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Jeff's POV

I could feel myself stabbing her over and over and over again but I couldn't stop, it was like I was out of my own body, watching myself kill her...and I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't do anything about it.

She laid limp and I wondered if it was to late, if I had killed her all the way. Tears filled my eyes and I slowed my stabbing and grabbed her shirt in my hands, lifting her up to me and wrapping my arms around her. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I'm doing." I whimpered. I couldn't feel her breathing at all and I hoped she pasted out. I put my ear to her chest to hear a heart beat but heard nothing. My eyes watered more and my bottom lip trembled. I laid her back in the grass that was moist from her blood. I began to panic and search for her pulse on her neck and then wrist. "Fuck! No. No....no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, Y/N!!" I grabbed at her and frantically cried against her chest. "Wake up, wake up, Y/n come on you have to wake up." I cried so bad I could hardly understand myself. "Please....please....please....PLEASE YOU HAVE TO!" I rocked back and forth with her limp body in my lap. I kissed her all over her face and on her lips but there was no response only making me cry more. "What have I done! I'm so sorry, please get up, come on!" I begged an held her close to me as if she was going to hear me and sit up telling me everything was okay. I hoped and prayed this was all a bad dream.

I killed all my life...I've killed so many people and things...nobody ever said it was going to be this hard. I didn't know I'd feel this much pain. I thought this was going to be easy considering I do it on the daily...

I brought her closer to me and kissed her forehead, moving some hair from her face. A thin trail of blood trickled down from the corner of her mouth and I shook with anxiety, fear and anger. "You have to be alive." I mumbled refusing to give up on her. I lifted her up and ran through the forest again back to the mansion.

I kicked open the front door and yelled frantically. "SLENDERMAN HELP ME!!" I ran into the main hallway making Ben run to me first straight of out the living room. "What's going- JEFF WHAT THE HELL?!" He panicked and gripped his hair in his hands. "I've done something bad...." I fell to my knees and held her close with a death grip. "SLENDER! EJ! SOMEBODY!" Ben called running up stairs. "Come quick...Jeff just killed Y/n." Ben said with horror drinking from every word. My heart broken with his last sentence. Toby, Hoodie and Maksy came running in from the kitchen. They froze once they saw me hunched over Y/n rocking her back and forth crying hysterically. "Oh God why? How could I do this, why am I like this?!" I pleaded. "Jeff...it's okay, it's going to be okay." Masky spoke in a concerned way and tried to approach me. He extended a hand to Y/n swing my knife at him. He pulled his hand away barely in time. "Don't. Touch. Her." I said in rage. As soon as I knew EJ came running down skipping steps and Slender came ever so calm behind me. "Oh my God." EJ froze when he got to the bottom of the stairs. I noticed Sally was watching from the top of the stairs. I looked around at all the faces in the room. "Help me." I choked on my tears. Slender bent down next to her and reached for her too. "Don't touch her!" I said in anger again but this time I started to cry hard too. I crawled us back into a corner and wrapped my legs and arms around her as if to protect her, still rocking back and forth. "Child...how do you wish me to help her if I can not touch her?" He asked trying to be very understanding. I calmed down for a minute thinking about it. "...okay..." I whispered. He slowly walked over to me in the corner and bent down carefully. He brushed some hair away from her neck and checked for a pulse. "The pulse is there but it's faint." He stated and my heart sped up in hope. He moved his hand to her forehead. "She's burning up we need to get her to a bed. Now." He said stern. He stood as black tentacles stretched from his back as coiled around every possible part of Y/n I could wrap myself around. "No!" I shouted making my voice echo through the house. He tried to pull her from me but I refused to let go. "I said no!" Slender began to pull a little harder as Masky and Hoodie came over to pry my hand off. "You're hurting her Jeff. Let her go, we can help her." I heard EJ who was right next to me now. "No y-you don't understand." I whimpered. "I do Jeff, I do...it's okay...let go." He said putting his Han on my shoulder. My grip loosened and more tears streamed down my face. Slender saw his chance and finally pulled her from me. I could feel the material of her shirt leave my hands and the touch of her skin was gone. I felt empty all over the place an I hated myself more than ever. Slender teleported away and I brought my knees up to my chest. I could feel everyone starring at me but I didn't care I bawled my eyes out and cried like a baby. I didn't care. I lost it.

I punched walls and kicked doors. I flipped the couch over and smashed the lamp in the living room. I broke a few chairs in the dining room. "Jeff...stop, you have to calm down, none of this is going to help Y/n." I heard EJ come over to me as I was throwing my fit. All the others were fleeing room any room I walked into.

"You seriously have to calm down...Y/n wouldn't want you like this." EJ stated and my fists fell down to the side of my standing figure. I was breathing heavily from anger. My head was hot and it hurt. I feel to my knees and gripped my hair hard, letting out a yell of rage.

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