Well hello there

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I stomped down the stairs and into the living room. "Morning Y/n." Sally stated cheerfully. I smiled at her. "Good morning." I replied. Ben was once again playing video games. "You missed breakfast." Sally added. "I did?" I asked slightly frowning. "I saved you a cookie." She smiled and handed me a cookie. I chuckled at her effort. "Thanks." I said going to take a bit. I knock was heard from the door. I looked to Sally then Ben. "I'm not allowed to open the door." Sally frowned. I looked to Ben. "Busy." He managed to say. I rolled my eye L's at him and stood. I walked into the main hallway and was about to open the door when I heard running down the stairs. "Don't open it Y/n." I heard EJ call. Jeff was running behind him. I took my hand away from the door knob. "Why n-" I was cut off by Jeff picking my up and throwing me over his shoulder. "What the hell are you doing!?" I asked beating my fists on his back. "Just trust us." Jeff said and carried me off into the living room as I continued kicking and hitting. He threw me roughly down on the couch and walked away. "Stay." He pointed at me like a dog. I stood up. "I'm not-" he cut me off by pushing me down by my shoulders onto the couch. He leaned over and came close to my face. "I said, stay." He half whispered. I swallowed hard as I crossed my arms. "Whatever." I mumbled. Jeff turned to walk away. "Oh, it's just splendor." I heard Jeff say as he walked into the main hall. I leaned back against the couch a bit to see past the door way but all I could see was EJ and Jeff. Jeff turned around and looked me straight in the eye. He motioned for me to come over but I shook my head with a smirk. He walked back over to me. "Come on." He said in a calm voice. "Can't, you told me to stay." I said. Sally giggled. "Hey!" Jeff snapped and pointed to Sally who put a hand over her mouth to stop giggling. "Now I'm saying getting up." He growled. I glared at him. "Get up." He growled again. I stood up just as there was another knock at the door. "Sit down." He said pushing me down by my forehead. "What the heck!" I called after him. "Hey trender."I heard EJ say. "Fashion crisis on our hands, Jeff you own a washer for a reason, all those blood stains have set in now, You animal." I heard a voice sort of like slenders but slightly higher. "You're a fashion crisis, who the fuck wears a sweater vest." I heard Jeff stomp back into the living. "I'll have you know they're still in, they go with everything." The voice called back offended. I chuckled. "Shut up." Jeff said to me. "You animal." I called and laughed. "There's still room on this hoodie for your blood." He said like it was a fact. "Stand up now." He said walking over to me. "So you can push me down?" I glared at him. "Stop complaining." He replied. I sighed and stood up. I walked past him into the main hall. "This is Y/n." EJ said. There were two men that looked like Slenderman but we're dressed differently. One wore a brown sweater vest with a white long sleeve shirt. He pulled his glasses off and put the edge of them to his chin almost in a thinking way. The other wore a black suit with colorful polkadots all over. He was the only one with a face. He smiled and pulled off his hat. "I am Splendorman, it's wonderful to met you." He said extending a hand for me to shake. "You too." I smiled. "You're gorgeous darling, but you're clothes aren't." I heard the other one say. "Those are her pajamas." Jeff told him. He stood next to me now. "Are you guys...you know, a thing?" He asked. "What?! No, I'd rather slam my tongue in a car door and walk into lava then even hold hands with him." I said crossing my arms. Everyone laughed expect Jeff. "You could have just said no...." Jeff said and walked back into the living room. "He gives that vibe off...he's a strange one." He spoke again. "Anyways, I'm trender." He added coming down and kissing both sides of my cheek. "Fancy." I thought to myself.
Almost as on cue, there was yet another knock on the door. Jeff poked his head out from the living room as EJ turned to me. "What?" I asked looking between them. Both splendor and trender stepped in front of me almost hiding me. I heard EJ open the door. "Hello my little eyeless wonder." I heard a deep dark and almost slithering voice. It made chills run down my back. The door closed and I notice Jeff slowly creep towards me. "Hello my brothers, where is slender?" I heard the voice ask. "I believe he's up-" splendor was cut off by the unknown voice. "What is that wonderful smell." The voice said and sniffed into the air. Jeff put a finger to his mouth telling me to shut up, then he slid that same finger across his neck basically telling me "or I'll kill you". Jeff grabbed my hand and I pulled away. "What are you doing?" I whispered quietly to him. "Saving you, now get moving." He whispered back. "From what?" I thought. Jeff held out his hand and I looked down at it. "Trust me." Jeff whispered and looked me straight in the eye. I glared at him. I wanted to slap him but before I could I felt something snake around my ankle. Jeff lunged forward to try and pull me away but it was too late, I was strung up in the air and brought closer to another figure that looked like Slenderman. He wore a dark purple trench coat, and a fedora to match. He's smile was wide. "A mortal." He stated. "A beautiful one at that." He purred.

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