Stitches and Red Paint

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Your POV

I dragged Jeff down the stairs and froze when I reached the bottom. There stood a boy a few inches taller than Jeff. He was really thin. He wore a black and grey scarf. His hair was brown and stop at the bottom of his chin. It was much neater than Jeff's. He turned around to show a lot of stitches on his face. He froze too when he saw me. Suddenly a boy in a long blue button up coat walked out of the living room. He's mask was simple, black eyes and a lined smile with red...paint? At least I semi hoped it was paint. "Hello." He spoke. He lifted his mask up a bit to show his friendly smile. "My name is bloody painter, you can call me Helen." He said extending a hand to me. "I'm Y/n." I smiled and introduced myself. "Very nice to met you." He replied. "You to." I said. There was a strong tension in the air. I looked at Jeff over my shoulder to see him glaring hard at Liu. I faced forward to see Liu returning the expression. "It's so good to see you again Liu." I interrupted their stare down. Liu quickly tore his glare away and looked at me. His expression softened into a small smile. "It's good to see you too, it's been a long time." He said in a sweet voice. Liu was always the sweetest, I don't think I've ever seen him mad or even yell. He opened his arms for a hug and I hesitant walked forward and hugged him. "You're hot." Liu spoke in a somewhat more rougher voice. Jeff pulled me away by my arm. I gave Liu a funny look. "Oh my gosh...I'm so sorry Y/n it's not-...what are you doing with a crazy like him?" Liu put his hand over his mouth but he kept talking. I raised my eyebrow confused and Helen let out a little laugh. Jeff growled and pulled his knife from his hoodie pocket and put the blade to Liu's neck. "Woah, oh my god Jeff!" I shouted and tried to pull him away from Liu. "Hey, hey, it's not my fault it was Sully!" Liu shouted at Jeff and pushed the knife away. Jeff returned the knife back to his throat. "Learn to control him, he's in your damn body..." Jeff sneered and gave Liu a mean look. Jeff stayed with the knife pressed to Liu's neck a while longer before pulling it away and shoving it back in his pocket. Jeff stomped away into the living room. I stayed starring at Liu awkwardly. "W-who's Sully?" I questioned carefully. "Look, she's asking about me." Liu said...well I guess I should say Sully? "Well you see...its kind of a complicated- it's not that complicated shit brain, just tell- sully let me tell her." Liu had a sled dispute. I looked between Helen and Liu. "He has split personality basically...he has an alternative self called Sully." Helen explained. "See, not that complicated." Helen turned to Liu and shrugged. I could tell Helen was a simple, down to earth and realistic person. "He seems pretty cool." I think to myself before turning my attention to Liu who was glaring at Helen. "I wouldn't even say it like that." Liu crossed his arms. "Then how would you say it?!" Sully talked irritated. "Well...its against my well...I didn't choose sully- harsh! You think I chose you?! No! I didn't!" Sully said angrily. I could tell Sully was the more intense side of Liu. Liu was this sweet little boy and sully seemed to be the "hardcore bad boy" type of person...or...thing. "Okay?..." I half mumbled. "You get used to it..." Helen stated before causally turning and walking into the kitchen. "Sure hope so." I think to myself. "So uh...wanna go to the living room?" I asked Liu. I was trying to get him and Jeff together. "I don't think- why the hell would I want to do that knowing Jeff's in there?" Liu began sweetly only to be cut off by Sully's blunt ways. I half smiled pretty amused at their differences. "Y/n?" I heard Jeff call. I was gonna answer back but Liu turned to walk towards the kitchen too. "Liu!" I called out making him look over his shoulder at me. "Come hang out with us?" I smiled. Liu starred at me for a minute before blinking. "Y/n!?" Jeff now shouted. "What?!" I shouted back. "We're watching a movie idiot, hurry up!" He shouted back. I rolled my eyes. "Be right there." I replied. I turned back to Liu waiting for an answer. "Okay- no, I'm not- shut up Sully what's the- no you shut up I'm not going in there- what's the worst that could happen?" They fought again. I chuckled and decided to interrupt them by grabbing Liu's arm and pulling him towards the living room. "Shut up both of you." I teased. "Don't tell me to shut up, you little- sully don't you dare finish that sentence." Liu scolded. "Finally, Jeff had the movie on pause since forever." Ben whined. I looked to Jeff who stared a hole straight there Liu's face. "Told you this was a bad idea..." I heard sully mumble. I pushed Liu forward towards Jeff sitting on the couch. Jeff turned to ignore him completely now. My plan was to sit on the floor like Ben and have the two brothers on the couch...they'd be force to talk to each at some point during the movie. Instead, Jeff grabbed my wrist and jerked me forward making me sit next to him. "Can I sit here?" Liu asked Ben pointing to the spot on the floor next to him. "All yours buddy." Ben said yanking another pillow from the couch to hand Liu. "Thanks." Liu replied and propped the pillow to his liking. Jeff un-paused the movie and switched. Ben looked back at me and then to Jeff before smiling deviantly. "Don't worry, I gotcha Jeff." Ben said in a teasing way. I looked at him confused as he stood up and drew the drapes to make the living room darker, he switched off the light too before sitting back down. I looked around the room that was only lit up by the light of the TV. "What are you talking about Ben?" I asked looking to the blonde boy. Ben just snickered before I turned to look at Jeff. He's expression was emotionless as he stared straight at the tv. "Don't mind him, he's just acting strange as usual." Jeff said monotone. I gave Jeff a strange look before I turned back to look at the tv. "If Jeff was so chill about it maybe it was just Ben acting weird..." I thought to myself. "But why would he make the room-" Jeff covered my mouth. I blushed from how he chose to do so. I was sitting on his right hand sit, leaving him to put his whole right arm around me and cover my mouth. He pulled me closer to him as he held my mouth. "Shut up already...." Jeff seemed to say to only me. He had a deep husky voice that sent chills down my back. He slowly let go of my mouth as he removed his arm from around me. He then rested his arm on the head of the couch right behind me. I moved a little bit away from him to resume my place I originally sat in before he pulled me closer to him. "Why do you move away?" Jeff whispered to me. The tv screen lit up his face to show an amused smirk. "B-because you're weird." I blushed again. "Why am I blushing!?" I yelled at myself. Jeff just snickered. "Can you guys shut up? The movie started already." Ben said irritated. Jeff turned to face the tv like nothing happened.

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