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I felt a tapping on my forehead. "Knock it off Jeff." I groaned and rolled over. I felt the grass against my face and I quickly propped myself up on my elbows. "Where the hell am I?" I thought to myself. "You fell asleep on me, you slacker." Jeff said smirking. The sky was a dark purple, telling me it was slowly beginning to be morning. "What time is it?" I asked. "Oh yeah, lemme just check my clock that's plugged into that tree over there." Jeff laughed. I turned and gave him an unamused look. Jeff was already standing. "I'm tired..." I yawned and laid back down. I noticed some pretty blue flowers and leaned back up. "Hey these are forget me nots." I stated. "Huh?" Jeff asked confused and crouched down next to the flower I was observing. "This flower, it's called 'forget me not', it symbolizes true love and as the name suggests, they are given or used to decorate gifts with the hope the recipient will not forget the giver. It also symbolizes faithful love and memories." I explained I tapped one of the petals. I looked up at Jeff to see if he was even listening, To my surprise he was, he was even starring intensively at the flower. "We better get going." Jeff said standing up. I climbed to my feet and yawned. "You're probably right." I stated. I followed Jeff through the forest like a sleepy child. "You walk so slow..." Jeff complained. "I just woke up give me time." I yawned again. He sighed.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the mansion. Jeff quietly opened the door and walked through. He motioned for me to enter. Jeff repeated his actions and closed the door quietly, I waited for his say so to move forward. He grabbed my wrist and lead me towards the stairs. He were barely approaching the living room before we heard Ben violently whisper. "Are you kidding me?!" Jeff panicked and stopped making me run into him. I shoved him forward out of announce and he flicked my nose. I placed a hand over my wounded nose and flicked him back. "Ow, you little shit." He violently whispered to me. I mocked him and he pulled a strand of my hair. "Ow!" I growled and punched his arm. "Are you guys done?" We heard Ben ask and Jeff spun around to face him. "Who asked you?" Jeff snapped. Ben gave a confused look. "Huh? one even asked me anything." Ben explained confused. "Exactly, this is an A and B conversation so C your way out." Jeff glared at Ben. Ben slowly walked back into the living room. "Wait a minute...what are you doing up?" Jeff asked. He sounded like a protective older brother. Jeff followed Ben but not before grabbing my wrist and taking me with him. "Playing video games." Ben replied and sat down on the couch. "All night?" I asked. "Yup." Ben stated proudly while playing now. "I'm guessing you didn't even come up with anything for Sally's birthday today..." Jeff trailed off annoyed. "It's her birthday today?" Ben asked surprised. "Yes you idiot, that's why slender gave us jobs, your job was supposed to come up with party games." Jeff crossed his arms. Ben shrugged. "Oops..." He said like it was no big deal. "You should do me a solid and make a list of at least 5 games." Ben said leaning back against the couch and not taking his eyes off the tv. "The hell I will, that was your job, I already have a job." Jeff stated. "Y/ me a solid and-" Jeff cut Ben off. "No, she has a job too, slender told her to him me." Jeff explained. Ben bursts out laughing. "Yeah right, help you with what? Help you to relieve stress?" Ben winked with a smirk. "You know what I mean too." Ben laughed some more. My mouth dropped open and Jeff rushed over to Ben quickly tackling him on the couch. "What the hell is wrong with you, why would you say that?" Jeff blurted out. "You can't say you wouldn't like-" Ben's face was smothered with a pillow. Ben tapped out on Jeff's arm and Jeff released the pillow. "Alright, I'll stop." Ben said and Jeff got off him, still glaring. "All I'm saying is don't be surprised if one of the games is 7 minutes in heaven, or spin the bottle. I'm sure you wouldn't mind if Y/n spins and it lands on someone else right?" Ben chuckled darkly. "Why would Jeff care about something like that?" I asked myself. "I feel like that would be awkward on so many levels...not to mention is a child's birthday party. That would not be a good idea at all." I explained. "Yeah, what she said." Jeff crossed his arms. Ben rolled his eyes. "Fine...then help me come up with some ideas at least." He whined. Jeff sighed. "I'll think about it." Jeff said in the most least hopefully way. Jeff turned to walk out of the living room and I followed but before we got out of the room Ben spoke again. "Hey...why were you guys up, I heard the front door click shut...were you guys out all night?" Ben asked with a smirk. "Killing spree." Jeff lied quickly. Ben thought about it for a minute. "Right." He laughed and had a tone that sounded like he didn't believe is. "Believe what you want Benny boy." Jeff waved him off. "I will...and all I'm saying is that Y/n still owes me, she punched me so I should get the same "special" treatment you're getting." Ben smiled. "I'm not giving Jeff special treatment, we're just hanging out!" I argued. "It's not fair though...Jeff got a kiss and I didn't." Ben pouted. I could heard Jeff taking a deep breath, something he'd do before he flies off the handle and gets mad. "That was 5 years ago Ben, get over it." Jeff growled still trying to hold back anger. "Okay so that leads me to my next point...if you're not gonna do anything then can I?" Ben paused the game and looked to Jeff. "Seriously Ben? You're such a perv!" I walked into the living room and pulled him up by his shirt. "I'm sick of you talking to me like I'm just another girl, stop talking about me like it's so easy to get on my good side and be my friend and get me to like you, because news flash, you're on my bad side right now, I don't like you and I wouldn't considering you my friend right now, I'm a human being who deserves respect and if you can't bring your tiny little brain to wrap around that idea I suggest you stay out of my way." I growled and pushed him back on the couch. I walked out of he living and up the stairs. Jeff was just leaning against the living room doorway with his arms crossed and an amused smirk, looking straight at Ben.

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