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Jeff POV

I sat at the edge of my bed and Y/n turned swiftly to look at me. "You don't look so hot." She said. I smirked at her. "So you think I'm hot?" I teased. I knew what she meant. "No I meant like hot as in good, you don't look so good, it's a figure of speech and-" I cut her off as she panicked. "Relax I was just joking." I smiled and laid down at the foot of the bed. She was quiet for a moment before speaking. "You're such a pain." She mumbled. I didn't bother arguing with her. "So...Liu-" I cut her off again. "What about him?" I spoke irritated. I wasn't really in the mood to talk about him. She walked over to me and leaned over my face with her hands on her hips. "Why didn't you tell me he was alive, I thought you killed him." She stated. "I thought so too...." I turned on my side away from her. "How could you say something like that Jeff, he's your brother and I know deep down you love him..." He trailed off. It was true. "I do...he just doesn't love me back...he can't forgive me and I don't blame him so we are on complicated terms." I explained. It was quiet again before I felt a weight on the bed beside me. I moved over and gave her room before laying on my back. My legs hung off the edge of the bed since we were laying the incorrect way on the short width of the bed inside of long ways. "I messed up a lot....I'm really glad you forgave me....or at least beginning to." I said to Y/n but kept my eyes focused on the ceiling. She chuckled and I immediately turned to her. "What?" I questioned sort of irritated, she was laughing at me while I was being serious. "Nothing's're not as terrible as you think you are." She turned and smiled at me. I felt my heart skip a beat but I didn't think much about it. "Why do you say of all people should know why I've-" she cut me off. "Hush." She sternly said. "But I-" she cut me off again. "I said hush." She now glared at me. I half smiled at her and her demanding ways. I had to admit that was kind of cute. " and I both know what you've done back we were younger...that hurt and it still does but I've grown to see why you did it. You did it for me....which still doesn't make it okay but in a way I can sort of look at you and not hate you. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't me I have you hate you." She explained looking at the ceiling. Right there in this was clear to me that I was falling for her. She was definitely so different from everyone else. In a way I'm glad she didn't give in to me right away. She's strong and it shows. It's just one of the many things I like about her. She's never basis and never fake. She's exactly who she wants to be and that's the person I'm falling for. "Should I tell her?..." I trail off to myself. I went over ever pro and con in my head. Finally. I came to a decision. "Y/n...I think I-" suddenly I heard the front door of the mansion slam opened and there was loud greeting. "Helen how the heck are you!?" I heard EJ. "L-Liu, it's g-good to see y-you." Toby greeted. My stomachs dropped. "Why do they have to be so damn loud." I thought to myself. I figured they greeted them rather loudly just to annoy me. "Wait...I thought they were coming tomorrow." I thought to myself. My stomachs dropped again. "Who's going to be the one that's staying?" I thought again. "Jeff?" I heard Y/n call. I looked to her. "What are you thinking about? You're awfully quiet." She stated. "Nothing." I lied and stayed looking at the ceiling. I let out a long sigh. "Try again..." I thought to myself but before I could open my mouth a confess my feeling for this perfect girl next to me, she sat up. "Come on Jeff. You have to say hi to the guests." She smiled. I knew she was trying to get me to talk to Liu. "I really don't-" she cut me off. "Don't be a baby." She chuckled and ruffled my hair to which it fall in front of my face. I blushed t her touch an I was glad my hair was covering my red face. "If you want, since you helped me, I'll help you." She said in a determined way. I sat up and ran a head through my hair. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I won't leave your side, so that why no asked moments or fights will happen. Besides, I know how hard and weird it might feel or be when your meeting someone again. Someone you really didn't want to." She explained. "I highly doubt you know that feeling." I rolled my eyes. "I had toe any you again didn't I?" She teased and laughed. "Hey!" I glared at her. She continued laughing and headed towards the door. That was yet another thing I liked about her. She was so honest whether you wanted her to e or not. That made it really easy to trust her because she had nothing to hide. "While? You coming or not?" She challenged me at the doorway. I groaned dramatically and stood. "Come on you big baby." He rolled her eye as walked over to me and pulled me by the hem of my hoodie sleeves. I smiled down at her but she was to busy looking down the hallway she was forcing me to walk. I quickly gripped her wrist and pulled her into me and wrapped my arms around her. She was in shock and didn't move. A small gasp escaped her sweet lips. "Thank you." I said in only almost a whisper. She slowly wrapped her arms around my torso and I leaned my chin on her head. "N-no problem...but we better get going." She said pulling away. "Yeah you're probably right." I mumbled back. Before she turned away from me I saw a faint blush dusting her cheeks. I smiled and let her use my sleeves a leash down the hallway and the stairs. I've come to realize there isn't a thing in the world I wouldn't do for her. In the short amount of hours and days I've been reunited with her she's managed to change me. She's the only one that I'd surrender to...whether I like it or not and I. Jeff the killer. Will admit it's a bit terrifying to know she has that much control over me. I can kill anyone with no regret or any worry in the world. I could watch my closest friends die and would feel nothing. Hell...I killed my own family and felt absolutely nothing. Yet...with one look from her and I would chase her. "What am I did I get into this mess?" I thought to myself. I couldn't help but chuckled a bit to myself.

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