Memory lane

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Your POV

I jumped in the middle of the bed. Jeff's bed was actually really comfortable. I laid there a bit before I had to take off his hoodie and go back down stairs. His hoodie was so warm and was a little damp and reeked of blood, but once you got past that it was quite comfortable. It even smelled like Jeff, it was a little oaky like the forest after it rains, mixed with a little bit of some kind of cologne, it was very faint which let his natural smell still be noticeable, and of course the notorious iron smell of the blood topped it off. None of the smells over powered each other. I lifted the neck of the hoodie and took another sniff just as Jeff walked in. He stopped and raised an eyebrow at me. "What're you doing?" He questioned. I think I just died of embarrassment for the 2nd time tonight. "I hope you're not wiping your nose on my hoodie...that's not why I lent it to you, there's tissues for that shit." Jeff said now stepping into the room and shutting the door again. I pulled the hoodie off my nose and smile innocently. "You better of have not coughed in it either, I don't wanna get sick cause of if I'd have to kill you cause you got sick." He rambled on and crossed his arms. I shook my head 'no'. "...were you smelling it?" He asked with a half smirk. I shook my head more violently and a blush dusted my cheeks lightly. "Ha! Fucking liar." He laughed and walked over to the bed and leaped onto his back right next to me. "It smells good..." I mumbled to the point it almost sounded like gibberish. He just chuckled amused. "You're so strange." He said turning his head to look at me.  "You're strange..." I argued, turning to look at him. "No, I'm deranged learn the difference doll." He smiled proudly. I gave him a squinty eye look before breaking out into a smile. "Okay, that was pretty funny." I admitted and chuckled before I turned to look straight up at the ceiling. "'re helping me set up decorations tomorrow night." He said changing subject. "...why?" I asked confuse and turned over to look at him. "It's the little brats birthday tomorrow." He said. "Who?" I asked gain confused. "Sally." He replied. I gasped and continuously smacked his arm. "She's not a brat!" I shouted. He laughed and grabbed both my arms pulling min to him. He wrapped his arms around me, trapping my arms between his chest and mine. He rested his chin on the top of my head. "I know, I was just kidding, she's actually a pretty cool kid." He confessed. The room fell silent and Jeff didn't let me go. "J-Jeff?" My voice cracked. "Hmm?" He hummed like 'what?' And I felt his chest vibrate a bit from the hum. "What Liu said...was it true?" I blurted out. I felt Jeff intense up a bit. He seemed to be holding his breath. "A-about what?" He nervously chuckled. "You being a smiling mess..." I chuckled thinking about how red he got earlier. Jeff cleared his throat. "Well..." He trailed off. " honest." I begged. "Yes." He said simply. I took a minute to think about what he just said. "Did you want me to say no?" He asked almost like a whisper. "N-no it's not that it's just..well, I didn't think you'd be that happy about it." I confessed. "I was though." He replied. It was quiet for a moment again. "Jeff?" I called once more. "Hmm?" He hummed again. "What were you thinking when know." I said awkwardly. "Kissed you?" Jeff chuckled yet again. I turned red. "Yes...that." I replied. "In one word?" He asked. "If that's all you can come up with, I guess." I laughed a bit. I pushed a bit on his chest and looked up to him. "Hey! Don't look at me!" He said covering my eyes. "Was he blushing?" I asked myself before laughing out loud. I sat up and pushed his hand away. He turned his back to me. "Hey!" I whined and beat his back with the pillow. "Do you wanna know or not?" Jeff said annoyed. "....yes." I said like a little kid. "Then don't look at me." He demanded. "Why not?!" I said now continuing to hit him with the pillow. "'s weird talking about that and you're starring straight at me, now cut it out." He said catching the pillow in his hand and ripping in out of my hands. He then hit me back with the pillow. I laughed. "Okay, fine, you're such a baby." I laughed and yanked the pillow from him and placed it back in the spot next to him. I plopped back down on my back and looked at the ceiling. "Go ahead, I'm not looking." I reassured him. It was quiet for a moment before he released a breath. "I felt like there were no words to explain the feeling I felt..." He begun. I tried not to laugh by biting my lip and smiling. "But when I really thought about it, words like wow and amazing came to mind." He added. Suddenly I didn't feel like laughing anymore. By the tone of his voice he was being dead serious. It was actually very cute. "I planned it for weeks, tore many plans apart and at one point I was just gonna give up on it all together but...I didn't want to." He kept going. I turned on my side to face his back considering he was still facing away from me. "When the moment was building up I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack before I could even do it, and you didn't make my job any easier by playing dumb." He said annoyed at the last part. I lifted my hand to smack him but froze, instead I smiled at him and let my hand go back down to the bed. "I was gonna kiss you while we were playing hide and go seek but...once again you were whining. So, you ruined that plan." He continued, and I yanked a strand of his hair. He just chuckled and rubbed the area. "Anyways...when I finally did it my mind went blank, my first thought was. 'She's gonna hit me after this' but then I remember my stomach one of those good ways...and I remember thinking. 'I did it...I'm kissing her.'....I liked you a lot back then." He stated my face grew red. "I remember you blushing." I laughed. "Shut up!" He shouted and I chuckled into the pillow. He was quiet for a minute. "This is gonna sound so cliché right now and this is the only time I'm gonna be cheesy or whatever so you better listen good..." He warned. I cleared my throat and got comfortable against the pillow again. "I felt like in that moment nothing else mattered...I wanted you to like me the way I liked you, but I knew nothing worked like that. In that moment I was the most honest without having to say anything, I was happy because I finally got to do something no body else could...or at least I was the first. Anyone could talk to you or hang out with you...I was happy because you didn't pull away and throw me down the stairs...I was happy because I liked you so much, if you were happy I was me that stupid little simple kiss that was pathetically 6 seconds meant everything to me....and you had no idea." He finished. I starred at the back of his head in awe. He sat up without looking at me and to stood to walk towards the door. "Jeff wait!" I called and jumped off the bed. He turned and I jumped into his arms wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms instinctively wrapped around me and caught me. My feet were no longer on the ground as Jeff was holding me up. I hugged him tight and his grip tightened on me too. "Thank you...for telling me." I said. He released a breath almost as in relief. "You're welcome." He mumbled. I chuckled a bit. "What?" He asked. I chuckled again. "That was so cute." I said. Jeff groaned and released his grip on me, letting his arms fall to the side. I still held on to him and wrapped my legs around his torso so I wouldn't fall. "Don't be a baby." I laughed. "Ha-ha" he said sarcastically and wrapped his arms around me again. I released my legs around his torso and he slowly lowered me to the ground. "That was quite a jump." He said changing subject. "What do you mean?" I asked confused and let go of him. "You jumped all the way from the fucking bed." He said pointing at the bed that was a few feet away from the door, it wasn't really in jumping distances. "I got skills." I laughed making a pun. "You'll have to show me." Jeff said. I heard a smirk on his tone and I turned to look at him quickly. He laughed and walks to his closet. "Excuse me?" I half chuckled. He grabbed a towel, throwing it over his shoulder and walked back to me. He ruffled my hair and I pushed his hand away. "I'm gonna take a hot shower." He said. I nodded my head and was about to turn away from him and go back to the bed again but then he spoke. "It's like a normal shower but with me in it." He laughed. "Get out of here." I laughed and pushed him towards the door. "You know what? Now you can't come with me because you're being mean." He smirked. My face grew red with a blush. "Get out!" I opened the door and shoved him into the hallway. He was still laughing. "I'm just kidding, you should have seen your face again." He said walking down the hallway. "I hope you drowned!...fucking noodle head!" I called out. "Hey!" I heard Ben call from his room. "Sorry!" I yelled back. Jeff turned around slightly and looked at me. "Did you just call me a noodle head?" He questioned. I mentally face palmed myself, out of anything I could have said I said that. " would I a shower?" He smiled amused. I quickly slammed the door and hid in the room. I heard Jeff laugh and continue walking down the hallway before another door closed. I slowly smiled to myself. I definitely had a crush on Jeff.

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