The talk

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Jeff's POV

I turned to look at her but she just ignored me. "How am I going to get her to stop hating me?" I asked myself. I shook that thought from my head. "Go to my room...I'll be up in a minute, I'm just gonna see what slender wants." I explained. I walked towards the dining room but didn't see her moving. "Go." I motioned her away with my hands. She glared at me. "God you're so stupid." I groaned and walked back to her. "I don't want to go to your room." She crossed her arms. "I don't care, I wasn't asking I was telling." I snapped back. She was the only person that can change my mood in a flick of a switch. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "Jeff! Put me down!" She shouted. I ignored her and carried her up stairs. She was surprisingly weightless. She kicked and pounds her fists on my back but I kept walking. When I got to my room I threw her down on the bed. "For once just trust me..." I said leaning over her. She pushed me away and pounded her fist on my chest until I moved away from her. "I did trust you! When we were friends. I don't trust you now!" She shouted. "I'll be back." I said and turned to close the door. I made my way back down, stairs and into the dining room where slender sat with his brothers and Sally. "You called?" I said irritated. "Yes." Slender spoke calmly as usual. "Okay so...what do you want?" I asked leaning against the doorway. I got see offender looking around. I glared at him, and in returned he smiled. I know who he was looking for. "Excuse me brothers, this will only be a moment." Slender said and stood up straightening his suit. I sighed ad wanted for him to approach me with sally close behind.

Slender led me on to the porch. I could see the rain clouds rolling in. "Can we hurry?" I asked growing impatient and crossing my arms. "I need you to look after Y/n." Slender said getting straight to the point. "You don't think see can handle herself?" I smirked. Slender shook his head. "I did not say that. My only reasoning is because she is unaware of Offenderman's ways. With you around offender will be less determined to get to her knowing he can't if she is protected." Slender explained. "Why me?" I asked. "Why not one of your precious little proxies or something?" I asked irritated still. Slender only chuckled and Sally looked up to him. I gave a confused and mad expression to him. "What is it?" I growled. " child, I have ever seen you act like this before." He said amused. "Like what?" I questioned. "The moment I brought her here you have been extremely rude to her...yet you wish to be in every room she's in." Slender explained. I shook my head violently. "No! No I do not!" I shouted.  "You can't deny the way you constantly pick on her." Slender replied. "Apparently I pick on everyone." I crossed my arms. "She seems to be your main target lately...perhaps she's the only thing on your mind right now?" Slender asked. From the tone of his voice I knew he was smirking. I felt a blush grow on my face and I immediately grew angry with myself. "No! She's stupid! I hate her!" I said letting any word fall out of my mouth to get my point across. "My, my, child. If I you know I've been here for over a thousand centuries. With each passing year I've grown and learned that when a man loves a women, he may treat her rudely to hide he's feelings." Slender began and gave a little chuckle. "If I'm not mistaken...I do believe you have grown a little liking in miss Y/n." He added. "Well you are mistaken, because I don't like her!" I protested. It was quiet and I just glared at slender. "May I ask what's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear her name?" Slender spoke. "" I thought to myself. "Annoying, stupid, whinny and stubborn." I said out loud. Slender brought he's hand to his chin in a thinking away. "That may be true but I do believe you thought of beautiful, smart funny and amazing." He spoke. My open hung open. I forgot he could read minds. I heard Sally giggle. "Jeff likes Y/n, Jeff likes y/n!" She sang. "Shut up!" I shouted at her. "You tricked me! You can read my thoughts!" I yelled at slender. "I apologize child, but you need to stop lying to yourself." He said matter of fact like. I crossed my arms. "What do you know." I mumbled. Slender only shook he's head with a small chuckle. "So I suppose I should ask someone else to watch over her..." Slender trailed of and turned to walk inside. "No! I can do it." I protested. Slender looked at me over his shoulder. "I already asked me..." I trailed off. "Right, thank you child." Slender spoke with a smile on his tone. "Jeff likes Y/n, Jeff likes Y/n." Sally sang before the door closed. I sighed frustrated. I leaned against the railing of the porch and ran a hand through my hair. "What should I do..." I thought to myself. Part of me just wanted to surrender to her and treat her like I like her whether she's return my feelings or not....but part of me just wanted to keep my feeling hidden from her and treat her like I hate her.

I groaned loudly and with that the rain started to pour. I pushed myself away from the railing and walked back into the house. I have never been this confused before and quite honestly I hate having this war with myself.

I stomped up stairs and just before I opened my door I heard a soft sob. I leaned my ear against the wood of the door and listened. I knew it was Y/n, who else could it be? I quickly pushed open the door wanting to comfort her.

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