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Your POV

It's been a month since Jeff and I've been dating, he doesn't look so worried but then again at times I'll catch him by himself where he just stares at the ground and sighs. Other then that everything with Jeff and I has been going really well. This is the happiest I've ever been and I know he'd say the same...because he reminds me everyday. I know we have that kind of love that comes once in a life time.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Jeff sitting on the counter eating a sandwich. He gave a 'what's up' nod and winked at me making me smile. "Hi babe." He said with his mouth full before swallowing. Liu walked in with Helen. "Hey." Liu gave off almost weakly. "Hello." Helen spoke like he was in a good mood. "Hi." I said to both of them offering a smile. "I still can't believe you guys are dating." Liu said opening the fridge. "Could you shut up?" Jeff growled. Liu gave him a confused look, as well as I. He seemed to get upset when people talked about it. Helen looked to Jeff and then Liu. "I still think she should date me." Sully spoke. Jeff hopped off the counter and I walked over to him trying to c him down. "I mean...with the rule and all, if I know you any better, I don't think you can handle the urge to stop stabbing-" Sully was cut off by Jeff yelling. "Shut up! You shut the fuck up Sully, you don't know anything about me, I suggest you stop talking shut before I personal kill you myself!" Jeff said trying to walk over to Liu, but I was pulling him back by his sweater and trying to weight him down. "Stop sully." Liu demanded. "You know it's true, he's a monster and he doesn't deserve her!" Sully yelled back. Jeff extended his arm and punched him in the face. He crashed to the ground and Jeff straddled him, continuing to punch him right after left. Helen helped me pull Jeff off as stood Liu up. Blood was all over his mouth and Liu pushed Jeff back. I knew that was Sully though. Jeff yanked his knife from his hoodie pocket as Sully grabbed another knife off the counter. "Guys stop! Jeff just walk away!" I begged. Jeff was was just focused on Sully, I could see in his eyes he was switched to 'kill mode'. Helen true to pull Sully away but he lunged forward catching Jeff off guard, slicing him on his arm right above his elbow. Jeff groaned in pain but didn't take his eyes of his brother. "Jeff, I'm sorry." Liu pleaded. Jeff ignored him and sliced forward slicing Liu's shoulder a bit. Sully lunged forward again but Jeff tackled him. Helen circled them trying I find away to pry them apart without getting cut of stabbed. I hurt Jeff groan in pain louder as Sully stabbed half the knife in Jeff's side. My eyes watered. "Jeff!" I cried. Jeff pulled the knife out as he held his breath. Jeff raised both the knives and was about to bring ten down on Liu but slender walked in. "What in the name of hell is all this unnecessary shouting for children?" He asked and finally spotted Jeff on Liu. Jeff didn't care though, he raised the knives back up and I saw Slender's black tentacle wrap around Jeff's waist. He shouted in pain. "No! He's hurt." I explained through tears. Slender teleported away and I stood up ready to run after them but Helen stopped me. "No, let me go, let me go!" I cried. "Give them a minute, slender won't hurt him." He said refusing to release me even though I was trying to fight my way past him. Eventually I gave up and fell to the ground, leaning against the cabinets. "Ugh!" I growled and punched the wood floors. "Don't do that, it wouldn't help Jeff knowing you were hurt too." Helen explained coming down to eye level with me. I frowned knowing he was right. I stood up and walked to the front door in anger.

I sat on the porch railing. "Why is Jeff so stubborn." I mumbled to myself before releasing a frustrated sigh. "Doesn't he know he doesn't have fight everyone?" I thought to myself. I spotted smile off in the distances smelling around on the ground. He started barking and chased what seemed to be a squirrel, I sighed again. "Like owner like dog." I spoke out loud and half glared at smile. "I wish that Jeff wasn't so hurts me too when he gets hurt." I thought to myself. I groaned out loud again in frustration and put my head in my hands. I heard the door behind me open. "I think that's the 4th time I heard you do that." I heard Jack chuckle. I stayed quiet. "Helen told me what happened." He said awkwardly trying to start a conversation, I stayed quiet again. He sighed and closed the door behind himself as he walked up to the side of me, leaning his arms on the railing. "Jeff will be should've seen how many fights he'd get into when he was new. He wanted to fight anything and everything and anyone." Jack chuckled. I turned slightly to look at him before sighing and facing forward again. "Why does he do that?" I mumbled. "Well...I don't know...I think that's how he copes with things." He explained. "Jeff is a little messed up...more messed up than others. When he first got here he was so angry. He was actually too angry to even be around people. With all that anger I think he had to pay it off with something, thus leading to thrashed rooms, fights with strangers or friends. I use so talk to him a lot, kind of like the way I'm talking to you now and it'd help....sometimes...but other times he'd yell in my face and push me out of his room, sometimes even rough me up here and there." He explained. Jack was a good person and very good friend to Jeff. I was happy Jeff had someone around to help him. "What did you do then?" I asked. Jack sighed. "Well, to be honest, I used to get mad back at him and punch him back and call him names, but I eventually realized he's already hurting, he just wants a friend but doesn't know how to ask for one. So...when he punched me I continuously told him it was going to be okay. After he cooled down he'd come to me later and apologize. Jeff is the type that blacks out in rage and isn't aware of his actions until after they've been done." He continued. I couldn't help but think about my auntie Jean and how if she were here, she could help him. "Jeff has his own internal storm and personally, I think he hurts himself more than he hurts others......he's gotten better, a lot better, since you got here, and now that you guys are dating he's been more patient and calm. Before you, he couldn't even be in the same house with his brother, now, they say hi to each other when they walk into the same room." Jack spoke in a tone that made me think he was smiling. I smiled a bit too. I felt bad for Jeff. "He really isn't as bad as he looks or acts." Jack spoke again referring to Jeff and he was right, he wasn't a bad person at all. "You're right." I said turning to Jack. I jumped off the railing. "Thanks for your help." I hugged him. He hugged back. "Don't worry." He chuckled. "I think Jeff's in his room now." Jack said releasing me. I smiled up at him and went back inside the house.

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