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Your POV

Jeff was particularly dragging me through the forest. His grip was tight around my hand and I wanted to scold him for it, but I knew he'd get mad and take me back to the mansion. "Jump." He demand always, almost to late every time we had to jump over a fallen tree. He pulled me right and then left. My lungs were burning from running so long. "Jeff..." I panted. He stopped quickly making me run into his back. A small 'uff' escaped my mouth as I stumbled back a bit. "What?" He asked. He wasn't as winded as I was. "Can we...take...a break?" I asked leaning against my knees. He groaned and plopped on the ground. "You promise not to run away?" He asked looking at me. I gave him a crazy look. "Are you kidding? I can't even breath right now." I half shouted. It was more of a violent talk since I didn't have the breath to raise my voice. He smiled. "That bad?" He smirked. I glared at him and stood up straighter. "Let's go." I demanded trying to calm down. "I thought you wanted a break?" He mocked. "And now I wanna keep going." I crossed my arms. He rolled his eyes in a frustrated way and stood. "You're so confusing..." He mumbled and reached for my hand. I quickly pulled away. "C-can't we just walk?" I asked. He cocked his head to the side in question before smirking. "Why are you so shy now?" He asked. I glared at him. "I'm not." I said coldly. He extended his hand to me, as I just starred at his open palm. "Remember when we were kids?" He begin. I looked up to look into his eyes. "We'd go every where hand and hand....people used to think we were dating....we didn't care though." He added. I sighed almost in a sad way. "Jeff...we're older now...we can do that." I explained. "Why not!" He shouted angrily. I jumped a little from his out burst. He cleared his throat and looked down at the brown leaves. "Why do you hate me so much?..." He said quietly. It was a bit louder than a whisper but not much. "....ask yourself Jeff." I said with no emotion. He ran a hand through his hair just making it fall back into the same place. "I thought you were unhappy with them..." He started. I just starred at the top of his head as he starred at the ground. "Your mom was so mean to you and your sister...she seemed to get mad at you for everything...you're dad wasn't around and-" I cut him off. "That wasn't your place Jeff!" I shouted. He looked at me. "You didn't have the right to just kill them!" I added. He gave me this sad look but I ignored him. "And me! What the hell did I ever do? Why did you try to kill me?!" I was yelling now, I was yelling so loud I could hear the echo. He didn't flinch, he didn't move or budge or blink. He wasn't phased. He still had that sad look though, his hard stare was a bit softer and he's lips were slightly parted as if he wants to say something. His shoulders were slummed a bit and his eyebrows weren't tense in a mad expression as he usual was. I gave him a "well?" Look and rose my eyebrows waiting for an answer. When he still didn't give me an answer I sighed and turned to walk away. "Figures...you try to kill me and don't even give an explanation." I mumble. "Where are you going?" He asked softly and walking to catch up with me. I ignored him. "Hey, I'm talking to you." He said now going back to his normal mean self. He pulled my arm back so I could face him. "Stop." I said going to push him away but he caught my arms and held me by my wrists. "Leave me alone." I said coldly and tried to pull my arms away from him. He held them tightly. It didn't hurt but I knew I wouldn't get loose. I sighed and gave up trying to get free. I could feel him looking at me but I just looked to the side and tried to ignore him. "Y/n...look at me." He said softly again. I didn't move. He sighed and begin talking. "Okay...you don't have to look at me but at least listen." He spoke. "You were my friend...as your friend I see things. Like your mom and your sister and your dad...well, hardly your dad since he moved out and-....that's not the point, the point is that you were always so excepting of how they treated you and that made me mad. They were constantly mean to you but you were happy because you had them, because you had family..." He said. I bite the inside of my cheek and continued to look away from him. "I killed them because I thought that, that's what you secretly wanted, that's what I wanted for you." He confessed. I was starting to get a little mad. I can't believe him. He thinks he knows what's best for me. "Then why did you try to kill me you dip-shit?!" I snapped, now looking at him. "Because I didn't want you to feel anymore pain...I figured if I were to kill you, no one else could hurt you." He said sadly. "Are you stupid? You would have hurt me by killing me? Jeff do you even know how confusing that sounds...you don't want me to get hurt by KILLING ME?!" I said almost in disbelief. "I know how stupid it sounds...I knew you'd be mad if I killed you and I was okay with that because at least no one would hurt you. I was willing to hurt you once so now one would do it ever again." He explained. He talked about it like it was a good plan or something. "Oh my god..." I said in surprise. "What?" Jeff sort of smiled thinking I was going to say something nice. "You're....an idiot..." I rolled my eyes. He glared at me and tightened his grip on my hands. This time it hurt. "Ow!" I said trying to get free. "I could just snap your wrists right here if I wanted to." He growled. The pain almost brought me to tears but I kept it inside. "Go ahead." I spat and looked up to him. His grip tightened a little more. I groaned in pain. Jeff let go and I felt the blood rush back into my hand. I shook out my wrist and massaged them a bit. "Lemme guess...you did it so no one else would?" I said sarcastically. He growled under his breath.

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