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I stayed with my back against the door a while longer before I heard a knock on it. I swiftly opened the door. "I told you to-" I stopped when I saw EJ standing there. I imagine he looked confused under his mask. "Huh?" He questioned. "Sorry, I thought you were-...never mind, what's up?" I smiled and leaned a bit against the door. "Slender wanted me to make sure Jeff told you about tomorrow night." EJ explained. "Oh, yeah he the way, is there a certain way slender or Sally want the decorations?" I asked nervously. He just shrugged. "If they don't fall apart by the end of the night, I assume you're in the safe zone." He laughed. "I think I can manage." I laughed back. Smile suddenly darted into the room almost knocking me over. Ben shortly came running down the hallway shouting at the husky. "Give me my hat you bloody animal!" He said pushing EJ aside and running into the room. Smile growled at him while the hat was still in his mouth. "Nice doggie..." Ben quickly changed his tone to nice and sweet. Me and EJ laughed as Ben approached smile who was laying on the bed. "He just wants to play." Jeff interrupted making both me, Ben and EJ jump for the sudden voice. Jeff just had a towel wrapped around his waist. I quickly looked the opposite way. "So...could you guys get out?" Jeff said irritated. EJ was the quickest to turn and walk down the hallway. Ben grabbed my wrist. "Wanna see my room in the meantime?" Ben asked leading me towards the door. Jeff grabbed Ben by the back of the neck and guided him out into the hall. "No, bad fuck boy, go, leave." Jeff pointed down the hallway. "My hat." Ben pointed and glared at smile. "Smile. Hat." Jeff said in a stern voice and smile brought Jeff the hat, leaving the hat at his feet. Jeff then kicked Ben's hat into the hallway. "My hat!" Ben said offended and picked it up, dusting it of and cuddling it to his chest. Jeff pushed the door closed. "Uh..tell me when you're done changing..." I said reaching for the door knob. "You can just turn around, I don't care, I trust you." Jeff shrugged. "No I think I'll just wait in the hallway." I said awkwardly and opened the door. I closed it behind me and turned to see Ben leaning against the wall. "Wanna play a game?" He said with a smirk. "No thank you." I said turning back to the door. I opened it and quickly shut it again. "Ah! What the hell, in or out women!" Jeff said gripping his towel firmly in his hands. I walked to the bed and laid face down in the pillow. I felt a weight on the bed and smiles fur against my arm. "Almost done." Jeff stated. I could hear rustling of clothes. "This is so weird..." I think to myself. "Alright you can look." Jeff announced. I slowly urged on my side and started petting smile. Jeff approach the bed and glared at smile. "Down." Jeff ordered to which smile nuzzled more against me. "Dog no, what are you doing?" He asked irritated. "You can't just take my spot." Jeff crossed his arms. I laughed. "Are you jealous of the dog?" I smirked. "Maybe..." He mumbled. I chuckled and cuddled with smile, wrapping my arms around him and laying my head on his. "Alright, that's it." Jeff said grabbing smiles collar and pulling him off the bed. "Jeff!" I shouted and moved from the edge of the bed to see smile laying on Jeff. "Get off dog." Jeff said and rolled over making smile get off. Jeff stood a dusted his white shirt off, and his black sweats that looked like mine. "Hey, come with me." Jeff said extending his hand. "Why?" I chuckled and rolled away from him. He frowned and I rolled my eyes slowly giving in and standing up. "Keep the hoodie on." Jeff stated. I gave him a weird look as we went to the closet and grabbed a regular zip up black hoodie. "Woah, you mean to tell me you have two jackets!?" I teased. He gave me an amused look. "I like how the blood looks on the white." He said in a sinister way making me nod awkwardly. He walked to the door and opened it. "Follow me." He said. I looked at smile before shrugging and walking after Jeff. I saw smile jump back on the bed before we left.

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