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Jeff's POV

I slowly walked through the town with Y/n following me. Even though we were walking instead of running, I made sure we stayed in the shadows and way from large settings of people.

I looked over my shoulder at Y/n and found her looking down at the sidewalk, she was kicking a small rock along the pavement. She was shivering. I immediately stopped and swiftly pulled off my hoodie. "Jeff what are-" I cut her off by throwing my jacket over her had, covering here. "Hey!" She shouted and yanking my jacket off, some blood was on her face now and I laughed. "I'm not gonna take your jacket Jeff, we're almost home." She said and extended her hand to me with my hoodie. I frowned. "Put the jacket on Y/n." I demanded. "No, it's yours, I don't want you to be cold." She said. I half smiled at her little odd ways of caring about me, but I quickly grew mad. "Put. The fucking. Jacket. On. NOW!" I growled. She just started blankly at me and held out my jacket to me very persistent. I sighed frustrated and ripped the jacket from her. "See was it that-" I cut her off my pulling the jacket over her. She was trapped in the hoodie. I laughed a bit and tried to help her get her limbs to where they needed to be. She was starting to panic. "Hey! I can dress myself, stop!" She said still trying to find the hole where her head would go. I chuckled once more and tugged on the hoodie to righten in for her before pulling it down letting her head pop through the hole. Her hair was a bit messy now, I couldn't help but find her cute. "You look kinda cute." I blurted out and I mental stabbed myself. We both froze for a minute before she furrowed her eyebrows at me and blushed. "Y-you look kinda stupid..." She stuttered and pushed her arms through the shelves. I chuckled at her attempt to cover up her blush. "Does she like me?" I asked myself, I felt my heart beat faster and butterflies filled my stomach. "Are you coming?" I heard her call to me. She was already ahead of me. I smiled at her appearance. My hoodie was a bit big on her, the sleeves stopped about 2 inches past her finger tips. I had to admit though, she looked really attractive in my hoodie. I jogged to catch up to her. "Are you warm now?" I asked and awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah...thanks." She said looking up to me and smiling. She hugged herself and nuzzled into the sweater to emphasize that she was warm. I smiled wide at her. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her. I quickly shook that thought from my head and moved my gaze away from her, down to the sidewalk.

It wasn't long before we arrived back at the mansion. I opened the door for her and she walked through thanking me. "Do you want your jacket in your room?" She asked. "Sure, thanks." I replied. She nodded and headed towards the stairs. "Jeff, please come here." Slender called. I walked into the dinning room to see Sally standing on the chair next to him. "My birthdays tomorrow!" She shouted happily. "Congrats." I said almost monotone. "I need you to help set up for tomorrow night." Slender said getting straight to the point. I groaned loudly. "Why me?" I whined. "Because Sally wishes for Y/n to help as well, Helen is painting the banner, Liu is preparing snacks and drinks with Toby, Masky and hoodie will be making a cake, Ben..well I assume he will be coming up with party games, and as for you and the girl, you will be setting up decorations." Slender explained. I gave a blank expression. It's not like I could deny that I wanted to work with her.....besides slender would just invade my thoughts anyways. "Okay.." I said and turned to walk out of the kitchen. "I'll tell her." I added. I heard Sally clap excited and shout "hooray!!" I rolled my eyes and made my way upstairs. I walked down the hallway and saw Liu walking opposite down the hallway. "Hey!" I called out to him irritated. By the time he looked up to me I pushed him against the wall. "Why did you say all that stuff." I growled. "Because it was true." Liu replied bluntly. "But why did you say it out loud. In front of her?" I asked peeling him from the wall an pushing him back into it. Liu pushed my hands away and straighten out his sweater. "Because you like her and she needs to know before its to late." Liu explained. I said and glared at him. "What do you know?" I huffed and turned to walk away. "I've had my eye on her, and if you can't be a man about it, I can show her how much of a man I can be." Sully said. I stopped in my tracks and felt my blood began to boil. My anger was rising fast and I spun around quickly shoving him against the wall. "Don't you ever talk about her like that, both you or Liu. I swear I will gut you open, and watch you die." I growled protective. He chuckled and I knew it was Liu. "You're always like
this Jeff. So protective over what's not even yours." He half smiled. I couldn't tell if he was teasing me or mocking me. I just glared at him. "May I ask where your prized possession hoodie is?" He smirked. "Is it on your prized possession girl?" He added. "I remember back when we were in school, another boy looked at Y/n in a way you didn't like, I convinced you to let it go but you over heard them talking about how pretty she was...what did you do then Jeff?" Liu asked. I slowly released him and looked down at the carpeted floor. "I threatened him after school..." I confessed. Liu just chuckled amused. He turned to walk away. "She's yours, man, she's always just need to let her know that." He said without turning around to look at me, he continued walking and soon disappear down the stairs. For once I thought Liu was actually right about my biggest struggle with me. How the hell do I tell her. I can't just walk in there and announce my undying love...

"Wait...did I just say I loved her!?" I panicked to myself.

I'm in deeper than I thought...there's no way I can escape this now, I have to find a way to make her mine. I just have to.

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