Dreaming Normal

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Jeff's POV

It's been two days...

I haven't really moved besides the fact for changing positions on my bed or restroom needs. Y/n came in twice a day to check on me, other than that I was alone. Ben brought me small snacks and I refused to eat until it was to much pain to ignore....

"Jeff..."I heard the soft tone and knew it was Y/n. She pushed open the door wide enough for her to slip in, she quickly closed it behind herself and slowly shuffled towards the bed. My room was unclean...considering I haven't cleaned it from the tantrum I pulled. I made sure I didn't throw Y/n's said of the bed. The night stand and the lap where still intact for her.

She sat on the bed and I laid with my back turned to her. "Are you asleep?" She whispered caustically in case I was. "Yeah...right...like I could sleep." I thought to myself. I felt the weight shift on the bed as she leaned over my shoulder. I haven't been this close to her since the time in the forest. You see...I didn't want her to see me this way and I know she wanted time away from too so she offered to stay with Sally, who was very much excited about that idea. I was just grateful it wasn't any of the other guys. "Oh...you're awake." She stated and leaned back away from me. "Jeff, I'm not mad." She started. She reminded me of this everyday. I was still mad with myself. "Please...come down stairs with me, watch tv with me, come walk with me in the forest, play video games with me." She added. She stopped, waiting for my answer. The room was deadly quiet and I didn't move a muscle. I felt her stand. "Yell at Ben, pick on Toby, scold Masky and hoodie, argue with slender, tease Sally, wrestle with Liu, hide EJ's food, help Helen get more paint...." She began, in the middle of her sentence her voice cracked and she sniffed. "Call me an idiot....shout at me, tease me, push me around, for the love of god fight with me!" She shouted angrily as she cried. My heart broke hearing her sob. I parted my lips slowly before forcing the one sentence out. "You're beautiful...I'm the idiot..." I spoke like she wanted me too. She sniffed once out of surprised, almost like she held her breath. It was quiet for a split second before she let out a little laugh mixed in with her cries. I was confused as to why she was giggling and crying. I slowly turned over half way to look at her. She was still as beautiful as ever. She stood by the door and stared at me. Suddenly she walked towards me still sniffling and chuckling a bit. "Why are you-" I was cut off by her gripping my hoodie in her hands, twisting it in her fist getting a good grip on me. She rested one of her knees on the bed as she leaned over me, pulling me up to her. This was all happening to fast for me to understand what was happening, but before I knew it, her lips collided with mine. My heart jump started and my body tensed up and felt like jelly all at the same time. I slowly closed my eyes to match Y/n. My hand found its way behind her head, gently and lightly holding her head to mine. My other hand brushed her outer thigh accidentally. The kiss was simple but it still had just as much meaning because it came from her. She slowly pulled away and our lips peeled apart. I sat there with my eyes closed for a minute gathering my thoughts and floating back down from heaven. "W-w-what was that for?" I asked slowly opening my eyes and swallowing nervously as I saw her smirking over my moping sitting figure. Her hands were on her hips. "You may be an idiot Jeffrey Woods, but you're my idiot." She said in an amused tone. I was speechless. She really had answers for everything. Whether they were sarcastic, dark, funny, nice or honest, she always had an answer for something. "What?" I heard her ask and I realized I was starring at her. I just smiled as I reached for her wrist. I yanked her forward, making her come close. I caught her face in my hands. I looked into her eyes and slowly cocked my hand to one side getting ready to kiss her like my life depended on it. I pulled her in and reconnected the only joy in my life right now. I didn't wasn't time turning it into a steamy passionate make out session. I realized that we've been kissing for a long while and she was still bent over me. I could only imagine how uncomfortable that would be...so I didn't to make the next move. I pulled her closer to the bed by the hips as she followed. Slowly climbing on the bed with her knees. My heart raced wondering what was going to come next. I sat up more and wrapped my arms around her pulling her down onto the bed. Her hands weaved into my hair and I pulled her closer to me. We laid said by side, facing each other. On the outside I was cool, calm and collected. I kissed her passionately and let my hands run up and down her back an into her hair every know and then. On the inside though...my heart was pounding out of nervousness, my head was spinning with thoughts of "should I take it to the next level?", "does she want me to?", "should I continuing doing just this?", "what if I take it to the next level slowly and see where it leads." My palms were sweaty, and I felt like this was an illusion. I felt her hands run up into my hair and tug on it. "What if...we go all the way?..." I thought to myself. My heart started beating faster and I didn't even know that was possible. I decided to go for it and see what happens, if we do we do, if we don't then we don't, at least I still have her.

I slowly pulled her under me as I hovered over her, I broke the kiss from her lips to kiss her cheek and down to her jawline, from there I pushed aside my nervousness and kissed all down her neck. One of her hands, was rested perfectly on my shoulder and the other was still combed into my hair. By now I felt myself getting heated down south. I pulled away from her neck and was about to began kissing her when a knock at the door RUINED it all. I scrambled to my feet, fixing my jacket and trying to get my hair back to normal. Y/n jumped off the bed too, a blushing mess, doing the same actions as I. "What?" I asked very annoyed. The door opened and Ben poked his head through the door. "Oh...wow...you're actually standing." He mumbled. I glared at him harshly. "Do you want more snacks?" He asked genuinely wondering if I wanted more. I looked to him angrily and I swear my eye twitched. "No, thanks Ben...I don't want anymore fucking snacks." I said irritated through clinched teeth.  Ben looked at me weirdly and then to Y/n. I pinched the bridge of my nose just wanting him to leave. "Those pants look weird on you..." Ben stated randomly. I sighed and looked down and regretted ever standing up. "Sweet fucking Hell...." I thought to myself realizing I was still rather excited. I shoved my hand in my pocket to distract the noticeable lump on my crotch are. "They're pretty tight, I need new ones, thanks for reminding me." I said causal and emotionless. "Cool, glad I could help." Ben said seriously believing the lie. I started at his head still peeking in the doorway. "Is that all?" I asked again through clinched teeth. "I guess so." Ben stated but don't move. "Then...get the hell out." I added like it was the most obvious thing to do...which it was at this point. "Right...glad your back to normal." Ben said rolling his eyes and closed the door. I heard his foot steps go down the hall. "I least he knocked." I thought myself and pinch the bridge of my nose again in frustration. Y/n cleared her throat and I blushed but tried to act normally as I slowly turned to look at et over my shoulder. She chuckled with a blush. "Hi." Was all she managed to say. "Hi." I chuckled back.

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