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Your POV

I slowly awoke to the sun pouring in through the window. Jeff had a dark curtain but since I slept on the floor the sun dropped straight down through the bottom and right in my eyes. The floor was cold and I felt like I only got 20 minutes of sleep. I yawned and shivered against the brutality cold wood floors. "Nope, fuck this." I thought to myself and sat up. I saw that I had a pillow. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight and wondered who did it. "Well certainly not Jeff because, well not only did he say he hated me, he also tried to kill me before walking out of the mansion yesterday, and he also wished he would have killed me. I turned I look at Jeff only to see a big husky starring straight at me. He started to growl at me. "N-nice doggie...good doggie." I said and tried to stand up. I saw that Jeff was still sleeping under the blankets. "Jeff!" I violently whispered. "Get your dog." I added. Jeff laid still. " you're dead." I roll my eyes. The dog continued to growl and I slowly made my way around the bed to get to the door. Before I could open the door the dog lunged forward and made me fall to the floor. He began licking my face. "Ew, gross, get off." I said pushing the dog off. I opened the door and stepped outside only to see the dog chasing after me. "Oh god.." I said and started to run down the hall. I was almost to the stairs when someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into their room. The dog went running past the doorway as the door shut. I looked at the person to see it was EJ, he didn't have his mask on. He still didn't have eyes and the ooze still dropped but he had a nice smile. He was very attractive actually. "T-Thanks." I smiled awkwardly. "No problem...that means he likes you." He added and went to lay back down. "Also...I wouldn't go down stairs, we're having some guests over." He stated. I raised my eyebrow. "Are they down stairs now?" I asked. "Probably not, they like to show up late." He explained. I starred at EJ. He had his shirt off. He was very toned. "Ha..sorry, can you had me that shirt?" He said sitting up. "Sorry..." I blushed and Handed him his shirt. He pulled it over his head. His brown hair looked fluffy. "How did you sleep?" He asked. "Okay I guess." I shrugged and leaned back against the door. "You can sit down you know." He said looking at his bed and then me. " it's okay, I'm fine, thanks though." I smiled. "Did Jeff make you sleep on the floor?" EJ asked leaning back against his wall. "I choose to sleep on the floor." I said. EJ shook his head before there was a knock on the door. He stood to show he was wearing black sweats like mine and walked over to answer the door. "Have you seen-...oh there you are." Jeff said stepping in and looking at me. Jeff didn't have a shirt on and he showed to be very well toned and built. He also had just red boxers on. "Does everyone in this house sleep half naked?" I asked myself. I crossed my arms at Jeff. "You're mean to her Jeff, you made her sleep on the floor." EJ teased. "I didn't!" Jeff protested. "At least I gave her a pillow." He said crossing his arms back at me. I gave Jeff a wide eye look. "Well, if it ever gets to cold, there's always room in my bed." EJ said and smiled at me. I gave him a confused look before laughing a bit, Jeff also turned quickly to look at him. "Bed..bedroom I mean haha." EJ laughed. "Well, I'll have to remember that...although I like sleeping on the floor." I lied and slide past Jeff to get out the door. I heard EJ's door slam behind me and I was almost certain Jeff did that. I walked back to Jeff's room.

There on the bed was his dog. He's ears perked up as he heard me come in. "Stay." I demanded and pointed at him. He stayed but continued wagging his tail. He had a big smile on almost like Jeff's. "Like owner like dog." I laughed and approached the dog. I started to pet him. "At least you smell better than him." I laughed. "Sshh, don't tell him I said that." I told the dog. "Said what?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around. "Nothing." I said to Jeff. He glared at me. "Why were you in jack's room?" He asked casually as he walked to his bed. "I don't have to tell you anything." I said crossing my arms. "He said it was cause smile was chasing you." He explained. "Who?" I asked. "Smile, the dog." He said petting his dog now. "Well if he asked EJ, why did he ask me?" I thought to myself. "He was trying to lick me." I confessed. "EJ?"Jeff asked almost mad. "What? No, what's wrong with you?" I asked making a disgusted face. Jeff shrugged and laughed a bit. " you like him?" Jeff asked. "Who?" I asked wondering if he met smile or EJ. "What do you think?" He asked again. "I don't know dumb ass that's why I asked!" I yelled at him in my mind and mentally punched him. "Yeah, smile is pretty cute....definitely one of a kind." I said looking at his big smile. The husky wagged his tail. I notice Jeff was smiling, like actually smiling. "I thought you were going to say something about EJ..." He trailed off. I couldn't help but wonder why he sounded so relieved. "You're such a weirdo." I teased. I turn to walk away. You don't like him right?" He blurted out. "Huh?" I asked confused and turned around to look at Jeff. "You don't like EJ, right?" He said turning away from me. "I can't believe this guy....first he tries to kill me and then tries to act like we're friends again." I thought glaring at Jeff. "Why?" I asked irritated. I found EJ like a friend, I really didn't know to much about him in order to like him more than that. I really wasn't the type of person to date someone because of they're looks, but don't get my wrong EJ had the looks, it just wasn't right to like him or date him just because of that. "J-just asking, why can't you answer one question, you're so stupid!" Jeff shouted. His face was turing a bit red. "You're stupid!" I shouted back and walked out of the room.

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