Made up mind

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Jeff's POV

She fell asleep about an hour ago. I was tired, but I felt to tired to sleep. I looked down at her cuddled against my chest. I have never made love like that with anyone. Granted I've been with one other girl but she meant nothing...literally, Ben hired a hooker and well...yeah...
This meant something to me, I love her so much I couldn't bare the thought of having anyone else like this...I couldn't even bare the thought of her having already been with someone like this. I tried my hardest and gave 110% to make sure I was better than who ever she had last.

I think I met that goal if you ask me haha.

I kissed the top of her head and held her a little tighter before slipping my arm out from under here. I need to talk to slender, I've made up my mind. I slowly stood, quietly enough not to wake her. I pulled on my boxers and jeans. I buttoned my pants before taking a glance at her, a glance that turned into a stare. Her hair was laid across the pillow, her collarbone was visible, I could see every curve outlined underneath the sheet that covered her beauty. I smiled at my myself. Her face seemed more relaxed rather than when she first slept here, I could tell she trusted me and that felt good. I frowned slightly to myself. "She trusts me..." I thought to myself turning my attention away from her and pulling my shirt on. I gathered her clothes and folded them, laying them neatly on the nightstand next to her on her side of the bed. I kissed her soft pale lips gently and shuffled away from her and towards the door. I decided to turn on my desk lap on for her considering it was getting pretty dark. I closed the door behind me after I left.

I tip toed down the hallway and ran into Ben coming out of his room. He smirked and bit back small laughter. "Jeff." He said my name bluntly and I knew what he was talking about. "Hush yourself." I pointed at him. He chuckled darkly and turned his back to me moving his hands up and down his back, basically "making out" with himself. "Oh Jeff!" He mocked. I smacked the back of his head. "You little-" I reached for his throat but he took off running. I groaned lightly in pain and slowly lifted my shirt to see some of the wrapped bandages with a little bit of blood spotting were my gash is. "Oh no..." I mumble to myself as I yank my shirt back down. I place my hand over it gently as if to guard it for 5 seconds.

"Ben, you little asshole get over here!" I call out as I get to the bottom of the stairs. I run into EJ as I'm heading to the living room. "U-uh..hey Jeff, what's up?" He asked awkwardly. I furrowed my eyebrows but choose to ignore him. "Have you seen Ben?" I asked clinching my fists and looking around, turning my head side to side. "No, I haven't...sorry." He said giving a light chuckle. I huffed and moved past him. "Oh, Jeff?" EJ called as if he forget to tell will me something. "What?" I asked simply and turned to him. "I guess you're feeling better huh?" He said and I caught the smirk in his tone. I bit the inside of my cheek nervously and angrily. "Hush." I glared at him. He put his hands up in surrender and shrugged. "All I'm saying is if you plan to kill her or let her go...doing what you did with her is only gonna make it harder on the both of you." He stated. I froze. "'re wrong, you'll see." I said waving him off. "I hope I am Jeff...for your guys sake." He replied turning to walk up the stairs. I swallowed nervously and ran a hand through my hair. "I need to find slender." I thought to myself and raced up the stairs passing jack on the way, I went straight to the third floor and knocked on the door, impatiently waiting for it to open. Instead, it was quiet. So I knocked again, this time a little louder. "Hey in there?" I called out, my voice was a bit shaky but I tried to remain calm. "Where the hell is he?" I mumbled gritting my teeth at the door and balling my fists. My mind wandered back to what Jack said. "He could be I'm more attached to her and if things go wrong-..." My thoughts were cut off by Slender's voice coming from behind me. "I see you're done causing a ruckus." Slender spoke as he approached me. "Yeah whatever, I need to talk to you." I said anxiously not even caring anymore what be said about me and Y/n. Yes I did it, I had sex with her, just move on everyone you're ruining my moment by teasing us.

"What about child?" Slender asked stepping into his office holding the door open for him to come in.
I took a deep breath as Slender walked behind his desk.

"I want to make Y/n immortal." I stated boldly.

The room fell silent.

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