A Day Too Late

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Jeff's POV

"Hey...wake up." I heard a voice echo in my head. "Hey, dumbass." The voice called and I felt a kick to my foot before I jolted completely awake. Ben was leaning over me as he stood. I looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and blinked a few times getting used to the light. "What happened?" I asked and my voice sounded like I almost lost it. "We partied so hard man." Ben snickered. I sat up quickly rubbing my temples and looked around. I was in a trashed house. Some people with sleeping on the couch and on the floor by the couch. Pizza boxes, and red cups were everywhere. I looked around me and saw I was still in clothes and that was always a good sign. "Let's go before people wake up." Ben said already headed towards the door. I quickly stood and almost toppled over trying to go after him.

"Those girls were so hot. I'm so sad I didn't get any of their numbers." He whined as we sluggishly walked through the forest in no hurry to get back to the mansion. "I don't think so..." I admitted. Ben scoffed and I looked at him. "What?" I snapped. "I didn't find them attractive." I insisted. "Riiiight." Ben scoffed again. "Why do you keep doing that?" I asked referring to him making sounds of disbelief. "Jeff, after a few good shots you sure seemed to find some of them attractive." Ben said and my heart sped up. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Don't worry you didn't sleep with anyone." He laughed and I calmed down a bit. Normally I wouldn't have cared considering it's not like Y/n and I are dating but I'm really trying to fix things with us. "Okay....alright good, that's great." I stated. "You just let her give you hickeys and grind on you. She was basically feelin you up." He shrugged. I stopped in my tracks. "What the hell why didn't you stop me or her or anything for that matter?!" I shouted. Ben shrugged looking sincerely confused. "You looked like you were having fun, besides I wasn't going to babysit you and make sure you didn't fool around with another girl, I had myself to take care of and might I say I did pretty well." He gave a smirk. I glared at him before remembering about how he told me about the hickeys. I pulled at the neck of my hoodie trying to cover them. "There's only like 3 or 4." Ben said like it was not a big deal. "No shut up! Shut the fuck up right now, you don't get to speak....I can't believe you didn't do anything. You're the worst friend in history Ben, fuck you." I shouted. I walked off leaving Ben behind. "Whatever man you had fun!" He shouted after me. Now I was really in no rush to get to the mansion. I knew I should have just kept declining those girls....

I slowly approached the porch steps and stood at the door with my hand in the knob. I took a deep breath and pulled my hand away and in that moment the door pulled open nearly giving me a heart attack. "H-hey Jeff." Toby greeted. "Toby!" I half shouted in surprise and immediately covered my neck. I didn't want anyone to see. "W-w-where were y-you?" He asked. "No where." I said and pushed past him. I snuck past everyone in the dining room hoping no one saw and thankfully they didn't. I prayed Y/n was eating breakfast with everyone else so I could start to cover up these God awful hickeys with something. I rushed up the stairs and down the hallway. I busted through my door and immediately walked over to my dresser searching for make up that Y/n might have had or something in my luck. "What are you doing?" I heard a voice as my heart stopped and I turned around frantically. "Oh my God!" I called out of shock. I didn't even see Y/n sitting on the bed with a book in her hands, I was too focused on trying to find something to help me. I still had the neck of my hoodie held tightly around my throat. "Can we talk?...." She asked. "Uh...right now?" I asked and tapped my foot anxiously. "Yes right now." She sounded frustrated and I quickly sat down at the edge of the bed still keeping a tight grip around my collar. "Look...nothing is going on being EJ and me, I really did just come to him for advice about you and I'm sorry if I made it seem like something was going on and Im sorry I snapped at you...I should have handle it in a different way." She said looking at me. She was still so beautiful to me. I could feel in my stomach the pit of regret eating at me from the inside out. "T-that's okay...really...I-I believe you." I said looking at her and then scanning the room a little bit. "That's all?..." She kind of hinted an I mentally slapped myself. "I'm sorry too." I said quickly. She gave a slight frown and I sighed knowing I was being a dick again. "Y/n...I love you and I should have known that you weren't doing anything with EJ. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and I completely take back anything and everything I said to you that night. I want things to work out with us....I really am sorry." I said taking my hands away from my neck without realizing it so I could grab her hands in mine. She smiled as she looked at me but suddenly her smile slipped and she slowly took her hands out of mine. "J-Jeff...p-please tell those aren't-...." She said almost in defeat and my heart cracked right then and there. "Fuck, no, no, no please let me explain its nothing like that-" she cut me off by jumping out of the bed. "Are you kidding me Jeff?" She choked and I could see the tears brimming her eyes. "No, no, no please baby-" she cut me off again. "D-don't." She said through clinched teeth. "Do not call me that." She said backing away from me. "Y/n please." I begged as I stood up and raced to her. She put her hands up to push me away but I grabbed her wrist and begged her again. "Jeff get away from me please just fucking g-get away from me!" She panicked and started sobbing and finally pushed me back. I grunted out of frustration. "Why are you even mad? It's not like we were dating-" I stopped and realized I fucked up again. She looked at me dead in the eyes and my heart broken into smaller pieces. I could see the hurt in her eyes and the betrayal. "I know that..." She mumbled and a few tears fell. "I-I didn't mean it like-" she shook her head and put her hand up for me to stop making a fool of myself. "Before I lost my memory I knew that I loved you...I must've in order to put up with your bullshit." She said calmly. "And then I lost my memory...but I still knew somewhere inside me that it was right for me to love you." She trailed off. I walked to her slowly with hope. "But now...I wish I would have never met you." Her lip quivered and my body froze, I could feel my eyes water. "You don't love me...and I can't say that you never did but I can say that maybe at some point you did but know you don't, it died and I don't know how or why or when it did...but it did." Her voice was calm as ever yet her eyes were crying uncontrollably. A tear slipped out my eye and I quickly wiped it away. "I-I do love you though." I protested. "Jeff...you don't hurt the ones you love." She said sharply looking into my eyes before looking down at the floor. It was quiet and I just wish everything would go back to before she lost her memory. More tears slipped out of my eyes and I looked down to the floor, the room was still quiet. After what could have been forever...the only sounds breaking the silence were Y/n's footstep walking towards the door to leave.

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