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The air around me was cold. But I felt like I had a fever. I shivered a bit as I slowly opened my eyes. I sat up quickly remembering what happened last. I looked down to see I was fully dressed. That was always a good sign. I now registered where I was. On a couch in a living room of a very nice house. It looked more like a mansion. My head hurt really bad. It was throbbing and the lights seemed way to bright. I kicked my legs over the edge and sat correctly on the couch and noticed the living room was empty of people. "H-hello?..." I said sort of quietly. I'll admit I was pretty scared. I was attacked in my own home, I met with my childhood dickhead of a 'friend'. Then what appears to be kidnapped and now I'm here, in a home I've never seen. I know damn well there is no homes like this on the street I live on. Or even in the neighborhood for that matter. I got up and walked to the window and pulled open the curtain just a bit to peek out. It was dark but I could faintly make out a figure of a bunch of trees. "Am I in the forest?" I thought to myself. "Oh, good you're awake." I heard a deep voice and I tensed up quickly letting the curtain go and fall back over the window. The voice seemed both internal and external. Like it was in my thoughts but I was also hearing it as clear as someone speaking to me. I slowly turned around. "Holy Christ!" I shouted and pushed myself against the wall holding my heart. I could feel it beating a million miles an hour. A tall figure stood in the door way. It was taller than anything I've ever seen before. It wore a black formal suit with a red tie. I would tell you the feature of his face...if he had one. "P-p-please don't hurt me." I whispered and begged, sliding down the wall and on the floor. The being stepped forward and into the room. "Child, I am not here to hurt you. I assumed you had a few questions as to why you're here. I am here to answer any questions to might have." He explained very properly. I looked up to him. "W-where am I?" I asked shaking with fear. I've never seen anything like him before. "Slender Mansion." He spoke calmly. "And who are you?" I asked slowly coming to stand. I didn't once turn my attention away from this tall...creature. "I am Slenderman." He replied. "So this must be his mansion." I thought to myself putting two and two together. "You are correct, child." He said. I gave a confused look. "I entered your thoughts Telepathically." He confessed. I just stayed quiet and tried to clear my head on anything. "Interesting." He spoke. "What is?" I answered. "You are the first human I've met to try and clear they're thoughts to become nothing." He spoke matter of fact like. I just starred at him. "Please, won't you join me for tea?" He asked and walked out of the room. I figured it would be bad to decline anything from a creature like this so I quickly walked after him and followed him across the main entrance and into the dinning room. "Please wait here. Our tea will be ready shortly." He spoke. I slowly nodded and took a seat at the long wooden table. I looked up to see he was gone. I nervously drew figure 8's on the table with my pointer finger. About 10 minutes passed before he returned. "Please forgive the wait." He said and set the tea down. He pulled the chair out at the head on the table and sat down. He poured the tea and I awkwardly looked around. "I'm sorry, but I really think I should head home now. I believe my auntie would be worried. Thank you so much for your hospitality." I said and stood. "My child, we have much to discuss." He said, basically ignoring me. "By no disrespect, I would say there is nothing to talk about." I said bluntly and began to walk towards the doorway of the dining room. "Well, you see child. You can not leave." He said. I stopped and looked over my shoulder at him. He just sat there and calmly drank his tea. "Excuse me...what do you mean I can not leave?" I asked walking back to him. "Perhaps you should sit child. Drink your tea, it may help with your headache." He said and took another sip. I forgot about my headache. I hesitantly sat down again. "I apologize for both Jeffery and Ben." He started. "Those two can be rather...dramatic." He stated. I gave an expression that read "tell me about it". I took a small sip from the tea. It was actually really good. "So..can you please tell me why I'm here?" I asked. "Well, I've been observing you-" I cut him off. "Woah, wait a minute, back up. You've been stalking me?!" I said standing up. "Yes. Because of your skills and abilities." He finished. "What skills and abilities?" I snapped. "Correct me if I'm wrong child, but your family has departed from you at a young age?" He asked. It seemed like he already knew though. "Correct." I said threw my teeth. "And to my understanding, you're quite enraged." He stated and sipped from his tea again. "Guess you could say that." I replied. "All that rage bottled inside you makes you quite the skilled killer, child." He said. I stayed quiet. "That is why you're here." He finished and drank from his tea again. "So why can't I leave?" I asked. "You see, there are many others like yourself living at this manor. You are one of us now." He stated. "And if I decline?" I asked. "You can not." He stated simply. "And why not?" I asked growing irritated. "My deepest apologies, child but you have already seen where we live. I can't let you go, you may tell everyone about your visit and quite frankly, I can't have that." He explained. "I won't tell anyone." I insisted. "You see, we were looking for "new recruits" as one may say." He started. "...and you are the only one out of the many that seemed right." He explained. "That's flattering but I'm going to have to pass." I said and tried to walk away. "Child, please try to understand." He said but I just ignored him. I walked towards the front door but he teleported in front of it. "Ah!" I jumped back and almost stumbled over. "You can not leave, you are one of us now." He repeated. "I believe you may like it here." He added. Suddenly I heard wolf howls and laughing from outside. My eyes widened. "What is that?" I asked looking up at Slenderman who was know walking away from the door. "The other children are back." He stated. "Other children?" I thought to myself. I quickly followed after Slenderman into the dinning room.

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