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Jeff's POV

I pulled her off the porch steps. "Slow down." She growled as she almost stumbled. I sighed and released my grip on her. I don't know why I was so bugged about offender man hitting on her. "Where are we going?"she asked looking around. She hasn't been outside the mansion yet. "Just for a walk...." I trailed off and ran my thumb over the wooden handle of my knife in my pocket. She didn't say anything after that, she just followed me.

We got deeper into the forest. She looked up at the tree tops in amazement. "Wow..." She whispered to herself. "I guess you don't get out very often." I said. She looked at me. "I get out I just don't come to the forest."she confessed and turned her attention back to nature. "Jeff?" She called and I stopped walking to look at her. "What do you want?" I asked. She looked at me again. "Can we go over there?" She said and pointed off to the side. I looked to see she was pointing at a meadow with high grass that would reach up to our knees. Flowers were everywhere and there was a few trees giving shade. I looked back at her only to see she was gone. I looked back at meadow to see her half way there. I sighed frustrated but couldn't help but smile at her. I jogged up to catch up with her. I was about to run up and push her playfully into the grass but she suddenly ducked to sit down an I ran past her accidentally. "What are you doing weirdo?" She said immediately pulling flowers out from the earth. I jogged back to her and sat right across from her. "Nothing." I said. She looked at me for a split second before returning her gaze back to the flowers she was stringing together. I fiddled with the knife in my hoodie. "Now would definitely be a good time to kill her..." I thought to myself. "No one around...wouldn't matter anyways." I thought and looked at her. I pulled out my knife. I heard her slightly humming. It was almost incoherent. I paused for a moment and watched her innocence as she stung the flowers together. Her beauty was so memorizing. I felt my mouth hung open slightly in 'awe'. "Focus, Jeff get your shit together and cut her damn throat already!" I yelled I myself. I stood up and looked at her. I knew she could see me but she didn't turn as look at me. I pulled my knife out of my pocket and twirled in around in my fingers. "Kill her she's not even looking at you, nothing's stopping you."I said pimping myself up. I raised my knife up. "Jeff?" She called. I froze. She still wasn't looking at me. "Can you-....never mind..."she trailed off. I quickly tucked my blade in my pocket again. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I screamed at myself. "Tell me Y/n." I spoke almost sweetly and crouched down next to her. "Nothing never mind." She insisted. I sighed and pushed her over by her head. She fell in the grass and just laid there not phased by anything. She even continued to string the flowers together. "Why don't you stop being stubborn and tell me?" I asked and leaned over her still in my crouched position. She ignored me. I groaned loudly and dramatically threw myself on the grass to lay down next to her. I remember we used to do this as kids in the park. We stare at the sky for hours and see what we could make up from the clouds. "Y/n?" I called. "Hm." He lazily hummed in response. "What does that cloud look like to you?" I blurted out and pointed to a perfectly white cloud. It was quiet for a moment. "It looks like a cloud." She responded back and I frowned unamused. It was quiet again. " sort of looks like a turtle..." She added almost quietly. "Me too.." I smiled now. I pushed down some of the grass to see her. She looked over at me. "What?" She said almost snappy. I just smiled at her and let my hand off the grass allowing it to shelter her again. "You're so weird." She half chuckled. I smiled wider. It was just like when we were kids. I would always try to do things to catch her attention, I would always try to look at her or even just catch a glimpse of her and when she caught me looking she'd always ask 'what?' And when I always shook my head with a smile or tell her 'nothing' shed blushed and call me weird. She called me weird for the things she knew I had an explanation for but didn't want to explain to her. "Tell me what you were going to say." I particularly demanded. "You're never going to let it go are you?" She asked irritated. I could hear roll over and prop herself up on her elbows as she looked directly at me. I smirked and shook my head. She only rolled her eyes. "I was going to ask if you'd take me killing...I haven't gone since a day you guys brought me here."She said. "Why didn't you just ask me?"I asked confused. She shrugged and looked off into the distances. "You hate me...You wouldn't want to take me along with you so you'd say no. I'm surprised you even wanted to come for a walk with me without trying to murder me here..." She trailed off. I swallowed hard before letting out a nervous chuckle. I actually started to feel bad what I almost did earlier. I quickly stood and brushed off my hoodie and pants. I then looked to her and grabbed her arms, pulling her to her feet. She brushed herself off. "Come on..." I said grabbing her hand. She pulled back a bit. "Where are we going?" She asked worried. "I'm taking you killing, hurry before I change my mind." I threatened with empty words. She could have stood there all day and I still wouldn't have changed my mind....strangely enough, right now I just wanted to see her smile or just see her happy. She gave me a confused expression and cautiously walked to me. I grabbed her hand again and started running towards town. She surprising gripped her hand in mine. It was a weak grip but it's a start. "Maybe I was wrong, killing her isn't the best idea...I should just try to get her to trust me, I want to be her friend again, perhaps one day she'll allow me to be more." I thought to myself. I mentally crossed my fingers and hoped. All I knew is that I, Jeff the killer has been found Guilty of liking Y/n. I smiled to myself and ducked through a short cut.

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