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"Jeff!" I called. "Jeff this isn't funny." I pouted. I roamed through my house looking for my best friend. He was a year older than me, which made him 13 and me 12.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I hate playing hide and go seek....I'm to old for this." I mumbled to myself. I heard a crazed laughter from behind me. I turned to see no one but I heard running against the floor broads. "Jeff, stop it. Don't you just wanna watch tv or something?" I called lazily walking towards the sound I heard. "Come on Y/n, come find me."I heard from behind me again. I hated that Jeff was so good at this game. "If you don't want to hang out with me then I'll go get Liu, he'll hang out with me." I huffed and began to stomp off. "No!" I heard him shout and suddenly pull me back by my arm. He stood in front of me now. I looked up to him. "Why not?" I asked. "Because...I'm hanging out with you." He stated. "Why don't you want to play with me?" He frowned. "It's not that I don't want to play...I just don't really like hide and go seek." I said crossing my arms. "Well what do you like?" He said almost mocking. I shrugged. "Lots of things." I said walking to the window. I sat on the window sill and looked down from the 2nd story window. I saw my mother in the garden watering her roses. "Like?" I heard Jeff from behind me. "I don't know." I laughed. He laughed too. "You like books, don't you?" He asked. I turned around to look at him. "Yeah..I guess so." I said nodding slightly. " like when it rains." He stated. "Because of the smell and how the sky darkens." He added. I smiled. "You like the color red because it reminds you of your mothers roses." He smiled and walked to me. I looked at him as he sat on the floor beneath me. "How do you know?" I raised an eyebrow. "You've told me before remember?" He sort of laughed awkwardly. "And you remembered?!" I asked surprised with a smile. "Sure dummy, we're friends aren't we?" He stated boldly. I nodded. "What else do you like?" He asked. I shrugged once more. It was quiet for a moment. I looked down at him as he looked up at me. "Do you like...people?" He asked awkwardly. "Ew, no. People are gross!" I teased and laughed. He laughed nervously. "I mean...people are okay. Some of them I guess." I said looking back down at my mom. She wasn't quite "mother of the year", but then again what mom was? She always seemed to be mad at something. Either I didn't do my chores right or she didn't like how I would dress myself. She once even called me a "disappointment to the family." I was confused at first but all I knew was that her words hurt. My goal was to be like my older sister. Star cheerleader, and good grades. She never got called a family disappointment.

"Y/ you like boys?" Jeff asked next. I looked to him quickly and saw him playing with his shoe laces as he sat criss cross. "Jeff!" I half shouted and laughed. "What?! It's just a question." He said now laughing too. I shrugged. "Well..I don't like girls so, yeah, I guess I like boys." I smiled. My face felt a little hot and I knew I was blushing. "So you like any boys?" He asked looking up to me and quickly back down at his shoe laces. "What do you mean Jeffrey?" I asked leaning forward against my knees with a confused expression. "Do you like anyone? like." He replied and I knew what he meant. "Maybe a boy you know well...maybe you guys talk all the time, or hang out...maybe you guys are even friends." He added. I thought about it. The only boy I knew well, talked to all the time and hung out with was Jeff. He was actually my only guy friend too. I laughed. "Jeff, you're the only one I hang out with or talk too. You're my only guy friend." I said honestly. He rubbed his neck nervously. "Right." He nodded. I gave him another confused look. "Jeff, you're acting strange, are you okay?" I asked concerned. He nodded. It fell silent again until suddenly he stood up and dusted off his pants. "Well, I have to go, my moms making me go to some dumb birthday party." He said very irritated. I stood. "At least you get invited." I laughed some what sadly. He looked down at me. "You didn't get-" I cut him off. "Don't worry about it, I hate parties anyways." I stick my tongue out at him. "You have to pretend to be happy and sing a stupid song for someone you don't even know." I stated. He just laughed. "Can't argue with that." He said and looked down at me. I held my smile and looked up at him. We stayed looking at each other like this for quite a while, his brown hair shining in the sunshine and blue eyes starting back at my brown eyes. "I-I'll walk you out." I said and walked towards the stairs. "Okay." He smiled and followed. I stopped and let him go first down the stairs. We got to about the middle of the stairwell when he stopped and looked over the banister. He seemed to be looking for someone or something from how quick he scanned the living room. "What are you doing Jeff?" I asked yet again confused. He turned around on the stairs one step below me making me eye level with him. "Kissing you." He answered and before it registered in my mind what he just said, his lips were on mine. He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me forward crashing out lips together. I brought my hands up in shock but soon melted into his kiss and rested my hands on his shoulders too. It was a simple kiss and didn't last long. He's lips were smooth and warm and he kissed me sort of hard but not to where it hurt. He pulled away slowly. I didn't want to open my eyes, I knew my face was bright red. When I finally did, to my surprise I saw Jeff's face was bright red as while. He's hands were still on my shoulders. "J-Jeffrey Woods!" Was all I could get out of my mouth. He chuckled. "Y/n L/n." He mocked me. "Y-you kissed me a-a-nd-" I stopped and took a deep breath. "My mother." I said leaning over the railing. "She's out side." Jeff smirked. "So that's why he was looking around." I thought to myself and squinted at him. "Did you like it?" He asked holding his smirk. He always seemed to ask my approval of something. "...yes." I said blushing more. He laughed hard. "You're not funny." I said smacking his shoulder. "Ow, why did you do that?" He said glaring at me. I just starred at him. He smiled and grabbed my shoulders again and kissed me quick. "I'll let it slide." He said referring to me striking his shoulder. He turned around to continue down the stairs. "...because I like you." He added. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned to me. "Do you like me?" He asked. I walked down the stairs. I did like Jeff, more than a friend. "Yes, I do." I said shyly. "Then why didn't you tell me!" He said shocked. "I don't know." I laughed and shrugged my shoulders. He groaned in a teasing way. "I'll see if I can come hang out with you again after the party." He said and opened the door. "Okay." I smiled. From there he left.

There was so much blood. Everywhere. The walls, the dark wood floors. The long carpet in the hallway.

My mothers loud and hideous scream was enough to make my blood run cold was the reason I woke up. I heard gurgling and then silences. I ran to my sisters room with tears in my eyes. Her body was dismembered as she laid lifeless in her bed. I remember puking up right there. The smell of all the metallic blood was enough to make me hurl both lunch and dinner. I cried harder. "No...Elizabeth." I cried into my hands. I quickly turned and ran to my mothers room. I slowly swung open the door to see the same thing was done to my mother. The killer was sitting on top of my now dead mother and thrashed at her with a silver blade at shinned in the moon light. I tried to be quiet but the killer must have heard my snuffling. He slowly turned and met eye to eye with me. I screamed out of terror. He's face was ghostly white and his smile was painfully cut into his cheeks to make his smile wide and permanent. "Aren't I beautiful Y/n?" I heard a voice that sounds similar to Jeff's. That was impossible. Jeff was my best friend, not a murderer. He was in the hospital, not here murdering my family. I darted from my moms room and that psycho ran after me. "Don't you remember me Y/n?" I heard him laugh behind me. I ran into my room and slammed the door and locked it. "It's me...Jeff, I've come back to save you from this awful world." He said cracking up. I cried and panicked. I couldn't jump out the window since I was on the second floor. I turned in circles in my room trying to find and place to hide. "Let's make you beautiful too." Jeff said now banging on the door determined to get in. I screamed from the suddenly bang and slipped under the bed. Jeff broke open the door. "Come out, come out where ever you are." He sang and darkly chuckled. I held my breath and put a hand over my mouth to stay quiet. I saw his converses walk into the room and stray to the closest. He ripped open the doors and peered inside. "No..not in there." He announced. He turned around. "Oh Y/n...under the bed, come on." He said and went down on one knee and looked me in the eye. "I know you to well." He smiled making his smile even more wide. An image that would forever be burned into my mind.

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