Jeff's shadow

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"Offender, leave her alone." EJ said coming up to this creature. "Once I heard there was a mortal living here, I just had to come see for myself." He said bringing me close to his face. He pressed his cheek to mine. "Hey back off creep!" I heard Jeff yell. He stepped forward knife in hand. For once in my life I actually wished I would have taken Jeff's hand. Funny how I said I'd rather inflect pain upon myself than do so...but here I am. This creature now known as offender looked at me. "These eyes..." He trailed off as his white tentacle brushed over my cheek. I pushed it away from me. "Brother...please release the child." I heard Slendermans voice. "Thank god." I thought to myself. "Oh, no need to throw a fit, I was only teasing." He smirked and chuckled darkly. "Now, please." Slender said losing patience. Offender sighed and set me down rather harshly. I grew a little dizzy from hanging upside down to now being put on my feet. All the blood returned to the right places and I leaned a little to the side. I realized I was leaning on Jeff. He put his arm around my waist and threw my other arm around his neck for support. "I'm fine." I said and leaned off him. I still wanted to smack him. "A women like that, living in a house full of boys...oh the unspeakable things that would-" slender cut off offender. "That's enough." He said now walking down the stairs. I glared at offender. "Even when she's angry it still puts me in the mood." He said smirking again and leaning down. Jeff pushed me behind his back. "Oh? Is she spoken for?" Offender asked surprised. " quote on quote she'd rather slam her tongue in a car door and walk through lava than even hold my hand..." Jeff mumbled back. " she's not your mate?" Offender asked. "No!" I shouted irritated. I really wish they would stop thinking that. "Go to the living room." Jeff told me pointing to that direction. I crossed my arms at him. "Are you deaf?" He growled. I groaned at him and stomped off. "Hey, eyes over here, sexual creep." I heard Jeff demand to offender. I sat back on the couch. Sally looked a bit concerned. "I don't like him." Sally said coming over and sitting next to me instead of on the floor. She continued to brush her dolls hair. "He's such a creep." Ben added. "Tell me about." I rolled my eyes. "Jeff was really mad at him." Sally added. I shrugged. "Offender isn't really always like that...just with women he likes....basically any woman." Ben explained. I had to admit he was pretty scary. Not his appearance but just him in general. A chill went down my spine thinking how close he was to me. Jeff walked in shortly and sat on the other side of Sally, leaving her in the middle of us. I didn't look at him. "Maybe next time you'll trust me...."Jeff started. "Maybe you shouldn't have killed my family and then tried to kill me..." I said sarcastically. "You killed her family Jeff?" Sally asking turning to him. "Hey, who asked you." He growled at her. "Leave her alone." I snapped at him as she scooted closer to me. "Whatever." He growled at me. "Hand me a control Ben." He demanded. "Can't. Busy." Ben said as he played. Jeff hit him with a pillow. "Leave him alone too, you're nothing but a big bully." I said. "Stop telling me what to do!" He shouted. "You're so annoying." I mumbled. "You're so bossy." He crossed his arms. "You're so whinny." I added. "You're" He seemed like he wanted to say something but was thinking of he should or not. "What? Just say it." I said sitting up and looking at him with a glare. "Nothing, forget it." He said and stood up. He walked out of the living room. I sighed frustrated and crossed my arms. "You need him." Ben stated. "No I don't, why would you say something like that?!" I shouted. "No, not like that you dope, you need him if you want offender to stay away from you." He explained. As if on cue I heard a slight purr from the doorway. "I don't think I got your name, my dear." He said smiling darkly. I tried my best to look imitating by glaring at him, but what I really wanted to do was hide and pray he wouldn't find me. He made my skin crawl and stomach hurt. His creepy smile almost made me what to throw up. "That's because I never gave you my name." I said coldly. I crossed my arms. "He stepped into the living room causally and I stood keeping the couch in between us. Sally stood to and clung to my leg. I pushed her behind me. "Come now dear, won't you tell me your sweet name?" He hummed stepping closer. I walked around the couch still keeping distances. "No." I said bluntly. We got to the living room doorway and I grabbed Sally's hand and pulled her out of the room. I turned around only to run into offender again. "He must have teleportation powers too..." I thought to myself. I gasped and pulled Sally back with me. "Then won't you at least except this rose?" He asked leaning down and showing me a perfectly bloomed single red rose. I have never seen a rose as big as that before. I heard heavy foot steps approach us quickly, as a white hoodie came into view. "She doesn't want your rose." Jeff snapped and slapped it out of his hands. "Brother there you are-....please stop tormenting my children." Slender spoke harshly and stood at the dinning room doorway. "Only offering a rose as a token of forgiveness." Offender leaned up. "My ass!" Jeff shouted. Slenderman sighed rather loudly and almost tired. "Sally, won't you join me for tea along with your uncles?" Slender asked holding out his hand to her. Sally starred at offender as she strayed from me. Once she let go off my hand she quickly ran to slender. I knew she was safe with him. "Perhaps Jeffrey, Y/n is better off with you." Slender spoke. Jeff shrugged and I was almost about to protest until I remembered what Ben said so I just stayed quick. "Let's go, idiot."Jeff said pulling me along by my arm towards the front door. I huffed and followed him, although I had no choice, he tugged me and marched forward rather determined to get me outside. " I have to be Jeff's shadow so offender can stop creeping." I thought to myself, closing the door behind me and getting away from offenders undying stare.

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