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Your POV

I slowly behind to wake up, as my eyes flutter open I see a lamp is but Jeff is gone. I pull the sheet up with me as I sit up straight, covering myself. I looked to the table and see my clothes folded neatly and a small cup of water, in the water were flowers. They were 'Forget Me Nots'. I smiled and noticed a half folded paper under the glass so I decided to read it. It was from Jeff.

Hello my dearest,

I've given these flowers to you in hope you will never forget me. I remember you telling me it symbolizes true love, friendship and memories...everything I hope you never forget about me. Please know I'll love you no matter what.

P.s. Meet me in the meadow where we watched the stars


I smiled as I closed the letter and quickly got redressed appreciating how romantic he was being. I was truly lucky to have him.

I walked out the front door and shivered at the cold air that immediately brushed against my pale skin. I rubbed the palms of my arms against my bare arms for warmth and started my journey to the meadow, all the while I had this nervous feeling. I took it as though it was good nerves, Jeff always have me butterflies...but there was still this nagging feeling deep down telling me to just turn back but I knew I could trust Jeff, he wouldn't let anyone hurt me. Before I knew it I was at the meadow and Jeff was nowhere in sight. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around in caution and confusion. I was about to call out his name but I decided not to, I figured if he was near by he would have saw me and if not, it wouldn't have done any good yelling out to nothing. I walked to around the same place we were laying that one night and I sat down slowly still a bit on guard.

It was quiet and the earth seemed still, it was beautiful but eerie at the same time. I took a deep breath and looked around again. I was starting to get irritated. I groaned and laid back looking up at the clear blue sky, not even a cloud was in sight making it even less fun for me. I drowned and decided to close my eyes. "I swear this better be good...dragging me out here...keeping me waiting...where the heck is-" I stopped mumbling to myself when I heard a voice over me. "Don't worry darling, it'll be so good." I heard Jeff's voice and it was a bit different, it wasn't smooth and welcoming like the way he used to talk to was rough like when I first got here and we hated each other. I sat up quickly wondering what the hell was going on. "Jeff what are you-" he cut me off by straddling me and pinning my arms down beside my head. "Jeff! What are you doing!" I panicked and tried to wiggle free from under his grasp. "I'm doing this out of love." He laughed like a lunatic. He laughed the way he did that one night he killed my family. I clinched my jaw in anger and bit back tears of sadness. "What are you taking about?!" I yelled at him. He was now pinning both my wrists under one hand as he used his other hand to pull out his knife from his pocket. My heart sped up and I was desperately trying to think of a way to get out of here and away from him. "Jeff! Jeff stop this please!" I begged hoping he would snap out of this. A few tears split over and down my face. "Oh baby, don't cry, it'll only hurt for a little bit, but when you wake up, you'll feel fresh and brand new." He chuckled darkly and soon that turned into hysterical laughter. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. I turned my head back and forth trying to dodge his kiss. I wiggled my hands like crazy, thinking one of his hands weren't enough to hold down both of mine an sure enough one of my hands were free. I grabbed his wrist has he led the knife over me. He only smiled and pressed the knife down towards me and I pushed against his force with all my might. The tip of the knife was so close to the middle of my chest, I felt like it were only a matter of second before it tore open my skin and pierced my body. I pushed harder and gained more space between the knife and myself to which Jeff frowned slightly. "Don't fight it Y/n, you're making this harder than it should be." He scoffed. "Once this is over we can be together forever." He smiled wider than ever. He leaned down and regardless how hard I was turning my head away from him he caught my lips with his and kissed me and no matter how hard I tried to not like it, I still closed my eyes and kissed him back.

Jeff pushed his body weight down on the knife as he was leaning over me and kissing me. There was no way I had the strength to hold the knife back but before I knew what was happening I felt a sharp pain just below my chest, in the middle of my ribs. My eyes shot open from the pain as Jeff was still kissing me and even though I knew he only stabbed me with one knife, it felt like a hundred more knives were piercing my skin and body all over. Jeff pushed deeper and leaning away from me resting his forehead on mine. I could feel my body going into shock. There were so many things I wanted to say but I couldn't get the words from my brain to my mouth and air was getting hard to breath in now. I could taste an iron metallic liquid on my tongue and felt the blood spill out my mouth a bit, I gained the the small energy to cough and spit some out. Jeff pulled the knife out and I could feel the blade leaving my body and just as quick as that he plunged it back in, in a different spot. I gasped and my vision got blurry from tears and lack of oxygen I just couldn't seem to gather. "J-...Jeff..." I heard myself say. That isn't at all what I wanted to say but that's all I could get out of my mouth.

The pain was excruciating and I finally gave up. I closed my eyes and imagined this wasn't happening...I imagined I was laying on the grass looking at the stars...I surrendered to Jeff and let go.

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