*read me*

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Hello dearest of readers,

I know this is the first authors note in this story and here's why.

I was saving it until we hit 1k reads and WE DID IT!!!!! :D

I'm so overly happy you guys like this story enough to continue reading it all the way until right here :) even the authors note.

I absolutely love to read everyone's comments, it makes me feel like that's another way I can connect to you guys besides just my chapters of writing. I'll never ask you guys to comment or like or even read, I don't believe in self advisement where you force yourself on others. I feel as though you guys are free to do as you please, which makes it even more amazing that you guys DO leave likes and comments and took the time to read :') it means so much to me <3

Anyways I'm gonna stop blabbing cause now I sound like an overly attached, proud mother an that's awkward lol XD

Thank you so much!
And you just keep being you!
Much love💌

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