doing this because he wants to be nice." I thought to myself. "Thanks Jeff." I chuckled. "Hurry up..before I change my mind." He replied. "Shut up." I chuckled and ran past of him, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him along.

I plopped down on the grass and laid back. I looked over at Jeff's standing figure. I patted the grass spot next to me. "I can see the stars from here..." He said a bit shy. I dramatically sighed. "It's cause you hate me!" I turned away from him. "I don't hate you, idiot." He stated and sat down in the spot I patted. "Nothing's changed...they're still just dots in the sky." Jeff mumbled. "You have to lay down that's why...it's like magic, I swear." I smiled and pulled on his hood making him lay down. He groaned. "Now, out your arms behind your head like this..." I trailed off and put my arms behind my head and Jeff followed, our elbows gently touched. "Close your eyes for 10 seconds..." I added. "Why?" He asked suspicious. "Just close your eyes." I frowned. "Are you gonna stab me?" He asked. "Yeah totally, with this stick." I said sarcastically and jabbed his side with a small stick. He laughed and grabbed the stick from me and threw it off in the distances. "Why do you want me to close my eyes?" He asked again. "Because...you'll be able to see the world with new eyes." I explained. "That's dumb..." He replied. "Ugh! Forget it, let's just go on your stupid nature walk." I groaned and started to get up. "Alright!...alright fine..for 10 seconds right?" He questioned. I smiled at him as he closed his eyes. I laid back down and closed mine too. I counted out loud ten seconds before speaking again. "Okay open." I said. Jeff was quiet for a moment before small "wow" escaped his lips. I chuckled quietly. "It's so...I don't even know, it's weird how the whole sky seems so close yet...so far." Jeff slowed down a bit and turned to me. I turned to look at him with an amused smile. "Stars are like people Jeff." I began. "As you said earlier...stars can go they're whole being unknown and die...the universe will still carry on and still continue turning.....because there's millions of them out there anyways. Just like people, there's millions of souls out there and if one dies it doesn't really seem to matter, the earth will turn and the sun will still shine. That's why you have to enjoy the small moments in life, because that star my not be there tomorrow night just as that person may not be there in the morning." I finished. I left Jeff still looking at me. "And just like stars and humans...so close yet so far." I added. I turned to look at Jeff and he gave a weak smile. "It's crazy to think about how so many people are sleeping right now..." I trailed off. "Look at what they're missing..." Jeff added. I smiled at Jeff and returned my attention to the stars. "I told you this wouldn't be so bad." I teased. I heard Jeff chuckle to himself before it went quiet. I didn't mind though. "You're beautiful..." He mumbled. I turned to him almost confused. "Huh...you're a beautiful person...you're mind..uh, perspective on things is beautiful...the stars are beautiful." Jeff stumbled and panicked. I laughed at his fails. "Shut up!" Jeff growled. I shook my head to myself in amusement. I knew I was blushing madly and so was Jeff. "Does this mean he likes me?" I asked myself. I turned to him before he shoved me. "Don't look at me." He demanded. "Why not!?" I shouted. "Because I said so." He mumbled again. I chuckled once more. It was silent again and I adjusted my hands to my side and yawned. Jeff adjust his arms by his side too. I was searching for something to talk about when suddenly I felt Jeff's index finger run along mine. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye to see him still starring at the sky. He gently slipped his hand under mine and intertwine how fingers. I reacted with locking my fingers with him and smiling to myself. My heart was beating fast. He rubbed my thumb with against mine for a while. "Is this weird?" He asked breaking the silence. "No...it's fine." I replied. "I was afraid you'd get mad and saw 'where not little kids anymore' and hit me or something..." He trailed off. I smiled. "You're so weird." I teased. He laughed a bit. "I know." He replied.

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