Push comes to shove

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"I'm so winning!" I said in a challenging way. "You're so gonna cry cause I'm gonna win!" Ben chuckled darkly. I have to admit Ben was pretty fun to hang out with minus his pervy side. "Bring it on!" I said. "Oh trust me babe, I will." He replied. I smacked him on the head with the controller. "Don't call me that." I huffed. Suddenly there was a pillow thrown at Ben and then wiped back at me, hitting me in the face. I let go of the controller from the impact. "I win!" Ben sang still laying in the floor from when the pillow knocked him over. I crossed my arms and looked up at Jeff. The one that hit us with the pillows. I didn't even realize he was in the room. I stood up to him. "Oh my god..." I thought to myself. It barely registered how tall he was. I reached his shoulder with the middle of my forehead. I wasn't scared of him though. "Why'd you do that? You wrecked the game!" I said crossing my arms. "I was playing first." He said and flicked my nose. He sat down on the couch and moved me out of the way with his leg. I grabbed the controller from him. "Give it back." He growled. "Guys, just take turns." Ben said. "Shut up." Both Jeff and I said turning to him. "Well shit..." Ben said turning back to the tv to continue playing.

"I hate you." I growled to Jeff. "Well I hate you too!" He shouted now in my face. I flicked his nose and he looked at me surprised. I stood up straight almost challenging him. "Did you just flick my nose?" He asked in a deep voice. "I don't know...is this a flick?" I asked and did it again. He stood up and grabbed my shoulders throwing me on the couch. He pressed and pillow over my head. I kicked and tried desperately to get the pillow off my head. Suddenly I felt myself kick something. "Ow you little brat!" He said and punched the pillow. I kicked him again. Jeff pulled the pillow off me and grabbed me by my black t-shirt and pulled me off the couch by it. He got in my face and I could feel the warm air on my nose. "Go. To. Sleep." He growled low and husky as he threw me to the floor. I looked over at Ben who was watching amused. I take back what I said about him being cool. Jeff pulls out his knife and straddled me. I held the front his hoodie and tried to pull him off me. I bucked my hips to make him lose balance. "Stay still damn you!" He shouted has he tried to get the knife close to my face. "Ben help me!" I called. "Right." Ben said standing. "Come on Jeff." Ben said trying to pull him off. I grabbed Jeff's wrist and tried to pull his hand away from my face. "Get off me ben." Jeff said pushing Ben forcefully making him knock over a lamp on the little table next to the couch. "I'll be right back." Ben said slowly getting up and holding his back. "Great, my hope depends on him..." I thought to myself. I found that I got bring one of my legs up through Jeff's legs. I did and kicked him in between the legs. He groaned and fell on top on me. "Get off of me." I growled and pushed him over. I grabbed his knife and straddled him. "Better put that knife away before you cut yourself." He growled. I placed the point of the knife at the about of his chin. "Or I could cut you." I said. Jeff placed his hands on my hips. "I like this position." He smirked. I almost threw up in my mouth. "Gross." I managed to say. I grabbed the hoodie of his jacket just as EJ ran in. "Y/n, stop!" He called seeing me raise up the knife. I stabbed through the material of Jeff's hood and he didn't even flinch when I brought the knife down. Jeff was now nailed to floor. I stood as Jeff tried to get the knife to release him. I dusted my pants off. "I think you'll fit in here." EJ laughed. I went to walk out of the living room before I was tackled to the floor by Jeff. "How did he get out of that so fast!" I thought to myself. "Jeff get off of me." I said pushing his chest. He brought the knife close to my stomach. "I could just down right here..." He said trailing off as he pushed the knife a little below my ribs. "It'll make a clean cut, killing you in no time." He added. I stayed still, it was the only thing I could do under pressure. "I won't miss this time, I promise." He spoke calmly and chilling. I know he was talking about when we were younger and he killed my family. After he pulled me out from under the bed and plunged the knife into my side, missing my kidney by 3 inches. He was going to cut a smile into my face but police kicked down the door. The other neighbors must if heard the racket. Before he left he told me to go to sleep.

I looked into his eyes now and there was that same crazed look in his eyes. He was blood thirsty. Suddenly Jeff was tackled off me and onto the floor by EJ. "That's enough Jeff, you know slender wouldn't be happy if you killed her." He said holding Jeff down. Jeff turned him over. "I don't care, I hate her!" He shouted. EJ pushed him off. "I'm sure she hate you." EJ stated. "I do." I mumbled. "I should have killed her when I killed her family." Jeff threw EJ off him and stood up. EJ stood up. I was so angry now and tears where threatening to fall. I grabbed Jeff's knife off the floor and pushed EJ aside. I stomped over to Jeff and stabbed the knife in his arm. It wasn't all of it but enough to break skin and make him bleed. "Ow you bitch!" He said tearing the knife out of his arm. I turned to walk away not caring if he attacked me blindside. That's when he threw the knife at me, it flew past my head merely inches away and landed in the wall by the stairs. I turned around and looked him dead in the eye. "You missed me again, idiot." I said walking up stairs.

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